

Ind- and pro- (co)yoneda lemmas #

We define limit versions of the yoneda and coyoneda lemmas.

Main results #

Notation: categories C, I and functors D : Iᵒᵖ ⥤ C, F : C ⥤ Type.


The limit of F.op is the opposite of colimit F.

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Instances For

    limitOpIsoOpColimit for contravariant functor.

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    Instances For

      Hom is functorially cocontinuous: coyoneda of a colimit is the limit over coyoneda of the diagram.

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      Instances For

        Hom is cocontinuous: homomorphisms from a colimit is the limit over yoneda of the diagram.

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        Instances For

          Variant of coyonedaOoColimitIsoLimitCoyoneda for contravariant F.

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          Instances For

            Variant of colimitHomIsoLimitYoneda for contravariant F.

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            Instances For

              Pro-Coyoneda lemma: homorphisms from colimit of coyoneda of diagram D to F is limit of F evaluated at D.

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              Instances For

                A variant of colimitCoyonedaHomIsoLimit for a contravariant diagram.

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                Instances For
                  theorem CategoryTheory.Limits.colimitCoyonedaHomIsoLimit'_π_apply {C : Type u₁} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u₂, u₁} C] {I : Type v₁} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, v₁} I] (D : CategoryTheory.Functor I C) (F : CategoryTheory.Functor C (Type u₂)) [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasColimit (D.op.comp CategoryTheory.coyoneda)] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasLimitsOfShape I (Type (max u₁ u₂))] (f : CategoryTheory.Limits.colimit (D.op.comp CategoryTheory.coyoneda) F) (i : I) :
                  CategoryTheory.Limits.limit.π (D.comp (F.comp CategoryTheory.uliftFunctor.{u₁, u₂} )) i ((CategoryTheory.Limits.colimitCoyonedaHomIsoLimit' D F).hom f) = { down := (D.obj i) ((CategoryTheory.Limits.colimit.ι (D.op.comp CategoryTheory.coyoneda) (Opposite.op i)).app (D.obj i) ( (D.obj i))) }