The condensed set given by left Kan extension from FintypeCat
to Profinite
. #
This file provides the necessary API to prove that a condensed set X
is discrete if and only if
for every profinite set S = limᵢSᵢ
, X(S) ≅ colimᵢX(Sᵢ)
, and the analogous result for light
condensed sets.
The presheaf on Profinite
of locally constant functions to X
Instances For
The functor locallyConstantPresheaf
takes cofiltered limits of finite sets with surjective
projection maps to colimits.
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Instances For
in the case of S.asLimit
- Condensed.isColimitLocallyConstantPresheafDiagram X S = Condensed.isColimitLocallyConstantPresheaf S.asLimitCone X S.asLimit
Instances For
Given a presheaf F
on Profinite
, lanPresheaf F
is the left Kan extension of its
restriction to finite sets along the inclusion functor of finite sets into Profinite
- Condensed.lanPresheaf F = FintypeCat.toProfinite.op.pointwiseLeftKanExtension (FintypeCat.toProfinite.op.comp F)
Instances For
To presheaves on Profinite
whose restrictions to finite sets are isomorphic have isomorphic left
Kan extensions.
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Instances For
A presheaf, which takes a profinite set written as a cofiltered limit to the corresponding colimit, agrees with the left Kan extension of its restriction.
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Instances For
is natural in S
- Condensed.lanPresheafNatIso hF = CategoryTheory.NatIso.ofComponents (fun (x : Profiniteᵒᵖ) => match x with | Opposite.op S => Condensed.lanPresheafIso (hF S)) ⋯
Instances For
lanPresheaf (locallyConstantPresheaf X)
is a sheaf for the coherent topology on Profinite
- Condensed.lanSheafProfinite X = { val := Condensed.lanPresheaf (Condensed.locallyConstantPresheaf X), cond := ⋯ }
Instances For
lanPresheaf (locallyConstantPresheaf X)
as a condensed set.
- Condensed.lanCondensedSet X = (Condensed.ProfiniteCompHaus.equivalence (Type (?u.11 + 1))).functor.obj (Condensed.lanSheafProfinite X)
Instances For
The functor which takes a finite set to the set of maps into F(*)
for a presheaf F
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Instances For
restricted to finite sets is isomorphic to finYoneda F
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Instances For
A finite set as a coproduct cocone in Profinite
over itself.
- Condensed.fintypeCatAsCofan X = X fun (x : ↑X.toTop) => ContinuousMap.const (↑(Profinite.of PUnit.{?u.24 + 1}).toTop) x
Instances For
A finite set is the coproduct of its points in Profinite
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Instances For
Auxiliary definition for isoFinYoneda
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Instances For
The restriction of a finite product preserving presheaf F
on Profinite
to the category of
finite sets is isomorphic to finYoneda F
- Condensed.isoFinYoneda F = CategoryTheory.NatIso.ofComponents (fun (X : FintypeCatᵒᵖ) => Condensed.isoFinYonedaComponents F (FintypeCat.toProfinite.obj (Opposite.unop X))) ⋯
Instances For
A presheaf F
, which takes a profinite set written as a cofiltered limit to the corresponding
colimit, is isomorphic to the presheaf LocallyConstant - F(*)
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Instances For
The presheaf on LightProfinite
of locally constant functions to X
Instances For
The functor locallyConstantPresheaf
takes sequential limits of finite sets with surjective
projection maps to colimits.
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Instances For
in the case of S.asLimit
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Instances For
Given a presheaf F
on LightProfinite
, lanPresheaf F
is the left Kan extension of its
restriction to finite sets along the inclusion functor of finite sets into Profinite
- LightCondensed.lanPresheaf F = FintypeCat.toLightProfinite.op.pointwiseLeftKanExtension (FintypeCat.toLightProfinite.op.comp F)
Instances For
To presheaves on LightProfinite
whose restrictions to finite sets are isomorphic have isomorphic
left Kan extensions.
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Instances For
A presheaf, which takes a light profinite set written as a sequential limit to the corresponding colimit, agrees with the left Kan extension of its restriction.
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Instances For
is natural in S
- LightCondensed.lanPresheafNatIso hF = CategoryTheory.NatIso.ofComponents (fun (x : LightProfiniteᵒᵖ) => match x with | Opposite.op S => LightCondensed.lanPresheafIso (hF S)) ⋯
Instances For
lanPresheaf (locallyConstantPresheaf X)
as a light condensed set.
- LightCondensed.lanLightCondSet X = { val := LightCondensed.lanPresheaf (LightCondensed.locallyConstantPresheaf X), cond := ⋯ }
Instances For
The functor which takes a finite set to the set of maps into F(*)
for a presheaf F
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Instances For
restricted to finite sets is isomorphic to finYoneda F
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Instances For
A finite set as a coproduct cocone in LightProfinite
over itself.
- LightCondensed.fintypeCatAsCofan X = X fun (x : ↑X.toTop) => ContinuousMap.const (↑(LightProfinite.of PUnit.{?u.13 + 1}).toTop) x
Instances For
A finite set is the coproduct of its points in LightProfinite
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Instances For
Auxiliary definition for isoFinYoneda
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Instances For
The restriction of a finite product preserving presheaf F
on Profinite
to the category of
finite sets is isomorphic to finYoneda F
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Instances For
A presheaf F
, which takes a light profinite set written as a sequential limit to the corresponding
colimit, is isomorphic to the presheaf LocallyConstant - F(*)
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