ICFERST  22-06
Reservoir simulator based on DCVFEM, Dynamic Mesh optimisation and Surface-based modelling
copy_outof_state Module Reference

This module enables the multiphase prototype code to interact with state by copying everything required from state to ICFERST, adaptive time-stepping, outfluxes computation, tunneled BCs and Darcy velocity. More...


subroutine, public get_primary_scalars_new (state, Mdims)
 This subroutine extracts all primary variables associated with the mesh from state, and associated them with the variables used in the MultiFluids model. More...
subroutine, public compute_node_global_numbers (state, ndgln)
 This subroutine calculates the global node numbers requested to operates in ICFERST. More...
subroutine, public get_ele_type (x_nloc, cv_ele_type, p_ele_type, u_ele_type, mat_ele_type, u_sele_type, cv_sele_type)
 : Obtain the type of element u_ele_type = cv_ele_type = p_ele_type will flag the dimension and type of element: = 1 or 2: 1D (linear and quadratic, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED- = 3 or 4: triangle (linear or quadratic, respectively) = 5 or 6: quadrilateral (bi-linear or tri-linear, respectively)-NOT SUPPORTED- = 7 or 8: tetrahedron (linear or quadratic, respectively) = 9 or 10: hexahedron (bi-linear or tri-linear, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED- More...
subroutine, public get_ele_type_new (Mdims, Mdisopt)
 : Obtains the element type Mdisoptu_ele_type = Mdisoptcv_ele_type = Mdisoptp_ele_type will flag the dimension and type of element: = 1 or 2: 1D (linear and quadratic, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED- = 3 or 4: triangle (linear or quadratic, respectively) = 5 or 6: quadrilateral (bi-linear or tri-linear, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED- = 7 or 8: tetrahedron (linear or quadratic, respectively) = 9 or 10: hexahedron (bi-linear or tri-linear, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED- More...
subroutine, public get_discretisation_options (state, Mdims, Mdisopt)
 : This subroutine extract all discretisation options from the schema DISOPT Options: =0 1st order in space Theta=specified UNIVERSAL =1 1st order in space Theta=non-linear UNIVERSAL =2 Trapezoidal rule in space Theta=specified UNIVERSAL =2 if isotropic limiter then FEM-quadratic & stratification adjust. Theta=non-linear =3 Trapezoidal rule in space Theta=non-linear UNIVERSAL =4 Finite elements in space Theta=specified UNIVERSAL =5 Finite elements in space Theta=non-linear UNIVERSAL =6 Finite elements in space Theta=specified NONE =7 Finite elements in space Theta=non-linear NONE =8 Finite elements in space Theta=specified DOWNWIND+INTERFACE TRACKING =9 Finite elements in space Theta=non-linear DOWNWIND+INTERFACE TRACKING More...
subroutine, public pack_multistate (npres, state, packed_state, multiphase_state, multicomponent_state, pmulti_state)
 : This subroutine creates packed_state from state(:) and links the appropiate memory so it is acessible from both states. This subroutine also introduces fields not used by fludity but required by IC-FERST More...
subroutine, public prepare_absorptions (state, Mdims, multi_absorp)
 : Prepares the memory to compute absorption fields More...
type(vector_field) function, public as_vector (tfield, dim, slice)
 : This function points a tensor field as a vector field type This is necessary when solving for tensor fields that are actually multiphase vector fields. More...
type(vector_field) function, public as_packed_vector (tfield)
 : This function points a tensor field as a vector field type This is necessary when solving for tensor fields that are actually multiphase vector fields. More...
subroutine, public finalise_multistate (packed_state, multiphase_state, multicomponent_state)
 : Destrys packed_state and the passed down states More...
subroutine, public adaptive_nonlinear (Mdims, packed_state, reference_field, its, Repeat_time_step, ExitNonLinearLoop, nonLinearAdaptTs, old_acctim, order, calculate_mass_delta, adapt_mesh_in_FPI, Accum_Courant, Courant_tol, Current_Courant, first_time_step)
 : This subroutine either store variables before the nonlinear timeloop starts, or checks how the nonlinear iterations are going and depending on that increase the timestep or decreases the timestep and repeats that timestep More...
real function, public inf_norm_scalar_normalised (tracer, reference_tracer, dumping, totally_min_max)
 Calculate the inf norm of the normalised field, so the field goes from 0 to 1 It requires as inputs the tracer to be used and the reference tracer to normallise, the dumping to be set to 1.0 and totally_min_max which includes the min max values of the field across all processors also for normalisation. More...
real function, public get_convergence_functional (phasevolumefraction, reference_sat, dumping, its)
 : We create a potential to optimize F = sum (f**2), so the solution is when this potential reaches a minimum. Typically the value to consider convergence is the sqrt(epsilon of the machine), i.e. 10^-8 f = (NewSat-OldSat)/Number of nodes; this is the typical approach for algebraic non linear systems More...
