Data Structures


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 25 min
  • How can data structures simplify codes?

  • Understand why different data structures exist

  • Recall common data structures

  • Recognize where and when to use them

What is a data structure?

data structure: represents information and how that information can be accessed

Choosing the right representation for your data can vastly simplify your code and increase performance.

Choosing the wrong representation can melt your brain. Slowly.


The number 2 is represented with the integer 2

>>> type(2)

Acceptable behaviors for integers include +, -, *, /

>>> 1 + 2
>>> 1 - 2

On the other hand, text is represented by a string

>>> type("text")

It does not accept all the same behaviours as an integer:

>>> "a" + "b"
>>> "a" * "b"
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'

Integers can be represented as strings, but their behaviours would be unexpected:

>>> "1" + "2"

With integers, + is an addition, for strings it’s a concatenation.

Health impact of choosing the wrong data structure

Stay healthy. Stop and choose the right data structure for you!

Priorities for Choosing Data Structures

We’ve discussed how the incorrect data structure can make your code more complicated and also give worse performance. Quite often these two factors are aligned - the right data structure will combine simple code with the best performance. This isn’t always true however. In some cases simplicity and performance will be in tension with one another. A good maxim to apply here is “Premature optimization is the root of all evil”. This philosophy states that keeping your code simple and elegant should be your primary goal. Choosing a data structure based on performance or other considerations should only be considered where absolutely necessary.

Basic data structures

Different languages provide different basic structures depending on the purpose for which they were designed. We will consider here some of the basic data structures available in Python for which equivalents can be found in most other languages.


Lists are containers of other data:

# List of integers
[1, 2, 3]
# List of strings
["a", "b", "b"]
# List of lists of integers
[[1, 2], [2, 3]]

Lists make sense when:

Beware! The following might indicate a list is the wrong data structure:


Python also has tuples which are very similar to lists. The main difference is that tuples are immutable which means that they can’t be altered after creation.

>>> a = ("a", "b")
>>> a[0] = "c"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

Other languages

  • C++:
    • std::vector, fast read-write to element i and fast iteration operations. Slow insert operation.
    • std::list. No direct access to element i. Fast insert, append, splice operations.
  • R: list
  • Julia: Array, also equivalent to numpy arrays.
  • Fortran: array, closer to numpy arrays than python lists


Sets are containers where each element is unique:

>>> set([1, 2, 2, 3, 3])
{1, 2, 3}

They make sense when:

Something to bear in mind with sets is that, depending on your language, they may or may not be ordered. In Python sets are unordered i.e. the elements of a set cannot be accessed via an index, but sets in other languages may allow this.

Other languages


Dictionaries are mappings between a key and a value (e.g. a word and its definition).

# mapping of animals to legs
{"horse": 4, "kangaroo": 2, "millipede": 1000}

They make sense when:

Beware! The following might indicate a dict is the wrong data structure:

Other languages

Basic Data Structure Practice (15 min)

You’re writing a piece of code to track the achievements of players of a computer game. You’ve been asked to design the data structures the code will use. The software will need the following data structures as either a list, a dictionary or a set:

  • A collection containing all possible achievements
  • A collection for each player containing their achievements in the order they were obtained (assume no duplicates)
  • A collection relating player names to their achievements

You’re also told that the following operations on these datastructures will be needed:

  • get a player’s achievements
  • get a player’s first achievement
  • add a new achievement for a player
  • get the number of achievements a player doesn’t have yet
  • get a collection of the achievements a player doesn’t have yet
  • find the achievements “player1” has that “player2” doesn’t

Implement the data structures as seems most appropriate and populate them with some example data. Then have a go at writing code for some of the necessary operations. If you picked the right structures, each action should be able to be implemented as a single line of code.


all_achievements = {"foo", "bar", "baz"}

player_achievements = {
    "player1": ["foo", "baz"],
    "player2": [],
    "player3": ["baz"],

# get a player's achievements

# get a player's first achievement

# add a new achievement to a player's collection

# get the number of achievements a player doesn't have yet
len(all_achievements) - len(player_achievements["player2"])

# get a collection of the achievements a player doesn't have yet

# find the achievements player1 has that player2 doesn't

Notice that for the last action we had to turn a list into a set. This isn’t a bad thing but if we were having to do it a lot that might be a sign we’d chosen an incorrect data structure.

Advanced data structures

Whilst basic data structures provide the fundamental building blocks of a piece of software, there are many more sophisticated structures suited to specialised tasks. In this section we’ll take a brief look at a variety of different data structures that provide powerful interfaces to write simple code.

Getting access to advanced data structures often involves installing additional libraries. As a rule of thumb, for any data structure you can think of somebody will already have published an implementation of it and its strongly recommended to use an available version rather than try to write one from scratch. We’ve discussed the best approach to managing dependencies for a project already.

