

Limits in lattice categories are given by infimums and supremums. #

The limit cone over any functor from a finite diagram into a SemilatticeInf with OrderTop.

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Instances For

    The colimit cocone over any functor from a finite diagram into a SemilatticeSup with OrderBot.

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    Instances For

      The limit of a functor from a finite diagram into a SemilatticeInf with OrderTop is the infimum of the objects in the image.

      The colimit of a functor from a finite diagram into a SemilatticeSup with OrderBot is the supremum of the objects in the image.

      A finite product in the category of a SemilatticeInf with OrderTop is the same as the infimum.

      A finite coproduct in the category of a SemilatticeSup with OrderBot is the same as the supremum.

      theorem CategoryTheory.Limits.CompleteLattice.prod_eq_inf {α : Type u} [SemilatticeInf α] [OrderTop α] (x y : α) :
      (x y) = x y

      The binary product in the category of a SemilatticeInf with OrderTop is the same as the infimum.


      The binary coproduct in the category of a SemilatticeSup with OrderBot is the same as the supremum.


      The pullback in the category of a SemilatticeInf with OrderTop is the same as the infimum over the objects.


      The pushout in the category of a SemilatticeSup with OrderBot is the same as the supremum over the objects.

      The limit cone over any functor into a complete lattice.

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      Instances For

        The colimit cocone over any functor into a complete lattice.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          The limit of a functor into a complete lattice is the infimum of the objects in the image.

          The colimit of a functor into a complete lattice is the supremum of the objects in the image.