Tools III: Linters


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How to make the editor pro-actively find errors and code-smells

  • Remember how to install and use a linter in vscode without sweat

What is linting?

Linters enforce style rules on your code such as:

Consistent styles make a code more consistent and easier to read, whether or not you agree with the style. Using an automated linter avoids bike-shedding since the linter is the final arbiter.

Linters can also catch common errors such as:

Why does linting matter?

Rules for choosing linters

  1. Choose one or more
  2. Stick with them

We chose:

Checkout Awesome Linters to see the range of linters available for different languages.

Exercise (10 min)

Setup VS Code:

  1. Return to (now nicely formatted) in VS Code.
  2. The output of the configured linters is shown displayed by coloured underlining in the editor, coloured vertical sections of the scroll bar and in the bottom status bar. Mouse over the underlined sections of the editor to see the reason for each.
  3. Check the current errors (click on errors in status bar at the bottom).
  4. Understand why each error is present and try to correct them.
  5. Alternatively, try and disable them (but remember: with great power…). We’ve already disabled-one at the function scope level. Check what happens if you move it to the top of the file at the module level.

Key Points

  • Linting is about discovering errors and code-smells before running the code

  • It shortcuts the “edit-run-debug and repeat” workflow

  • Almost all editors and IDEs have some means to setup automatic linting

  • 5 minutes to setup a linter is redeemed across the time of the project i.e. the cost is close to nothing