Pandas Data Frames

The excellent and very powerful Panda’s package is the go to resource for dealing with tabular data. Anything you might think of using Excel for, Panda’s can do better. It leans heavily on NumPy for efficient numerical operations whilst providing a high level interface for dealing with rows and columns of data via pandas.DataFrame.

# working with tabular data in nested lists

data = [
    ["col1", "col2", "col3"],
    [0, 1, 2],
    [6, 7, 8],
    [0, 7, 8],

# get a single row or column
row = data[0]
col = [row[data[0].index("col1")] for row in data]

# filter out rows where col1 != 0
[data[0]] + [row for row in data[1:] if row[0] == 0]

# operate on groups of rows based on the value of col1
for val in set([row[0] for row in data[1:]]):
    rows = [row for row in data[1:] if row[0] == val]

# vs

import pandas as pd

# many flexible ways to create a dataframe e.g. import from csv, but here we
# use the use the existing data.
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0])

# get a single row or column
row = dataframe.iloc[0]
col = dataframe["col1"]

# filter out rows where col1 != 0
dataframe[dataframe["col1"] == 0]

# operate on groups of rows based on the value of col1


A common requirement across many fields is working with data points within a 2d, 3d or higher dimensioned space where you often need to work with distances between points. It is tempting in this case to reach for lists or arrays but balltrees provide an interesting and very performant alternative in some cases. An implementation is provided in Python by the scikit-learn library.

# Which point is closest to the centre of a 2-d space?

points = [
    [0.1, 0.1],
    [1.0, 0.1],
    [0.2, 0.2],
    [0.1, 0.3],
    [0.9, 0.2],
    [0.2, 0.3],
centre = [0.5, 0.5] # centre of our space

# Using lists

distances = []
for i, point in enumerate(points):
    dist = ((centre[0] - point[0])**2 + (centre[1] - point[1])**2)**0.5

smallest_dist = sorted(distances)[0]
nearest_index = distances.index(smallest_dist)

# vs

from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree

balltree = BallTree(points)
smallest_dist, nearest_index = balltree.query([centre], k=1)

Graphs and Networks

Another type of data structure that spans many different research domains are graphs/networks. There are many complex algorithms that can be applied to graphs so checkout the NetworkX library for its data structures.

edges = [
    [0, 1],
    [1, 2],
    [2, 4],
    [3, 1]

# Using lists

# get the degree (number of connected edges) of node 1

degree_of_1 = 0
for edge in edges:
    if 1 in edge:
        degree_of_1 += 1

# vs

import networkx as nx

graph = nx.Graph(edges)

# get the degree (number of connected edges) of node 1[1]

# easy to perform more advanced graph operations e.g.

Custom data structures: Data classes

Python (>= 3.7) makes it easy to create custom data structures.

>>> from typing import List, Text
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> @dataclass
... class MyData:
...   a_list: List[int]
...   b_string: Text = "something something"
>>> data = MyData([1, 2])
>>> data
MyData(a_list=[1, 2], b_string='something something')
>>> data.a_list
[1, 2]

Data classes make sense when:

Beware! The following might indicate a dataclass is the wrong data structure:

Exploring data structures

Take some time to read in more detail about any of the data structures covered above or those below:

  • deques
  • named tuples
  • counters
  • dates
  • enum represent objects that can only take a few values, e.g. colors. Often useful for configuration options.
  • numpy arrays (multidimensional array of numbers)
  • xarray arrays (multi-dimensional arrays that can be indexed with rich objects, e.g. an array indexed by dates or by longitude and latitude, rather than by the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3)
  • xarray datasets (collections of named xarray arrays that share some dimensions.)

Don’t reinvent the square wheel.

Digital Oxford Dictionary, the wrong way and the right way (10 min)

  1. Implement an oxford dictionary with two lists, one for words, one for definitions:

     barf: (verb) eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
     morph: (verb) change shape as via computer animation
     scarf: (noun) a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth
       or decoration
     snarf: (verb) make off with belongings of others
     sound: |
       (verb) emit or cause to emit sound.
       (noun) vibrations that travel through the air or another medium
     surf: |
       (verb) switch channels, on television
       (noun) waves breaking on the shore
  2. Given a word, find and modify its definition
  3. Repeat 1. and 2. with a dict as the datastructure.
  4. Create a subset dictionary (including definitions) of words rhyming with “arf” using either the two-list or the dict implementation
  5. If now we want to also encode “noun” and “verb”, what data structure could we use?
  6. What about when there are multiple meanings for a verb or a noun?