subroutine, public get_var_from_packed_state (packed_state, FEDensity, OldFEDensity, IteratedFEDensity, Density, OldDensity, IteratedDensity, PhaseVolumeFraction, OldPhaseVolumeFraction, IteratedPhaseVolumeFraction, Velocity, OldVelocity, IteratedVelocity, FEPhaseVolumeFraction, OldFEPhaseVolumeFraction, IteratedFEPhaseVolumeFraction, NonlinearVelocity, OldNonlinearVelocity, IteratedNonlinearVelocity, ComponentDensity, OldComponentDensity, IteratedComponentDensity, ComponentMassFraction, OldComponentMassFraction, Temperature, OldTemperature, IteratedTemperature, FETemperature, OldFETemperature, IteratedFETemperature, IteratedComponentMassFraction, FEComponentDensity, OldFEComponentDensity, IteratedFEComponentDensity, FEComponentMassFraction, OldFEComponentMassFraction, IteratedFEComponentMassFraction, Pressure, FEPressure, OldFEPressure, CVPressure, OldCVPressure, CV_Immobile_Fraction, Coordinate, VelocityCoordinate, PressureCoordinate, MaterialCoordinate, CapPressure, Immobile_fraction, EndPointRelperm, RelpermExponent, Cap_entry_pressure, Cap_exponent, Imbibition_term, Concentration, OldConcentration, IteratedConcentration, FEConcentration, OldFEConcentration, IteratedFEConcentration, Enthalpy, OldEnthalpy, IteratedEnthalpy, FEEnthalpy, OldFEEnthalpy, IteratedFEEnthalpy)
 @DEPRECATED: Gets memory from packed state This subroutine returns a pointer to the desired values of a variable stored in packed state All the input variables (but packed_stated) are pointers following the structure of the *_ALL variables and also all of them are optional, hence you can obtaine whichever you want More...
subroutine, public printcsrmatrix (Matrix, find, col, dim_same_row)
 : Subroutine to print CSR matrix by (row, column) Dimensions and phases are printed in different rows So for example Matrix(2,2,10) with two rows would be presented as a matrix ( 8 x 10) More...
logical function, public is_constant (tfield)
 : Checks whether a field is constant or not More...
character(len=field_name_len) function, public getoldname (tfield)
 : For a given field, retrieve the associated old field name More...
character(len=field_name_len) function, public getfemname (tfield)
 : For a given field, retrieve the associated finite element field name More...
subroutine, public calculate_internal_volume (packed_state, Mdims, mass_ele, calculate_mass, cv_ndgln, DEN_ALL, eles_with_pipe)
 : Subroutine to calculate the integrated mass inside the domain More...
logical function, public have_option_for_any_phase (path, nphase)
 : Subroutine to check whether an option is true for any phase in diamond, if any is true it returns true. The path must be the part of the path inside the phase, i.e. /multiphase_properties/capillary_pressure More...
subroutine, public get_darcyvelocity (Mdims, ndgln, state, packed_state, upwnd)
 : This subroutine calculates the actual Darcy velocity, but with P0DG precision only! More...
subroutine, public dump_outflux (current_time, itime, outfluxes)
 : Subroutine that dumps the total flux at a given timestep across all specified boundaries to a file called 'simulation_name_outfluxes.csv'. In addition, the time integrated flux up to the current timestep is also outputted to this file. Integration boundaries are specified in diamond via surface_ids. (In diamond this option can be found under "/io/dump_boundaryflux/surface_ids" and the user should specify an integer array containing the IDs of every boundary they wish to integrate over). More...
subroutine, public update_outfluxes (bcs_outfluxes, outfluxes, sele, cv_nodi, suf_area, Vol_flux, Mass_flux, tracer, outfluxes_fields, start_phase, end_phase)
 : Updates the outfluxes information based on NDOTQNEW, shape functions and transported fields for a given GI point in a certain element This subroutine should only be called if SELE is on the BOUNDARY Example of Mass_flux: ndotq(iphase) * SdevFunsDETWEI(gi) * LIMT(iphase) Example of Vol_flux: ndotq(iphase) * SdevFunsDETWEI(gi) * LIMDT(iphase) More...
subroutine, public enterforcebalanceequation (EnterSolve, its, itime, acctim, t_adapt_threshold, after_adapt, after_adapt_itime, PVF_cfl)
 :–A Subroutine that returns a Logical, either to Enter the Force Balance Eqs or Not = given a requested_cfl_pressure it will skip the ForceBalanceEquation that many times = while if I have adaptive mesh it will solve the ForceBalanceEquation after each adapt_time_steps = The Subroutive also account for delaying adaptivity and swich between cfl_pressure and after_adapt= More...
subroutine, public impose_connected_bcs (outfluxes, packed_state, Mdims, acctime)
 : Using the outfluxes values, it imposes as BC the averaged value of another BC(from within the domain) It is a basic method to get this functionality but it will work in parallel. However, it does not guarantee mass conservation as it uses the value from the previous time-step although it can still be used for many cases such as ATES, or ventilation. Overwrites the dirichlet BC values. Currently it uses the information from outfluxes so it is MANDATORY to use and request outfluxes for those BCs More...

