

Primitive roots of unity #

We define a predicate IsPrimitiveRoot on commutative monoids, expressing that an element is a primitive root of unity.

Main definitions #

Main results #

Implementation details #

For primitive roots of unity, it is desirable to have a predicate not just on units, but directly on elements of the ring/field. For example, we want to say that exp (2 * pi * I / n) is a primitive n-th root of unity in the complex numbers, without having to turn that number into a unit first.

This creates a little bit of friction with how rootsOfUnity is implemented (as a subgroup of the Units), but lemmas like IsPrimitiveRoot.isUnit and IsPrimitiveRoot.coe_units_iff should provide the necessary glue.

structure IsPrimitiveRoot {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] (ζ : M) (k : ) :

An element ζ is a primitive k-th root of unity if ζ ^ k = 1, and if l satisfies ζ ^ l = 1 then k ∣ l.

  • pow_eq_one : ζ ^ k = 1
  • dvd_of_pow_eq_one (l : ) : ζ ^ l = 1k l
Instances For
    theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.iff_def {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] (ζ : M) (k : ) :
    IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k ζ ^ k = 1 ∀ (l : ), ζ ^ l = 1k l
    def IsPrimitiveRoot.toRootsOfUnity {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {μ : M} {n : } [NeZero n] (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) :
    (rootsOfUnity n M)

    Turn a primitive root μ into a member of the rootsOfUnity subgroup.

    Instances For
      theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.val_inv_toRootsOfUnity_coe {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {μ : M} {n : } [NeZero n] (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) :
      (↑h.toRootsOfUnity)⁻¹ = μ ^ (n - 1)
      theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.val_toRootsOfUnity_coe {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {μ : M} {n : } [NeZero n] (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) :
      h.toRootsOfUnity = μ
      def primitiveRoots (k : ) (R : Type u_7) [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] :

      primitiveRoots k R is the finset of primitive k-th roots of unity in the integral domain R.

      Instances For
        theorem mem_primitiveRoots {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} (h0 : 0 < k) :
        theorem isPrimitiveRoot_of_mem_primitiveRoots {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} (h : ζ primitiveRoots k R) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.mk_of_lt {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } (ζ : M) (hk : 0 < k) (h1 : ζ ^ k = 1) (h : ∀ (l : ), 0 < ll < kζ ^ l 1) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_eq_one_iff_dvd {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (l : ) :
        ζ ^ l = 1 k l
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.isUnit {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (h0 : 0 < k) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_ne_one_of_pos_of_lt {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k l : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (h0 : 0 < l) (hl : l < k) :
        ζ ^ l 1
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.ne_one {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (hk : 1 < k) :
        ζ 1
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_inj {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) i j : (hi : i < k) (hj : j < k) (H : ζ ^ i = ζ ^ j) :
        i = j
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.one_right_iff {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {ζ : M} :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.coe_submonoidClass_iff {k : } {M : Type u_7} {B : Type u_8} [CommMonoid M] [SetLike B M] [SubmonoidClass B M] {N : B} {ζ : N} :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.coe_units_iff {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : Mˣ} :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.isUnit_unit {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {ζ : M} {n : } (hn : 0 < n) ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.isUnit_unit' {G : Type u_3} [DivisionCommMonoid G] {ζ : G} {n : } (hn : 0 < n) ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_of_coprime {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (i : ) (hi : i.Coprime k) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_of_prime {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) {p : } (hprime : Nat.Prime p) (hdiv : ¬p k) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_iff_coprime {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (h0 : 0 < k) (i : ) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.orderOf {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] (ζ : M) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.unique {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k l : } {ζ : M} (hk : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (hl : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ l) :
        k = l
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_orderOf {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) :
        k = orderOf ζ
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.iff {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (hk : 0 < k) :
        IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k ζ ^ k = 1 ∀ (l : ), 0 < ll < kζ ^ l 1
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.not_iff {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_mul_pow_lcm {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ ζ' : M} {k' : } ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (hζ' : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ' k') (hk : k 0) (hk' : k' 0) :
        IsPrimitiveRoot (ζ ^ (k / k.factorizationLCMLeft k') * ζ' ^ (k' / k.factorizationLCMRight k')) (k.lcm k')
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_of_dvd {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {k : } {ζ : M} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) {p : } (hp : p 0) (hdiv : p k) :
        IsPrimitiveRoot (ζ ^ p) (k / p)
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.mem_rootsOfUnity {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {ζ : Mˣ} {n : } (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {ζ : M} {n a b : } (hn : 0 < n) (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) (hprod : n = a * b) :

