Structuring code


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can we create simpler and more modular codes?

  • Explain the expression “separation of concerns”

  • Explain the expression “levels of abstractions”

  • Explain the expression “dataflow”

  • Analyze an algorithm for levels of abstractions, separable concerns and dataflow

  • Create focussed, modular algorithms

Intelligible code?

Intelligible: Able to be understood; comprehensible

Code is meant to be read by an audience who has infinite knowledge and an infinite capacity for misunderstanding:

This audience is future-you reading past-you’s code.

Intelligible code aims to:

Levels of abstraction

Scientific papers come with separate levels of details:

Similarly, code should be written with a structure separating different levels of details:

def analyse(input_path):
    data = load_data(input_path)

    # special fix for bad data point
    data[0].x["january"] = 0

    results = process_data(data)
    return results

The “special fix” mixes levels of abstraction. Our top level function now depends on the structure of data. If the way data is stored changes (a low level detail) we now also need to change analyse which is a high level function directing the flow of the program.

Separable concerns

Scientific papers come with separate sections dealing with separate concerns, e.g.:

Similarly, code should be written with a structure separating separable concerns:

def main():
  # reading input files is one thing
  data = read_input(filename)

  # creating complex objects is another
  section_I = SectionI(data)

  # compute is still something else
  result_I = section_I.compute(some_value)

  # Saving data is another

def read_input(filename):
  """ Reads input data from file. """

def save(data, filename="saveme.h5"):
  """ Saves output data to file. """

class SectionI
  """ Runs experiment """
  def __init__(self, some_array):
      self.some_array = some_array

  def compute(self, y):
      """ Just does compute, nothing more, nothing less. """

In the code above we have made some choices:

A few examples of what not to do.

Mixing reading files and creating objects

Objects that do need files to be created are hard to create and re-create, especially during testing.

class SectionI
    def __init__(self, some_array):
        self.some_array = array
        # BAD!! Now you need to carry this file around every time you want to
        # instantiate SectionI = read_aaa("")

Mixing computing stuff and IO

Below, it the compute has a hidden baggage: it can’t operate without reading from file. It’s not a pure function of self, b, and filename. Run it twice with exactly the same self and the same b and the same filename, and the results might still be different.

It creates file artifacts. Littering is a crime and hidden files are litter.

class SectionI
    def run(self, b, filename=""):
        # BAD!! hidden dependency on the content of the file
        aaa = read_aaa(filename)
        # BAD! Compute functions should not litter.
        save(result, "somefile")
        return result

Splitting concerns too far

It’s unfortunately common to find objects that need to be created and setup in several steps. This is an anti-pattern (We’ll discuss patterns in a bit), i.e. something that should be avoided. Creating an object is one thing and one thing only. It should be fully usable right after creation.

sectionI = SectionI(...)

# BAD! just put the initialization in SectionI.__init__
results =

Paper vs code

Code should be organized the same way as the paper it will produce. If a concept X is described in one section, and concept Y in another, then X should be one function or class, and Y another.

That’s because the primary purpose of paper and code is to communicate with other people, including your future self.


A code is a sequence of transformations on data, e.g.:

  1. data measurements is read from input
  2. data a and b are produced from measurements, independently
  3. data result is produced from a and b

The code should reflect that structure:

def read_experiment(filename):
    return measurements

def compute_a(measurements):
    return a

def compute_b(measurements):
    return b

def compute_result(a, b):
    return result
  1. One function to read Experiment
  2. One function/class to compute a: It takes measurements as input and returns the result a
  3. One function/class to compute b: It takes measurements as input and returns the result b
  4. One function/class to compute Result: It takes a and b as input and returns the result result:

Here are things that should not happen:

Unnecessary arguments and tangled dependencies

Did we not say the result depends on a and b alone? The next programmer to look at the code (e.g. future you) won’t know that. Computing result is no longer separate from measurements.

# BAD! Unnecessary arguments. Now result depends on a, b, experiment
def compute_result(a, b, experiment):

Modifying an input argument

If possible avoid doing this.

def compute_a(measurements):
    measurements[1] *= 2

def compute_b(measurements):
    measurements[1] *= 0.5

Now compute_a has to take place before compute_b because compute_a chose to modify it’s argument, and thus compute_b was hacked to undo the damage. To get b the data is now forced to flow first through compute_a.

Some languages unfortunately are designed so sometimes you don’t have any choice but to modify an input argument. Still, wherever possible avoid doing it.

Global variables

Avoid the use global variables, when possible. They make the dataflow complex by essence.


def compute_a(measurements):

    return result

Now the result of compute_a has a hidden dependency. It’s never clear whether calling it twice with the same input (measurements) will yield the same result.

In general make sure that all variables have the most limited scope possible. If they’re only needed within a single function define them there. Wherever possible treat variables with wide scope as constants (or make them actual constants if your language supports it) so you know they’re not being modified anywhere.

Dear Fortran 90 users

Module variables are global. They can be modified anywhere, anytime. It’s best not to use them.

Disentangling a recipe (10 min)

Disentangle the recipe below into separable concerns and level of details. Ensure the flow of ingredients from transform to transform to final dish is clear.

  1. Write the solution as a recipe. Be sure to delete steps and information irrelevant to the recipe. Deleting code is GOOD! (if it’s under version control)
  2. Can you identify different levels of abstractions?
  3. Can you identify different concerns?
  4. Can you identify what is data and what are transformations of the data?
  5. Write the solution as pseudo-code in your favorite language. Pseudo-code doesn’t have to run, but it has to make sense. Or write a solution as a diagram, if that’s your thing (e.g. UML, Sequence diagram).
  6. Can you spot inconsistencies in the original recipe? That’s what happens when code is copy-pasted. Invariably, versions diverge until each has set of unique bugs, as well as bugs in common.
### Tarte au Nutella

Poor the preparation onto the dough. Wait for it to cool. Once it is cool,
sprinkle with icing sugar.

The dough is composed of 250g of flour, 125g of butter and one egg yolk. It
should be blind-baked at 180°C until golden brown.

The preparations consists of 200g of Nutella, 3 large spoonfuls of crème
fraîche, 2 egg yolks and 20g of butter.

Add the Nutella and the butter to a pot where you have previously mixed the
crème fraîche, the egg yolk and the vanilla extract. Cook and mix on low heat
until homogeneous.

The dough, a pâte sablée, is prepared by lightly mixing by hand a pinch of
salt, 250g of flour and 125g of diced butter until the butter is mostly all
absorbed. Then add the egg yolk and 30g of cold water. The dough should look
like coarse sand, thus its name.

Spread the dough into a baking sheet. If using it for a pie with a pre-cooked
or raw filling, first cook the dough blind at 200°C until golden brown. If the
dough and filling will be cooked together you can partially blind-cook the
dough at 180°C for 15mn for added crispiness.

Enjoy! It's now ready to serve!

Key Points

  • Code is read more often than written

  • The structure of the code should follow a well written explanation of its algorithm

  • Separate level of abstractions (or details) in a problem must be reflected in the structure of the code, e.g. with separate functions

  • Separable concerns (e.g. reading an input file to create X, creating X, computing stuff with X, saving results to file) must be reflected in the structure of the code