

Free groupoid on a quiver #

This file defines the free groupoid on a quiver, the lifting of a prefunctor to its unique extension as a functor from the free groupoid, and proves uniqueness of this extension.

Main results #

Given the type V and a quiver instance on V:

Implementation notes #

The free groupoid is first defined by symmetrifying the quiver, taking the induced path category and finally quotienting by the reducibility relation.

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev Quiver.Hom.toPosPath {V : Type u} [Quiver V] {X Y : V} (f : X Y) :

Shorthand for the "forward" arrow corresponding to f in paths <| symmetrify V

  • f.toPosPath = f.toPos.toPath
Instances For
    @[reducible, inline]
    abbrev Quiver.Hom.toNegPath {V : Type u} [Quiver V] {X Y : V} (f : X Y) :
    Y X

    Shorthand for the "forward" arrow corresponding to f in paths <| symmetrify V

    • f.toNegPath = f.toNeg.toPath
    Instances For
      def CategoryTheory.FreeGroupoid (V : Type u_1) [Q : Quiver V] :
      Type u_1

      The underlying vertices of the free groupoid

      Instances For

        The inverse of an arrow in the free groupoid

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          The inclusion of the quiver on V to the underlying quiver on FreeGroupoid V

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For