

Boundedness of Eisenstein series #

We show that Eisenstein series of weight k and level Γ(N) with congruence condition a : Fin 2 → ZMod N are bounded at infinity.

Outline of argument #

We need to bound the value of the Eisenstein series (acted on by A : SL(2,ℤ)) at a given point z in the upper half plane. Since these are modular forms of level Γ(N), it suffices to prove this for z ∈ verticalStrip N

We can then, first observe that the slash action just changes our a to (a ᵥ* A) and we then use our bounds for Eisenstein series in these vertical strips to get the result.

theorem EisensteinSeries.abs_le_tsum_abs (N : ) (a : Fin 2ZMod N) (k : ) (hk : 3 k) (z : UpperHalfPlane) :
Complex.abs (eisensteinSeries a k z) ∑' (x : Fin 2), Complex.abs (EisensteinSeries.eisSummand k x z)

The absolute value of the restricted sum is less than the full sum of the absolute values.