Detailed Description

This module enables the multiphase prototype code to interact with state by copying everything required from state to ICFERST, adaptive time-stepping, outfluxes computation, tunneled BCs and Darcy velocity.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ adaptive_nonlinear()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::adaptive_nonlinear ( type(multi_dimensions), intent(in)  Mdims,
type(state_type), intent(inout)  packed_state,
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout), allocatable  reference_field,
integer, intent(inout)  its,
logical, intent(inout)  Repeat_time_step,
logical, intent(inout)  ExitNonLinearLoop,
logical, intent(in)  nonLinearAdaptTs,
real, intent(in)  old_acctim,
integer, intent(in)  order,
real, dimension(:,:), optional  calculate_mass_delta,
logical, intent(in), optional  adapt_mesh_in_FPI,
real, intent(in), optional  Accum_Courant,
real, intent(in), optional  Courant_tol,
real, intent(in), optional  Current_Courant,
logical, intent(in), optional  first_time_step 

: This subroutine either store variables before the nonlinear timeloop starts, or checks how the nonlinear iterations are going and depending on that increase the timestep or decreases the timestep and repeats that timestep

: Pablo Salinas
MdimsData type storing all the dimensions describing the mesh, fields, nodes, etc
packed_stateLinked list with the fields for ICFERST
reference_fieldField stored at the beginning of the non-linear loop to check convergence
old_acctimPrevious actual time
itsNon-linear time iteration WARNING: not to be modified unless VERY sure
nonLinearAdaptTsFlag controlling if we have adaptive time-step or not
orderFlag controlling what are we doing. 1)Store or get from backup; 2)Calculate and store reference_field;
calculate_mass_delta1st item holds the mass at previous Linear time step, 2nd item is the delta between mass at the current FPI and 1st item
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ as_packed_vector()

type(vector_field) function, public copy_outof_state::as_packed_vector ( type(tensor_field), intent(inout)  tfield)

: This function points a tensor field as a vector field type This is necessary when solving for tensor fields that are actually multiphase vector fields.

◆ as_vector()

type(vector_field) function, public copy_outof_state::as_vector ( type(tensor_field), intent(inout)  tfield,
integer, intent(in)  dim,
integer, intent(in), optional  slice 

: This function points a tensor field as a vector field type This is necessary when solving for tensor fields that are actually multiphase vector fields.

◆ calculate_internal_volume()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::calculate_internal_volume ( type(state_type), intent(inout)  packed_state,
type(multi_dimensions), intent(in)  Mdims,
real, dimension( : ), intent(in)  mass_ele,
real, dimension(:), intent(inout)  calculate_mass,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  cv_ndgln,
real, dimension( :, : ), intent(in)  DEN_ALL,
type(pipe_coords), dimension(:), intent(in), optional  eles_with_pipe 

: Subroutine to calculate the integrated mass inside the domain

mass_elevolume of the element, split into cv_nloc equally sized pieces (barycenter)
cv_ndglnlocal to global of the CV mesh only
DEN_ALLdensity of the field
eles_with_pipelist of element that contain a well/pipe
Return values
calculate_massOutput field containing all the mass within the domain
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ compute_node_global_numbers()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::compute_node_global_numbers ( type( state_type ), dimension( : ), intent(in)  state,
type(multi_ndgln), intent(inout)  ndgln 