Dictionary implemented with lists

def modify_definition(word, newdef, words, definitions):
    index = words.index(word)
    definitions = definitions.copy()
    definitions[index] = newdef
    return definitions

def find_rhymes(rhyme, words, definitions):
    result_words = []
    result_definitions = []
    for word, definition in zip(words, definitions):
        if word.endswith(rhyme):
    return result_words, result_definitions

def testme():

    words = ["barf", "morph", "scarf", "snarf", "sound", "surf"]
    definitions = [
        "(verb) eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth",
        "(verb) change shape as via computer animation",
            "(noun) a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for"
            "warmth or decoration"
        "(verb) make off with belongings of others",
            "(verb) emit or cause to emit sound."
            "(noun) vibrations that travel through the air or another medium"
            "(verb) switch channels, on television"
            "(noun) waves breaking on the shore"

    newdefs = modify_definition("morph", "aaa", words, definitions)
    assert newdefs[1] == "aaa"

    rhymers = find_rhymes("arf", words, definitions)
    assert set(rhymers[0]) == {"barf", "scarf", "snarf"}
    assert rhymers[1][0] == definitions[0]
    assert rhymers[1][1] == definitions[2]
    assert rhymers[1][2] == definitions[3]

Dictionary implemented with a dictionary

def modify_definition(word, newdef, dictionary):
    result = dictionary.copy()
    result[word] = newdef
    return result

def find_rhymes(rhyme, dictionary):
    return {
        word: definition
        for word, definition in dictionary.items()
        if word.endswith(rhyme)

def testme():

    dictionary = {
        "barf": "(verb) eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth",
        "morph": "(verb) change shape as via computer animation",
        "scarf": (
            "(noun) a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for"
            "warmth or decoration"
        "snarf": "(verb) make off with belongings of others",
        "sound": (
            "(verb) emit or cause to emit sound."
            "(noun) vibrations that travel through the air or another medium"
        "surf": (
            "(verb) switch channels, on television"
            "(noun) waves breaking on the shore"

    newdict = modify_definition("morph", "aaa", dictionary)
    assert newdict["morph"] == "aaa"

    rhymers = find_rhymes("arf", dictionary)
    assert set(rhymers) == {"barf", "scarf", "snarf"}
    for word in {"barf", "scarf", "snarf"}:
        assert rhymers[word] == dictionary[word]

More complex data structures for more complex dictionary

There can be more than one good answer. It will depend on how the dictionary is meant to be used later throughout the code.

Below we show three possibilities. The first is more deeply nested. It groups all definitions together for a given word, whether that word is a noun or a verb. If more often than not, it does not matter so much what a word is, then it might be a good solution. The second example flatten the dictionary by making “surf” the noun different from “surf” the verb. As a result, it is easier to access a word with a specific semantic category, but more difficult to access all definitions irrespective of their semantic category.

One pleasing aspect of the second example is that together things that are unlikely to change one one side (word and semantic category), and a less precise datum on the other (definitions are more likely to be refined).

The third possibility is a pandas DataFrame with three columns. It’s best suited to big-data problems where individual words (rows) are seldom accessed one at a time. Instead, most operations are carried out over subsets of the dictionary.

from typing import Text
from enum import Enum, auto
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pandas import DataFrame, Series

class Category(Enum):
    NOUN = auto
    VERB = auto

class Definition:
    category: Category
    text: Text

first_example = {
    "barf": [
            Category.VERB, "eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth"
    "morph": [
            Category.VERB, "(verb) change shape as via computer animation"
    "scarf": [
            "a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for"
            "warmth or decoration",
    "snarf": Definition(Category.VERB, "make off with belongings of others"),
    "sound": [
        Definition(Category.VERB, "emit or cause to emit sound."),
            "vibrations that travel through the air or another medium",
    "surf": [
        Definition(Category.VERB, "switch channels, on television"),
        Definition(Category.NOUN, "waves breaking on the shore"),

# frozen makes Word immutable (the same way a tuple is immutable)
# One practical consequence is that dataclass will make Word work as a
# dictionary key: Word is hashable
class Word:
    word: Text
    category: Text

second_example = {
        "barf", Category.VERB
    ): "eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth",
    Word("morph", Category.VERB): "change shape as via computer animation",
    Word("scarf", Category.NOUN): (
        "a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for"
        "warmth or decoration"
    Word("snarf", Category.VERB): "make off with belongings of others",
    Word("sound", Category.VERB): "emit or cause to emit sound.",
        "sound", Category.NOUN
    ): "vibrations that travel through the air or another medium",
    Word("surf", Category.VERB): "switch channels, on television",
    Word("surf", Category.NOUN): "waves breaking on the shore",

# Do conda install pandas first!!!
import pandas as pd

third_example = pd.DataFrame(
        "words": [
        "definitions": [
            "eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth",
            "change shape as via computer animation",
                "a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for"
                "warmth or decoration"
            "make off with belongings of others",
            "emit or cause to emit sound.",
            "vibrations that travel through the air or another medium",
            "switch channels, on television",
            "waves breaking on the shore",
        "category": pd.Series(
            ["verb", "verb", "noun", "verb", "verb", "noun", "verb", "noun"],

Key Points

  • Data structures are the representation of information the same way algorithms represent logic and workflows

  • Using the right data structure can vastly simplify code

  • Basic data structures include numbers, strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries and sets.

  • Advanced data structures include numpy array and panda dataframes

  • Classes are custom data structures