

Yoneda preserves certain colimits #

Given a bifunctor F : J ⥤ Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v, we prove the isomorphism Hom(YX, colim_j F(j, -)) ≅ colim_j Hom(YX, F(j, -)), where Y is the Yoneda embedding.

We state this in two ways. One is functorial in X and stated as a natural isomorphism of functors yoneda.op ⋙ yoneda.obj (colimit F) ≅ yoneda.op ⋙ colimit (F ⋙ yoneda), and from this we deduce the more traditional preservation statement PreservesColimit F (coyoneda.obj (op (yoneda.obj X))).

The proof combines the Yoneda lemma with the fact that colimits in functor categories are computed pointwise.

See also #

There is also a relative version of this statement where F : J ⥤ Over A for some presheaf A, see Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Comma.Presheaf.Colimit.

Naturally in X, we have Hom(YX, colim_i Fi) ≅ colim_i Hom(YX, Fi).

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Instances For