Homology of the extension of an homological complex #
Given an embedding e : c.Embedding c'
and K : HomologicalComplex C c
, we shall
compute the homology of K.extend e
. In degrees that are not in the image of e.f
the homology is obviously zero. When e.f j = j
, we construct an isomorphism
(K.extend e).homology j' ≅ K.homology j
The kernel fork of (K.extend e).d j' k'
that is deduced from a kernel
fork of K.d j k
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Instances For
The limit kernel fork of (K.extend e).d j' k'
that is deduced from a limit
kernel fork of K.d j k
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Instances For
Auxiliary lemma for lift_d_comp_eq_zero_iff
Auxiliary definition for extend.leftHomologyData
- HomologicalComplex.extend.leftHomologyData.cokernelCofork K e hj' hi hi' hk hk' cone hcone cocone = CategoryTheory.Limits.CokernelCofork.ofπ (CategoryTheory.Limits.Cofork.π cocone) ⋯
Instances For
Auxiliary definition for extend.leftHomologyData
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Instances For
The left homology data of (K.extend e).sc' i' j' k'
that is deduced
from a left homology data of K.sc' i j k
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Instances For
The cokernel cofork of (K.extend e).d i' j'
that is deduced from a cokernel
cofork of K.d i j
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Instances For
The colimit cokernel cofork of (K.extend e).d i' j'
that is deduced from a
colimit cokernel cofork of K.d i j
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Instances For
Auxiliary definition for extend.rightHomologyData
- HomologicalComplex.extend.rightHomologyData.kernelFork K e hj' hi hi' hk hk' cocone hcocone cone = CategoryTheory.Limits.KernelFork.ofι (CategoryTheory.Limits.Fork.ι cone) ⋯
Instances For
Auxiliary definition for extend.rightHomologyData
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Instances For
The right homology data of (K.extend e).sc' i' j' k'
that is deduced
from a right homology data of K.sc' i j k
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Instances For
The homology data of (K.extend e).sc' i' j' k'
that is deduced
from a homology data of K.sc' i j k
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Instances For
The homology data of (K.extend e).sc j'
that is deduced
from a homology data of K.sc' i j k
- HomologicalComplex.extend.homologyData' K e hj' hi hk h = HomologicalComplex.extend.homologyData K e hj' hi ⋯ hk ⋯ h
Instances For
The isomorphism (K.extend e).cycles j' ≅ K.cycles j
when e.f j = j'
- K.extendCyclesIso e hj' = (HomologicalComplex.extend.homologyData' K e hj' ⋯ ⋯ (K.sc j).homologyData).left.cyclesIso ≪≫ (K.sc j).homologyData.left.cyclesIso.symm
Instances For
The isomorphism (K.extend e).opcycles j' ≅ K.opcycles j
when e.f j = j'
- K.extendOpcyclesIso e hj' = (HomologicalComplex.extend.homologyData' K e hj' ⋯ ⋯ (K.sc j).homologyData).right.opcyclesIso ≪≫ (K.sc j).homologyData.right.opcyclesIso.symm
Instances For
The isomorphism (K.extend e).homology j' ≅ K.homology j
when e.f j = j'
- K.extendHomologyIso e hj' = (HomologicalComplex.extend.homologyData' K e hj' ⋯ ⋯ (K.sc j).homologyData).left.homologyIso ≪≫ (K.sc j).homologyData.left.homologyIso.symm