        If there is an n-th primitive root of unity in R and b divides n, then there is a b-th primitive root of unity in R.

        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.injOn_pow {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {n : } {ζ : M} ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :
        Set.InjOn (fun (x : ) => ζ ^ x) (Finset.range n)
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.exists_pos {M : Type u_1} [CommMonoid M] {ζ : M} {k : } ( : ζ ^ k = 1) (hk : k 0) :
        k' > 0, IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k'
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.map_of_injective {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} {F : Type u_6} [CommMonoid M] [CommMonoid N] {k : } {ζ : M} {f : F} [FunLike F M N] [MonoidHomClass F M N] (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (hf : Function.Injective f) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.of_map_of_injective {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} {F : Type u_6} [CommMonoid M] [CommMonoid N] {k : } {ζ : M} {f : F} [FunLike F M N] [MonoidHomClass F M N] (h : IsPrimitiveRoot (f ζ) k) (hf : Function.Injective f) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.map_iff_of_injective {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} {F : Type u_6} [CommMonoid M] [CommMonoid N] {k : } {ζ : M} {f : F} [FunLike F M N] [MonoidHomClass F M N] (hf : Function.Injective f) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.ne_zero {k : } {M₀ : Type u_7} [CommMonoidWithZero M₀] [Nontrivial M₀] {ζ : M₀} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) :
        k 0ζ 0
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.injOn_pow_mul {M₀ : Type u_7} [CancelCommMonoidWithZero M₀] {n : } {ζ : M₀} ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) {α : M₀} ( : α 0) :
        Set.InjOn (fun (x : ) => ζ ^ x * α) (Finset.range n)
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zpow_eq_one {G : Type u_3} [DivisionCommMonoid G] {k : } {ζ : G} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) :
        ζ ^ k = 1
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zpow_eq_one_iff_dvd {G : Type u_3} [DivisionCommMonoid G] {k : } {ζ : G} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (l : ) :
        ζ ^ l = 1 k l
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.inv {G : Type u_3} [DivisionCommMonoid G] {k : } {ζ : G} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zpow_of_gcd_eq_one {G : Type u_3} [DivisionCommMonoid G] {k : } {ζ : G} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (i : ) (hi : i.gcd k = 1) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.sub_one_ne_zero {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] {n : } {ζ : R} (hn : 1 < n) ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :
        ζ - 1 0
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.neZero' {R : Type u_4} {ζ : R} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {n : } [NeZero n] ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :
        NeZero n
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.mem_nthRootsFinset {R : Type u_4} {k : } {ζ : R} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (hk : 0 < k) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_neg_one_of_two_right {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [NoZeroDivisors R] {ζ : R} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ 2) :
        ζ = -1
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.neg_one {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] (p : ) [Nontrivial R] [h : CharP R p] (hp : p 2) :
        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.geom_sum_eq_zero {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (hk : 1 < k) :
        iFinset.range k, ζ ^ i = 0

        If 1 < k then (∑ i ∈ range k, ζ ^ i) = 0.

        theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_sub_one_eq {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (hk : 1 < k) :
        ζ ^ k.pred = -iFinset.range k.pred, ζ ^ i

        If 1 < k, then ζ ^ k.pred = -(∑ i ∈ range k.pred, ζ ^ i).