This subroutine calculates the global node numbers requested to operates in ICFERST.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dump_outflux()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::dump_outflux ( real, intent(in)  current_time,
integer, intent(in)  itime,
type (multi_outfluxes), intent(inout)  outfluxes 

: Subroutine that dumps the total flux at a given timestep across all specified boundaries to a file called 'simulation_name_outfluxes.csv'. In addition, the time integrated flux up to the current timestep is also outputted to this file. Integration boundaries are specified in diamond via surface_ids. (In diamond this option can be found under "/io/dump_boundaryflux/surface_ids" and the user should specify an integer array containing the IDs of every boundary they wish to integrate over).

current_timeactual time
itimetime-level in integer format
outfluxesmulti_outfluxes field containing the data required to create the output csv file
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ enterforcebalanceequation()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::enterforcebalanceequation ( logical, intent(inout)  EnterSolve,
integer, intent(in)  its,
integer, intent(in)  itime,
real, intent(in)  acctim,
real, intent(in)  t_adapt_threshold,
logical, intent(in)  after_adapt,
logical, intent(inout)  after_adapt_itime,
real, intent(in)  PVF_cfl 

:–A Subroutine that returns a Logical, either to Enter the Force Balance Eqs or Not = given a requested_cfl_pressure it will skip the ForceBalanceEquation that many times = while if I have adaptive mesh it will solve the ForceBalanceEquation after each adapt_time_steps = The Subroutive also account for delaying adaptivity and swich between cfl_pressure and after_adapt=

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ finalise_multistate()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::finalise_multistate ( type(state_type)  packed_state,
type(state_type), dimension(:), pointer  multiphase_state,
type(state_type), dimension(:), pointer  multicomponent_state 

: Destrys packed_state and the passed down states

◆ get_convergence_functional()

real function, public copy_outof_state::get_convergence_functional ( real, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  phasevolumefraction,
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  reference_sat,
real, intent(in)  dumping,
integer, intent(in), optional  its 

: We create a potential to optimize F = sum (f**2), so the solution is when this potential reaches a minimum. Typically the value to consider convergence is the sqrt(epsilon of the machine), i.e. 10^-8 f = (NewSat-OldSat)/Number of nodes; this is the typical approach for algebraic non linear systems

The convergence is independent of the dumping parameter and measures how the previous iteration (i.e. using the previous dumping parameter) performed

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_darcyvelocity()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::get_darcyvelocity ( type(multi_dimensions), intent(in)  Mdims,
type(multi_ndgln), intent(in)  ndgln,
type( state_type ), dimension( : ), intent(inout)  state,
type(state_type), intent(in)  packed_state,
type (porous_adv_coefs), intent(inout)  upwnd 

: This subroutine calculates the actual Darcy velocity, but with P0DG precision only!

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_discretisation_options()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::get_discretisation_options ( type( state_type ), dimension( : ), intent(in)  state,
type(multi_dimensions), intent(in)  Mdims,
type (multi_discretization_opts Mdisopt 

: This subroutine extract all discretisation options from the schema DISOPT Options: =0 1st order in space Theta=specified UNIVERSAL =1 1st order in space Theta=non-linear UNIVERSAL =2 Trapezoidal rule in space Theta=specified UNIVERSAL =2 if isotropic limiter then FEM-quadratic & stratification adjust. Theta=non-linear =3 Trapezoidal rule in space Theta=non-linear UNIVERSAL =4 Finite elements in space Theta=specified UNIVERSAL =5 Finite elements in space Theta=non-linear UNIVERSAL =6 Finite elements in space Theta=specified NONE =7 Finite elements in space Theta=non-linear NONE =8 Finite elements in space Theta=specified DOWNWIND+INTERFACE TRACKING =9 Finite elements in space Theta=non-linear DOWNWIND+INTERFACE TRACKING

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_ele_type()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::get_ele_type ( integer, intent(in)  x_nloc,
integer, intent(inout)  cv_ele_type,
integer, intent(inout)  p_ele_type,
integer, intent(inout)  u_ele_type,
integer, intent(inout), optional  mat_ele_type,
integer, intent(inout), optional  u_sele_type,
integer, intent(inout), optional  cv_sele_type 

