This downloads files associated with SAFE datasets, either all of the files included in a set of records (xlsx_only = FALSE) or just the core .xlsx files (xlsx_only = FALSE), and stores them in the SAFE data directory. See insert_dataset for details on using embargoed or restricted datasets.

  confirm = TRUE,
  xlsx_only = TRUE,
  download_metadata = TRUE,
  refresh = FALSE,
  token = NULL



A vector of SAFE dataset record ids or a safe_record_set object.


Requires the user to confirm before download (logical)


Should all files be downloaded or just the core .xslx file (logical)


Should the metadata record for the file be downloaded (logical)


Should the function check if local copies have been modified and download fresh copies. This is useful if the local copies have unintentionally been modified but note the warning above.


An access token for restricted datasets. These tokens are requested through the Zenodo page for a restricted dataset and are long alphanumeric strings. If you are providing a token, you should only provide the record id for that dataset.


Invisibly, a vector of paths within the `safe_dir` for successfully downloaded files. If the download is not successful then the function returns FALSE.


By default, the function will also download the dataset metadata. This information is required by many of the functions in the package but users can turn off automatic metadata download.


Using refresh = TRUE will overwrite locally modified files and replace them with the versions of record from Zenodo.


   # \donttest{
#> Loading and caching index
#> Validating directory
       recs <- validate_record_ids(c(3247631, 3266827, 3266821))
       download_safe_files(recs, confirm = FALSE)
#> 2 files requested from 2 records
#>  - 0 local (0 bytes)
#>  - 0 embargoed or restricted (0 bytes)
#>  - 2 to download (675 Kb)
#> Downloading 2 record metadata files
#> Downloaded metadata: 3247631
#> Downloaded metadata: 3266827
#> 1 files for record 3247631: 1 to download
#>  - Downloaded: Both_tree_functional_traits.xlsx
#> 1 files for record 3266827: 1 to download
#>  - Downloaded: template_Symes.xlsx
#> Loading and caching index
#> Validating directory
   # }
   if (FALSE) {
       # This example requires a private token
       download_safe_files(1237730, confirm = FALSE,