

Construction of the inverse functor of the Dold-Kan equivalence #

In this file, we construct the functor Γ₀ : ChainComplex C ℕ ⥤ SimplicialObject C which shall be the inverse functor of the Dold-Kan equivalence in the case of abelian categories, and more generally pseudoabelian categories.

By definition, when K is a chain_complex, Γ₀.obj K is a simplicial object which sends Δ : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ to a certain coproduct indexed by the set Splitting.IndexSet Δ whose elements consists of epimorphisms e : Δ.unop ⟶ Δ'.unop (with Δ' : SimplexCategoryᵒᵖ); the summand attached to such an e is K.X Δ'.unop.len. By construction, Γ₀.obj K is a split simplicial object whose splitting is Γ₀.splitting K.

We also construct Γ₂ : Karoubi (ChainComplex C ℕ) ⥤ Karoubi (SimplicialObject C) which shall be an equivalence for any additive category C.

(See Equivalence.lean for the general strategy of proof of the Dold-Kan equivalence.)

Isδ₀ i is a simple condition used to check whether a monomorphism i in SimplexCategory identifies to the coface map δ 0.

Instances For

    In the definition of (Γ₀.obj K).obj Δ as a direct sum indexed by A : Splitting.IndexSet Δ, the summand summand K Δ A is K.X A.1.len.

    Instances For

      The functor Γ₀ sends a chain complex K to the simplicial object which sends Δ to the direct sum of the objects summand K Δ A for all A : Splitting.IndexSet Δ

      Instances For

        A monomorphism i : Δ' ⟶ Δ induces a morphism K.X Δ.len ⟶ K.X Δ'.len which is the identity if Δ = Δ', the differential on the complex K if i = δ 0, and zero otherwise.

        Instances For

          The simplicial morphism on the simplicial object Γ₀.obj K induced by a morphism Δ' → Δ in SimplexCategory is defined on each summand associated to an A : Splitting.IndexSet Δ in terms of the epi-mono factorisation of θ ≫ A.e.

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          Instances For

            The functor Γ₀ : ChainComplex C ℕ ⥤ SimplicialObject C, on objects.

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            Instances For

              By construction, the simplicial Γ₀.obj K is equipped with a splitting.

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              Instances For

                The functor Γ₀ : ChainComplex C ℕ ⥤ SimplicialObject C, on morphisms.

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                Instances For

                  The functor Γ₀' : ChainComplex C ℕ ⥤ SimplicialObject.Split C that induces Γ₀ : ChainComplex C ℕ ⥤ SimplicialObject C, which shall be the inverse functor of the Dold-Kan equivalence for abelian or pseudo-abelian categories.

                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For

                    The functor Γ₀ : ChainComplex C ℕ ⥤ SimplicialObject C, which is the inverse functor of the Dold-Kan equivalence when C is an abelian category, or more generally a pseudoabelian category.

                    Instances For