

Ringed spaces #

We introduce the category of ringed spaces, as an alias for SheafedSpace CommRingCat.

The facts collected in this file are typically stated for locally ringed spaces, but never actually make use of the locality of stalks. See for instance

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev AlgebraicGeometry.RingedSpace :
Type (max (u + 1) (v + 1))

The type of Ringed spaces, as an abbreviation for SheafedSpace CommRingCat.

Instances For

    If the germ of a section f is zero in the stalk at x, then f is zero on some neighbourhood around x.

    If the germ of a section f is a unit in the stalk at x, then f must be a unit on some small neighborhood around x.

    @[deprecated TopCat.Presheaf.germ_res_apply (since := "2025-02-08")]
    theorem CommRingCat.germ_res_apply {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasColimits C] {X : TopCat} {FC : CCType u_1} {CC : CType u_2} [(X Y : C) → FunLike (FC X Y) (CC X) (CC Y)] (F : TopCat.Presheaf C X) {U V : TopologicalSpace.Opens X} (i : U V) (x : X) (hx : x U) [CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory C FC] (s : CC (F.obj (Opposite.op V))) :

    Alias of TopCat.Presheaf.germ_res_apply.

    @[deprecated TopCat.Presheaf.germ_res_apply' (since := "2025-02-08")]
    theorem CommRingCat.germ_res_apply' {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasColimits C] {X : TopCat} {FC : CCType u_1} {CC : CType u_2} [(X Y : C) → FunLike (FC X Y) (CC X) (CC Y)] (F : TopCat.Presheaf C X) {U V : TopologicalSpace.Opens X} (i : Opposite.op V Opposite.op U) (x : X) (hx : x U) [CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory C FC] (s : CC (F.obj (Opposite.op V))) :

    Alias of TopCat.Presheaf.germ_res_apply'.

    If a section f is a unit in each stalk, f must be a unit.

    The basic open of a section f is the set of all points x, such that the germ of f at x is a unit.

    Instances For

      A variant of mem_basicOpen with bundled x : U.

      The restriction of a section f to the basic open of f is a unit.

      The zero locus of a set of sections s over an open set U is the closed set consisting of the complement of U and of all points of U, where all elements of f vanish.

      Instances For