: Obtain the type of element u_ele_type = cv_ele_type = p_ele_type will flag the dimension and type of element: = 1 or 2: 1D (linear and quadratic, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED- = 3 or 4: triangle (linear or quadratic, respectively) = 5 or 6: quadrilateral (bi-linear or tri-linear, respectively)-NOT SUPPORTED- = 7 or 8: tetrahedron (linear or quadratic, respectively) = 9 or 10: hexahedron (bi-linear or tri-linear, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED-

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_ele_type_new()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::get_ele_type_new ( type(multi_dimensions), intent(in)  Mdims,
type (multi_discretization_opts Mdisopt 

: Obtains the element type Mdisoptu_ele_type = Mdisoptcv_ele_type = Mdisoptp_ele_type will flag the dimension and type of element: = 1 or 2: 1D (linear and quadratic, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED- = 3 or 4: triangle (linear or quadratic, respectively) = 5 or 6: quadrilateral (bi-linear or tri-linear, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED- = 7 or 8: tetrahedron (linear or quadratic, respectively) = 9 or 10: hexahedron (bi-linear or tri-linear, respectively) -NOT SUPPORTED-

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_primary_scalars_new()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::get_primary_scalars_new ( type( state_type ), dimension( : ), intent(in)  state,
type (multi_dimensions Mdims 

This subroutine extracts all primary variables associated with the mesh from state, and associated them with the variables used in the MultiFluids model.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_var_from_packed_state()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::get_var_from_packed_state ( type(state_type), intent(inout)  packed_state,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  FEDensity,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldFEDensity,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedFEDensity,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  Density,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldDensity,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedDensity,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  PhaseVolumeFraction,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldPhaseVolumeFraction,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedPhaseVolumeFraction,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  Velocity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  OldVelocity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedVelocity,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  FEPhaseVolumeFraction,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldFEPhaseVolumeFraction,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedFEPhaseVolumeFraction,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  NonlinearVelocity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  OldNonlinearVelocity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedNonlinearVelocity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  ComponentDensity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  OldComponentDensity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedComponentDensity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  ComponentMassFraction,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  OldComponentMassFraction,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  Temperature,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldTemperature,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedTemperature,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  FETemperature,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldFETemperature,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedFETemperature,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedComponentMassFraction,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  FEComponentDensity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  OldFEComponentDensity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedFEComponentDensity,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  FEComponentMassFraction,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  OldFEComponentMassFraction,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedFEComponentMassFraction,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  Pressure,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  FEPressure,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  OldFEPressure,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  CVPressure,
real, dimension(:,:,:), optional, pointer  OldCVPressure,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  CV_Immobile_Fraction,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  Coordinate,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  VelocityCoordinate,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  PressureCoordinate,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  MaterialCoordinate,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  CapPressure,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  Immobile_fraction,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  EndPointRelperm,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  RelpermExponent,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  Cap_entry_pressure,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  Cap_exponent,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  Imbibition_term,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  Concentration,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldConcentration,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedConcentration,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  FEConcentration,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldFEConcentration,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedFEConcentration,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  Enthalpy,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldEnthalpy,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedEnthalpy,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  FEEnthalpy,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  OldFEEnthalpy,
real, dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  IteratedFEEnthalpy 

@DEPRECATED: Gets memory from packed state This subroutine returns a pointer to the desired values of a variable stored in packed state All the input variables (but packed_stated) are pointers following the structure of the *_ALL variables and also all of them are optional, hence you can obtaine whichever you want


If we want to get the velocity and the phasevolumefraction one should proceed this way: Define variables: real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: Velocity_pointer real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: PhaseVolumeFraction_pointer Assign the pointers call get_var_from_packed_state(packed_state, Velocity = Velocity_pointer, PhaseVolumeFraction = PhaseVolumeFraction_pointer)

In this way we only have to introduce the name of the variables we want to get from packed_state

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getfemname()

character (len=field_name_len) function, public copy_outof_state::getfemname ( type(tensor_field), intent(in)  tfield)

: For a given field, retrieve the associated finite element field name

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getoldname()

character (len=field_name_len) function, public copy_outof_state::getoldname ( type(tensor_field), intent(in)  tfield)

: For a given field, retrieve the associated old field name

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ have_option_for_any_phase()

logical function, public copy_outof_state::have_option_for_any_phase ( character (len=*), intent(in)  path,
integer, intent(in)  nphase 