        The (additive) monoid equivalence between ZMod k and the powers of a primitive root of unity ζ.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zmodEquivZPowers_apply_coe_int {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] {ζ : Rˣ} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (i : ) :
          h.zmodEquivZPowers i = Additive.ofMul ζ ^ i,
          theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zmodEquivZPowers_apply_coe_nat {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] {ζ : Rˣ} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (i : ) :
          h.zmodEquivZPowers i = Additive.ofMul ζ ^ i,
          theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zmodEquivZPowers_symm_apply_zpow {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] {ζ : Rˣ} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (i : ) :
          h.zmodEquivZPowers.symm (Additive.ofMul ζ ^ i, ) = i
          theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zmodEquivZPowers_symm_apply_zpow' {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] {ζ : Rˣ} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (i : ) :
          h.zmodEquivZPowers.symm ζ ^ i, = i
          theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zmodEquivZPowers_symm_apply_pow {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] {ζ : Rˣ} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (i : ) :
          h.zmodEquivZPowers.symm (Additive.ofMul ζ ^ i, ) = i
          theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zmodEquivZPowers_symm_apply_pow' {R : Type u_4} {k : } [CommRing R] {ζ : Rˣ} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) (i : ) :
          h.zmodEquivZPowers.symm ζ ^ i, = i
          theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.zpowers_eq {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {k : } [NeZero k] {ζ : Rˣ} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) :
          theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.map_rootsOfUnity {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {S : Type u_7} {F : Type u_8} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] [FunLike F R S] [MonoidHomClass F R S] {ζ : R} {n : } [NeZero n] ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) {f : F} (hf : Function.Injective f) :
          noncomputable def rootsOfUnityEquivOfPrimitiveRoots {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {S : Type u_7} {F : Type u_8} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] [FunLike F R S] [MonoidHomClass F R S] {n : } [NeZero n] {f : F} (hf : Function.Injective f) ( : (primitiveRoots n R).Nonempty) :
          (rootsOfUnity n R) ≃* (rootsOfUnity n S)

          If R contains an n-th primitive root, and S/R is a ring extension, then the n-th roots of unity in R and S are isomorphic. Also see IsPrimitiveRoot.map_rootsOfUnity for the equality as Subgroup.

          Instances For
            theorem val_rootsOfUnityEquivOfPrimitiveRoots_apply_coe {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {S : Type u_7} {F : Type u_8} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] [FunLike F R S] [MonoidHomClass F R S] {n : } [NeZero n] {f : F} (hf : Function.Injective f) ( : (primitiveRoots n R).Nonempty) (a✝ : (rootsOfUnity n R)) :
            ((rootsOfUnityEquivOfPrimitiveRoots hf ) a✝) = f a✝
            theorem rootsOfUnityEquivOfPrimitiveRoots_apply_coe_inv_val {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {S : Type u_7} {F : Type u_8} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] [FunLike F R S] [MonoidHomClass F R S] {n : } [NeZero n] {f : F} (hf : Function.Injective f) ( : (primitiveRoots n R).Nonempty) (a✝ : (rootsOfUnity n R)) :
            theorem rootsOfUnityEquivOfPrimitiveRoots_symm_apply {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {S : Type u_7} {F : Type u_8} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] [FunLike F R S] [MonoidHomClass F R S] {n : } [NeZero n] {f : F} (hf : Function.Injective f) ( : (primitiveRoots n R).Nonempty) (η : (rootsOfUnity n S)) :
            f ((rootsOfUnityEquivOfPrimitiveRoots hf ).symm η) = η
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_pow_of_mem_rootsOfUnity {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {k : } [NeZero k] {ζ ξ : Rˣ} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) ( : ξ rootsOfUnity k R) :
            i < k, ζ ^ i = ξ
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {k : } [NeZero k] {ζ ξ : R} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) ( : ξ ^ k = 1) :
            i < k, ζ ^ i = ξ
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.isPrimitiveRoot_iff' {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {k : } [NeZero k] {ζ ξ : Rˣ} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) :
            IsPrimitiveRoot ξ k i < k, i.Coprime k ζ ^ i = ξ
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.isPrimitiveRoot_iff {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {k : } [NeZero k] {ζ ξ : R} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) :
            IsPrimitiveRoot ξ k i < k, i.Coprime k ζ ^ i = ξ
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.nthRoots_eq {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {n : } {ζ : R} ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) {α a : R} (e : α ^ n = a) :
            Polynomial.nthRoots n a = (fun (x : ) => ζ ^ x * α) (Multiset.range n)
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.card_nthRoots {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {n : } {ζ : R} ( : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) (a : R) :
            (Polynomial.nthRoots n a).card = if ∃ (α : R), α ^ n = a then n else 0
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.card_rootsOfUnity' {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] {ζ : Rˣ} [IsDomain R] {n : } [NeZero n] (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :

            A variant of IsPrimitiveRoot.card_rootsOfUnity for ζ : Rˣ.

            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.card_rootsOfUnity {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} {n : } [NeZero n] (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.card_nthRoots_one {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} {n : } (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :

            The cardinality of the multiset nthRoots ↑n (1 : R) is n if there is a primitive root of unity in R.

            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.nthRoots_nodup {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} {n : } (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) {a : R} (ha : a 0) :
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.nthRoots_one_nodup {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} {n : } (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :

            The multiset nthRoots ↑n (1 : R) has no repeated elements if there is a primitive root of unity in R.

            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.card_nthRootsFinset {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} {n : } (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) :
            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.card_primitiveRoots {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {ζ : R} {k : } (h : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k) :

            If an integral domain has a primitive k-th root of unity, then it has φ k of them.

            theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.disjoint {R : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] {k l : } (h : k l) :

            The sets primitiveRoots k R are pairwise disjoint.

            nthRoots n as a Finset is equal to the union of primitiveRoots i R for i ∣ n.

            noncomputable def IsPrimitiveRoot.autToPow (R : Type u_4) {S : Type u_5} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] {μ : S} {n : } ( : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [CommRing R] [Algebra R S] [NeZero n] :
            (S ≃ₐ[R] S) →* (ZMod n)ˣ

            The MonoidHom that takes an automorphism to the power of μ that μ gets mapped to under it.

            Instances For
              theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.coe_autToPow_apply (R : Type u_4) {S : Type u_5} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] {μ : S} {n : } ( : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [CommRing R] [Algebra R S] [NeZero n] (f : S ≃ₐ[R] S) :
              ((autToPow R ) f) = .choose
              theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.autToPow_spec (R : Type u_4) {S : Type u_5} [CommRing S] [IsDomain S] {μ : S} {n : } ( : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [CommRing R] [Algebra R S] [NeZero n] (f : S ≃ₐ[R] S) :
              μ ^ (↑((autToPow R ) f)).val = f μ
              theorem IsCyclic.exists_apply_ne_one {G : Type u_7} {G' : Type u_8} [CommGroup G] [IsCyclic G] [Finite G] [CommGroup G'] (hG' : ∃ (ζ : G'), IsPrimitiveRoot ζ (Nat.card G)) a : G (ha : a 1) :
              ∃ (φ : G →* G'), φ a 1

              If G is cyclic of order n and G' contains a primitive nth root of unity, then for each a : G with a ≠ 1 there is a homomorphism φ : G →* G' such that φ a ≠ 1.

              theorem ZMod.exists_monoidHom_apply_ne_one {M : Type u_7} [CommMonoid M] {n : } [NeZero n] (hG : ∃ (ζ : M), IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) {a : ZMod n} (ha : a 0) :

              If M is a commutative group that contains a primitive nth root of unity and a : ZMod n is nonzero, then there exists a group homomorphism φ from the additive group ZMod n to the multiplicative group such that φ a ≠ 1.