This takes a vector of user supplied record identifiers and validates them against the index. Typically the identifiers are provided as integers, but the function will also handle Zenodo URLs and DOIs.


# S3 method for safe_record_set
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for safe_record_set
&(x, y)

# S3 method for safe_record_set
|(x, y)



A vector of values containing Zenodo concept or record ids.

x, y

Objects of class safe_record_set


Further arguments to print methods, unused.


An object of class safe_record_set (see Details)


The function returns a data frame with class safe_record_set, containing the columns concept, record, available and, finally, mra containing the most recent available record (if any). The function can be run on an existing safe_record_set to update this information.

Note that record will be NA when a value represents a concept id. Inputs that do not match a record or concept ids are returned in the attribute mismatches of the record set.

This function is largely used internally to validate user inputs and to provide a common output for the search functions but is exported to allow users to check record ids and display summary information using the print method.

Methods (by generic)

  • print: Print a brief summary of "safe_record_set" objects.

  • &: Combine two record sets, retaining only records that are present in both.

  • |: Combine two record sets, including the records that are present in either.


#> Loading and caching index
#> Validating directory
   validate_record_ids(c(3247631, 3266827, 3266821, -1000))
#> Warning: Invalid numeric record ids: -1000
#> Set includes 3 concept ids and 2 record ids: 
#>  - 2 open and most recent (*)
#>  - 0 open and outdated (o)
#>  - 0 under embargo or restricted (x)
#>   concept  record available
#> 1 3247630 3247631         *
#> 2 3266821 -------          
#> 3 3266826 3266827         *
#> Warning: Invalid character record ids: not_this_one/3266821
#> Set includes 3 concept ids and 2 record ids: 
#>  - 2 open and most recent (*)
#>  - 0 open and outdated (o)
#>  - 0 under embargo or restricted (x)
#>   concept  record available
#> 1 3247630 3247631         *
#> 2 3266821 -------          
#> 3 3266826 3266827         *
#> Loading and caching index
#> Validating directory