: Subroutine to check whether an option is true for any phase in diamond, if any is true it returns true. The path must be the part of the path inside the phase, i.e. /multiphase_properties/capillary_pressure

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ impose_connected_bcs()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::impose_connected_bcs ( type (multi_outfluxes), intent(inout)  outfluxes,
type(state_type), intent(in)  packed_state,
type(multi_dimensions), intent(in)  Mdims,
real, intent(in)  acctime 

: Using the outfluxes values, it imposes as BC the averaged value of another BC(from within the domain) It is a basic method to get this functionality but it will work in parallel. However, it does not guarantee mass conservation as it uses the value from the previous time-step although it can still be used for many cases such as ATES, or ventilation. Overwrites the dirichlet BC values. Currently it uses the information from outfluxes so it is MANDATORY to use and request outfluxes for those BCs

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ inf_norm_scalar_normalised()

real function, public copy_outof_state::inf_norm_scalar_normalised ( real, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  tracer,
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in)  reference_tracer,
real, intent(in)  dumping,
real, dimension(2), intent(in)  totally_min_max 

Calculate the inf norm of the normalised field, so the field goes from 0 to 1 It requires as inputs the tracer to be used and the reference tracer to normallise, the dumping to be set to 1.0 and totally_min_max which includes the min max values of the field across all processors also for normalisation.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_constant()

logical function, public copy_outof_state::is_constant ( type(tensor_field), intent(in)  tfield)

: Checks whether a field is constant or not

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pack_multistate()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::pack_multistate ( integer, intent(in)  npres,
type(state_type), dimension(:), intent(inout)  state,
type(state_type), intent(inout)  packed_state,
type(state_type), dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer  multiphase_state,
type(state_type), dimension(:), intent(inout), pointer  multicomponent_state,
type(state_type), dimension(:,:), optional, pointer  pmulti_state 

: This subroutine creates packed_state from state(:) and links the appropiate memory so it is acessible from both states. This subroutine also introduces fields not used by fludity but required by IC-FERST

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prepare_absorptions()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::prepare_absorptions ( type(state_type), dimension(:), intent(inout)  state,
type(multi_dimensions), intent(in)  Mdims,
type(multi_absorption), intent(inout)  multi_absorp 

: Prepares the memory to compute absorption fields

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ printcsrmatrix()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::printcsrmatrix ( real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in)  Matrix,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  find,
integer, dimension(:), intent(in)  col,
logical, intent(in), optional  dim_same_row 

: Subroutine to print CSR matrix by (row, column) Dimensions and phases are printed in different rows So for example Matrix(2,2,10) with two rows would be presented as a matrix ( 8 x 10)

◆ update_outfluxes()

subroutine, public copy_outof_state::update_outfluxes ( real, dimension(:, :,0:), intent(inout)  bcs_outfluxes,
type (multi_outfluxes), intent(inout)  outfluxes,
integer, intent(in)  sele,
integer, intent(in)  cv_nodi,
real, intent(in)  suf_area,
real, dimension(:), intent(in)  Vol_flux,
real, dimension(:), intent(in)  Mass_flux,
type (tensor_field), intent(in), pointer  tracer,
type (tensor_field_pointer), dimension(:)  outfluxes_fields,
integer, intent(in)  start_phase,
integer, intent(in)  end_phase 

: Updates the outfluxes information based on NDOTQNEW, shape functions and transported fields for a given GI point in a certain element This subroutine should only be called if SELE is on the BOUNDARY Example of Mass_flux: ndotq(iphase) * SdevFunsDETWEI(gi) * LIMT(iphase) Example of Vol_flux: ndotq(iphase) * SdevFunsDETWEI(gi) * LIMDT(iphase)

bcs_outfluxesthe total mass entering the domain is captured by 'bcs_outfluxes'
outfluxesmulti_outfluxes field containing the data required to create the output csv file
selecurrent surface element
cv_nodicurrent control volume
suf_areasurface area
Vol_fluxndotq(iphase) * SdevFunsDETWEI(gi) * LIMT(iphase)
Mass_fluxndotq(iphase) * SdevFunsDETWEI(gi) * LIMDT(iphase) (includes tracer and density!)
tracerfield being transported/computed
outfluxes_fieldsto extract also from active/passive tracers
start_phase,end_phaseInitial and final phase to be considered here
Here is the caller graph for this function: