

Degreewise split exact sequences of cochain complexes #

The main result of this file is the lemma HomotopyCategory.distinguished_iff_iso_trianglehOfDegreewiseSplit which asserts that a triangle in HomotopyCategory C (ComplexShape.up ℤ) is distinguished iff it is isomorphic to the triangle attached to a degreewise split short exact sequence of cochain complexes.

The 1-cocycle attached to a degreewise split short exact sequence of cochain complexes.

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Instances For

    The canonical morphism S.X₃ ⟶ S.X₁⟦(1 : ℤ)⟧ attached to a degreewise split short exact sequence of cochain complexes.

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    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline]

      The (distinguished) triangle in HomotopyCategory C (ComplexShape.up ℤ) attached to a degreewise split short exact sequence of cochain complexes.

      Instances For

        The canonical isomorphism (mappingCone (homOfDegreewiseSplit S σ)).X p ≅ S.X₂.X q when p + 1 = q.

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        Instances For

          The canonical isomorphism of triangles (triangleOfDegreewiseSplit S σ).rotate.rotate ≅ mappingCone.triangle (homOfDegreewiseSplit S σ) when S is a degreewise split short exact sequence of cochain complexes.

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          Instances For

            The canonical isomorphism between (trianglehOfDegreewiseSplit S σ).rotate.rotate and mappingCone.triangleh (homOfDegreewiseSplit S σ) when S is a degreewise split short exact sequence of cochain complexes.

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            Instances For

              Given a morphism of cochain complexes φ, this is the short complex given by (triangle φ).rotate.

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              Instances For

                triangleRotateShortComplex φ is a degreewise split short exact sequence of cochain complexes.

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                Instances For

                  The triangle (triangle φ).rotate is isomorphic to a triangle attached to a degreewise split short exact sequence of cochain complexes.

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                  Instances For

                    The triangle (triangleh φ).rotate is isomorphic to a triangle attached to a degreewise split short exact sequence of cochain complexes.

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                    Instances For