

Definition and basic properties of Galois categories #

We define the notion of a Galois category and a fiber functor as in SGA1, following the definitions in Lenstras notes (see below for a reference).

Main definitions #

Implementation details #

We mostly follow Def 3.1 in Lenstras notes. In axiom (G3) we omit the factorisation of morphisms in epimorphisms and monomorphisms as this is not needed for the proof of the fundamental theorem on Galois categories (and then follows from it).

References #

A category C is a PreGalois category if it satisfies all properties of a Galois category in the sense of SGA1 that do not involve a fiber functor. A Galois category should furthermore admit a fiber functor.

The only difference between [PreGaloisCategory C] (F : C ⥤ FintypeCat) [FiberFunctor F] and [GaloisCategory C] is that the former fixes one fiber functor F.

Definition of a (Pre)Galois category. Lenstra, Def 3.1, (G1)-(G3)


    Every monomorphism in C induces an isomorphism on a direct summand (G3).

    Definition of a fiber functor from a Galois category. Lenstra, Def 3.1, (G4)-(G6)


      An object of a category C is connected if it is not initial and has no non-trivial subobjects. Lenstra, 3.12.


        A functor is said to preserve connectedness if whenever X : C is connected, also F.obj X is connected.

          • CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.FiberFunctor.instReflectsLimitsOfShapeFintypeCatDiscretePEmpty = CategoryTheory.Limits.reflectsLimitsOfShapeOfReflectsIsomorphisms
          • CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.FiberFunctor.instReflectsColimitsOfShapeFintypeCatDiscretePEmpty = CategoryTheory.Limits.reflectsColimitsOfShapeOfReflectsIsomorphisms

          Fiber functors preserve quotients by finite groups in arbitrary universes.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          If F is a fiber functor and E is an equivalence between categories of finite types, then F ⋙ E is again a fiber functor.

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          Instances For
            theorem CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.mulAction_naturality {C : Type u₁} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u₂, u₁} C] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor C FintypeCat) {X : C} {Y : C} (σ : CategoryTheory.Aut F) (f : X Y) (x : (F.obj X)) :
            σ f x = f (σ x)

            The cardinality of the fiber is preserved under isomorphisms.

            The fiber of the equalizer of f g : X ⟶ Y is equivalent to the set of agreement of f and g.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              noncomputable def CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.fiberPullbackEquiv {C : Type u₁} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u₂, u₁} C] (F : CategoryTheory.Functor C FintypeCat) [CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory C] [CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.FiberFunctor F] {X : C} {A : C} {B : C} (f : A X) (g : B X) :
              (F.obj (CategoryTheory.Limits.pullback f g)) { p : (F.obj A) × (F.obj B) // f p.1 = g p.2 }

              The fiber of the pullback is the fiber product of the fibers.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                The fiber of the binary product is the binary product of the fibers.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For

                  If X : ι → C is a finite family of objects with non-empty fiber, then also ∏ᶜ X has non-empty fiber.

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                  Along a mono that is not an iso, the cardinality of the fiber strictly increases.

                  The cardinality of the fiber of a coproduct is the sum of the cardinalities of the fibers.

                  The cardinality of morphisms A ⟶ X is smaller than the cardinality of the fiber of the target if the source is connected.

                  A PreGaloisCategory is a GaloisCategory if it admits a fiber functor.


                    In a GaloisCategory the set of morphisms out of a connected object is finite.

                    • =

                    Coproduct inclusions are monic in Galois categories.

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