Committing and History


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How do I start a project using Git?

  • How do I record changes made in a project?

  • How do I view the history of a project?

  • How can I correct mistakes I make with Git?

  • Explain how and why Git must be configured

  • Explain what a repository is

  • List the commands used to create a Git commit

  • Describe the difference between the working directory, staging area and index

  • Use a commit history to find information about a repository

  • List the commands that can be used to undo previous commits

  • Explain potential issues with rewriting the commit history

First Things First

You should have already completed the setup instructions for this workshop and have Git installed. Launch a command line environment (in Windows launch “Git Bash” from the Start Menu, on Linux or Mac start a new Terminal). We will use this command line interface throughout these materials. We focus on teaching Git with the command line as we believe this is the most thorough and portable way to communicate the underlying concepts.

You can use the command line to interact with Git but there is still some extra information you must provide before it is ready to use. Enter the below commands using your relevant personal information as required (don’t type the $).

$ git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
$ git config --global ""

The information provided here will be included with every snapshot you record with Git. In collaborative projects this is used to distinguish who has made what changes. The --global part of the command sets this information for any projects on which you might work on this computer. Therefore you only need to perform the above commands once for each new computer Git is installed on.

The Command Line Interface

For users not generally familiar with using command line interfaces its worth taking a moment to consider the commands that were just run. To understand what we just did lets break down the first command:

  1. git
    • This simply indicates to the command line that we want to something with Git.
    • All commands that we use today will start with this.
  2. config
    • Git is a very powerful tool with lots of functionality so next we need to indicate what we want to do with it.
    • Putting config indicates we want to change something about how Git is configured.
  3. --global
    • Parts that start with dashes are called flags and are used to fine tune the behaviour of the command given.
    • The role of the --global flag is explained above.
    • Finally we tell Git what we want to configure and the details to use.

Creating a Repository

Warning for Linux and MacOS users!

Before you move onto this exercise, you should run the following command:

$ git config --global core.autocrlf input

This will stop git recording changes to line endings, which can – depending on which text editor you’re using – result in git erroneously thinking every line in a file has changed.

For a longer explanation of why this may be needed, see GitHub’s comprehensive explanation here.

Now that Git is ready to use lets see how to start using it with a new project. In Git terminology a project is called a repository (frequently shortened to repo).

For this workshop you were provided with a zip file. If you have not already, please download it and place it in your home directory. The zip file contains a directory called recipe which in turn contains 2 files - and This is the project we’ll be working with, whilst not based on code this recipe for guacamole is an intuitive example to illustrate the functionality of Git. To extract the archive run the below command:

$ unzip

Then change the working directory of the terminal the newly created recipe directory:

$ cd recipe

You’ll need to repeat cd recipe if you open a new command line interface. Feel free to open and and take a look at them (use a normal file browser if you’re not comfortable doing this on the command line). Files with a .md extension are using a format called Markdown, don’t worry about this now, for our immediate purposes these are just text files. Use of Markdown and Github will come up in the next session however.

To start using Git with our recipe we need to create a repository for it. Make sure the current working directory for your terminal is recipe and run:

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/username/recipe/.git/

The path you see in the output will vary depending on your operating system.

master and main branches

Traditionally, the default branch name whenever you init a repository was master. However, the sensitivity of the online community has shifted lately and some tools, like GitHub, use now main as the default name instead. You can read the rationale in this link.

If you are using git verison 2.28 or higher (you can find the version you are using with git --version) you can change the default branch name for all new repositories with:

$ git config --global init.defaultBranch main

For existing repositories or if your git version is lower tha 2.28, you can create the master branch normally and then re-name it with:

$ git branch -m master main

Depending on you exact version of git, you might get an error like the following when trying to rename the branch:

error:: refname refs/heads/master not found
fatal: Branch rename failed

If that is your case, make sure there are not uncommitted files in the repository, and that you have made at least one commit (see below for more information about commits). Ultimately, you can simply create a separate branch called main and use that one as your default branch rather than master, which you can then delete.

