

Pretriangulated Categories #

This file contains the definition of pretriangulated categories and triangulated functors between them.

Implementation Notes #

We work under the assumption that pretriangulated categories are preadditive categories, but not necessarily additive categories, as is assumed in some sources.

TODO: generalise this to n-angulated categories as in

A preadditive category C with an additive shift, and a class of "distinguished triangles" relative to that shift is called pretriangulated if the following hold:

  • Any triangle that is isomorphic to a distinguished triangle is also distinguished.
  • Any triangle of the form (X,X,0,id,0,0) is distinguished.
  • For any morphism f : X ⟶ Y there exists a distinguished triangle of the form (X,Y,Z,f,g,h).
  • The triangle (X,Y,Z,f,g,h) is distinguished if and only if (Y,Z,X⟦1⟧,g,h,-f⟦1⟧) is.
  • Given a diagram:
          f       g       h
      X  ───> Y  ───> Z  ───> X⟦1⟧
      │       │                │
      │a      │b               │a⟦1⟧'
      V       V                V
      X' ───> Y' ───> Z' ───> X'⟦1⟧
          f'      g'      h'
    where the left square commutes, and whose rows are distinguished triangles, there exists a morphism c : Z ⟶ Z' such that (a,b,c) is a triangle morphism.



    distinguished triangles in a pretriangulated category

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      A commutative square involving the morphisms mor₂ of two distinguished triangles can be extended as morphism of triangles

      A commutative square involving the morphisms mor₃ of two distinguished triangles can be extended as morphism of triangles

      Given a distinguished triangle T such that T.mor₃ = 0 and the datum of morphisms inr : T.obj₃ ⟶ T.obj₂ and fst : T.obj₂ ⟶ T.obj₁ satisfying suitable relations, this is the binary biproduct data expressing that T.obj₂ identifies to the binary biproduct of T.obj₁ and T.obj₃. See also exists_iso_binaryBiproduct_of_distTriang.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated.binaryBiproductData_isBilimit {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasZeroObject C] [CategoryTheory.HasShift C ] [CategoryTheory.Preadditive C] [∀ (n : ), (CategoryTheory.shiftFunctor C n).Additive] [hC : CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated C] (T : CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated.Triangle C) (hT : T CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated.distinguishedTriangles) (hT₀ : T.mor₃ = 0) (inr : T.obj₃ T.obj₂) (inr_snd : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp inr T.mor₂ = T.obj₃) (fst : T.obj₂ T.obj₁) (total : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp fst T.mor₁ + CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp T.mor₂ inr = T.obj₂) :
        (CategoryTheory.Pretriangulated.binaryBiproductData T hT hT₀ inr inr_snd fst total).isBilimit = CategoryTheory.Limits.isBinaryBilimitOfTotal { pt := T.obj₂, fst := fst, snd := T.mor₂, inl := T.mor₁, inr := inr, inl_fst := , inl_snd := , inr_fst := , inr_snd := inr_snd } total

        A chosen extension of a commutative square into a morphism of distinguished triangles.

        Instances For

          A choice of isomorphism T₁ ≅ T₂ between two distinguished triangles when we are given two isomorphisms e₁ : T₁.obj₁ ≅ T₂.obj₁ and e₂ : T₁.obj₂ ≅ T₂.obj₂.

          Instances For