

The category of refl quivers #

The category ReflQuiv of (bundled) reflexive quivers, and the free/forgetful adjunction between Cat and ReflQuiv.

def CategoryTheory.ReflQuiv :
Type (max (u + 1) u (v + 1))

Category of refl quivers.

Instances For

    The underlying quiver of a reflexive quiver.

    Instances For

      Construct a bundled ReflQuiv from the underlying type and the typeclass.

      Instances For

        The forgetful functor from categories to quivers.

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        Instances For

          The forgetful functor from categories to quivers.

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          Instances For

            An isomorphism of quivers lifts to an isomorphism of reflexive quivers given a suitable compatibility with the identities.

            • CategoryTheory.ReflQuiv.isoOfQuivIso e h_id = { hom := { toPrefunctor := e.hom, map_id := h_id }, inv := { toPrefunctor := e.inv, map_id := }, hom_inv_id := , inv_hom_id := }
            Instances For

              Compatible equivalences of types and hom-types induce an isomorphism of reflexive quivers.

              Instances For

                A refl prefunctor can be promoted to a functor if it respects composition.

                Instances For

                  The hom relation that identifies the specified reflexivity arrows with the nil paths.

                  Instances For

                    A reflexive quiver generates a free category, defined as as quotient of the free category on its underlying quiver (called the "path category") by the hom relation that uses the specified reflexivity arrows as the identity arrows.

                    Instances For

                      The quotient functor associated to a quotient category defines a natural map from the free category on the underlying quiver of a refl quiver to the free category on the reflexive quiver.

                      Instances For

                        This is a specialization of Quotient.lift_unique' rather than Quotient.lift_unique, hence the prime in the name.

                        The functor sending a reflexive quiver to the free category it generates, a quotient of its path category.

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                        Instances For
                          theorem CategoryTheory.Cat.freeRefl_map_map {X✝ Y✝ : CategoryTheory.ReflQuiv} (f : X✝ Y✝) (a b : CategoryTheory.Quotient CategoryTheory.Cat.FreeReflRel) (hf : a b) :
                          ( f).map hf = Quot.liftOn hf (fun (f_1 : => (CategoryTheory.Cat.FreeRefl.quotientFunctor Y✝).map (f.mapPath f_1))

                          We will make use of the natural quotient map from the free category on the underlying quiver of a refl quiver to the free category on the reflexive quiver.

                          Instances For

                            The unit components are defined as the composite of the corresponding unit component for the adjunction between categories and quivers with the map underlying the quotient functor.

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                            Instances For

                              The counit components are defined using the universal property of the quotient from the corresponding counit component for the adjunction between categories and quivers.

                              Instances For

                                The counit of ReflQuiv.adj is closely related to the counit of Quiv.adj. For ease of use, we introduce primed version for unbundled categories.

                                The adjunction between forming the free category on a reflexive quiver, and forgetting a category to a reflexive quiver.

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                                Instances For