We will use main as the default branch name throught the workshop.

Creating The First Snapshot

Before we do anything else run the below:

$ git status
On branch main

No commits yet

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

This is a very useful command that we will use a lot. It should be your first point of call to figure out the current state of a repository and often suggests commands that can be used for different tasks.

Don’t worry about all the output for now, the important bit is that the 2 files we already have are untracked in the repository (directory). We want to add the files to the list of files tracked by Git. Git does not track any files automatically and you need make a conscious decision to add a file. Let’s do what Git hints at:

$ git add
$ git add
$ git status
On branch main

No commits yet

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:
	new file:

Now this change is staged and ready to be committed (note that we could have saved some typing here with the command git add

Let us now commit the change to the repository:

$ git commit -m "adding ingredients and instructions"

[main (root-commit) aa243ea] adding ingredients and instructions
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644

We have now finished creating the first snapshot in the repository. Named after the command we just used, a snapshot is usually referred to in Git as a commit, or sometimes a changeset. We will use the term commit from now on. Straight away query the status to get this useful command into our muscle memory:

$ git status
On branch main
nothing to commit, working tree clean

The output we get now is very minimal. This highlights an important point about the status command - it’s purpose is to report on changes in the repository relative to the last commit. In order to see the commits made in a project we can use:

$ git log
commit b7cd5f6ff57968a7782ff8e74cc9921cc7463c30 (HEAD -> main)
Author: Christopher Cave-Ayland <>
Date:   Mon Dec 30 12:51:04 2019 +0000

    adding ingredients and instructions

We’ll talk in more detail about the output here but for now the main point is to recognise that a commit has been created with your personal information and the message you specified.

Staging and Committing

For our first commit we saw that this is a two step process - first we use git add then git commit. This is an important pattern used by Git. To understand this in more detail it’s useful to know that git has three ‘areas’.

The relationship between the commands we’ve seen so far and the different areas of Git are show below: Linear

Exercise: Create some more commits

Add “1/2 onion” to and also the instruction “enjoy!” to Do not stage the changes yet.

When you are done editing the files, try:

$ git diff

There’s lots of information here so take some time to understand the output. If your output doesn’t contain colours you may want to run git diff --color.

First, practice what we have just seen by staging and committing the changes to Remember to include an informative commit message.

Now, run git status and git diff. Then, stage and commit the changes to but, after each step run git status, git diff and git diff --staged. What is the difference between the two diff commands? How does running staging and committing change the status of a file?

Why stage?

The last exercises highlights the reason Git use a staging area before making commits. You can make file changes as you want all at once and then group them together logically to make individual commits. We’ll see why having only sets of related changes for a specific purpose in a single commit is so useful later on.

Git History and Log

We used git log previously to see the first commit we created. Let’s run it again now.

$ git log
commit b6ff1ca61f08241ec741f6fc58ab2a443a253d89 (HEAD -> main)
Author: Christopher Cave-Ayland <>
Date:   Tue Dec 31 12:32:04 2019 +0000

    Added 1/2 onion to ingredients

commit 2bf7ece2f57594873678f9c17832010730970b28
Author: Christopher Cave-Ayland <>
Date:   Tue Dec 31 12:28:19 2019 +0000

    Added instruction to enjoy

commit ae3255af37e82a98c57f16a057acd1ad5a15ff28
Author: Christopher Cave-Ayland <>
Date:   Tue Dec 31 12:27:14 2019 +0000

    Adding ingredients and instructions

Your output will differ from the above not only in the date and author fields but in the alphanumeric sequence (hash) at the start of each commit.

What is a commit hash?

A commit hash is a string that uniquely identifies a specific commit. They are the really long list of numbers and letters that you can see in the output above after the word commit. For example, ae3255af37e82a98c57f16a057acd1ad5a15ff28 for the last entry.

Ocasionally, you will need to refer to a specific commit using the hash. Normally, you can use just the first 5 or 6 elements of the hash (eg. for the hash above it will be enough to use ae3255a) as it is very unlikely that there will be two commit hashes with identical starting elements.

