

Limits and colimits in the category of short complexes #

In this file, it is shown if a category C with zero morphisms has limits of a certain shape J, then it is also the case of the category ShortComplex C.

If a cone with values in ShortComplex C is such that it becomes limit when we apply the three projections ShortComplex C ⥤ C, then it is limit.

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Instances For

    Construction of a limit cone for a functor J ⥤ ShortComplex C using the limits of the three components J ⥤ C.

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    Instances For

      If a cocone with values in ShortComplex C is such that it becomes colimit when we apply the three projections ShortComplex C ⥤ C, then it is colimit.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        Construction of a colimit cocone for a functor J ⥤ ShortComplex C using the colimits of the three components J ⥤ C.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For