Throughout this course, we will indicate that you need to use the hash with [commit-hash]. On those occasions, replace the whole string (including the square brackets!) with the hash id. For example, if you need to use git show (see example below) with the above commit hash, you will run:

$ git show ae3255a

Exercise: Recalling the changes for a commit

The command git log shows us the metadata for a commit but to see the file changes recorded in a commit you can use git show:

$ git show [commit-hash]

Use one of the commit hashes from your Git history. To see the contents from when the commit was made try:

$ git show [commit-hash]

To Err is Human, To Revert Divine

Rewriting History

A very common and frustrating occurrence when using Git is making a commit and then realising you forgot to stage something, or staged something you shouldn’t have. Fortunately the Git commit history is not set in stone and can be changed.

To undo the most recent commit you can use:

$ git reset --soft HEAD^

Follow this up with:

$ git log
commit 2bf7ece2f57594873678f9c17832010730970b28 (HEAD -> main)
Author: Christopher Cave-Ayland <>
Date:   Tue Dec 31 12:28:19 2019 +0000

    Added instruction to enjoy

commit ae3255af37e82a98c57f16a057acd1ad5a15ff28
Author: Christopher Cave-Ayland <>
Date:   Tue Dec 31 12:27:14 2019 +0000

    Adding ingredients and instructions

Notice we’ve gone from three commits to two. Let’s also run:

$ git status
On branch main
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)

This shows that the content which was part of the commit has been moved back into the staging area.

From here we can choose what to do. We could stage some additional changes and create a new commit, or we could unstage and do something else entirely. For now lets just restore the commit we removed by committing again:

$ git commit -m "Added 1/2 onion to ingredients"

Changing History Can Have Unexpected Consequences

Using git reset to remove a commit is only a good idea if you have not shared it yet with other people. If you make a commit and share it on GitHub or with a colleague by other means then removing that commit from your Git history will cause inconsistencies that may be difficult to resolve later. We only recommend this approach for commits that are only in your local working copy of a repository.

Reversing a Commit

Sometimes after making a commit we later (sometimes multiple commits later) realise that it was misguided and should not have been included. For instance, it’s a bit of cliche to tell people to “enjoy” at the end of a recipe, so lets get rid of it with:

$ git revert --no-edit [commit-hash]
[main a70e1c5] Revert "Added instruction to enjoy"
 Date: Tue Dec 31 12:37:47 2019 +0000
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

Check the contents of and you should see that the enjoy instruction is gone. To fully understand what revert is doing check out the repository history:

$ git log
commit ddef60e05eae3cc73ea5be3f98df6ae372e43750 (HEAD -> main)
Author: Christopher Cave-Ayland <>
Date:   Tue Dec 31 14:55:52 2019 +0000

    Revert "Added instruction to enjoy"

    This reverts commit 2bf7ece2f57594873678f9c17832010730970b28.


Using git revert has added a new commit which reverses the changes made in the specified commit.

This is a good example of why making seperate commits for each change is a good idea. If we had committed the changes to both and at once we would not have been able to revert just the enjoy instruction.

The Ultimate Guide to Undoing in Git

It can be quite easy to get into a messy state in Git and it can be difficult to get help via a search engine that covers your exact situation. If you need help we recommend consulting “On undoing, fixing, or removing commits in git”. This page contains a very comprehensive and readable guide to getting out of a sticky situation with Git.

Key Points

  • Setup Git with your details using git config –global “FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME” and git config –global “”

  • A git repository is the record of the history of a project and can be created with git init

  • Git records changes to files as commits

  • Git must be explicitly told which changes to include as part of commit (known as staging changes) with git add [file]…

  • Staged changes can be stored in a commit with git commit -m “commit message”

  • You can check which files have been changed and/or staged with git status

  • You can see the full changes made to files with git diff for unstaged files and git diff –staged

  • The commit history of a repository can be checked with git log

  • The command git revert commit_ref creates a new commit which undoes the changes of the specified commit

  • The command git reset –soft HEAD^ removes the previous commit from the history