subroutine, public | multi_pipes::assemble_pipe_transport_and_cty (state, packed_state, tracer, den_all, denold_all, final_phase, Mdims, ndgln, DERIV, CV_P, SOURCT_ALL, ABSORBT_ALL, WIC_T_BC_ALL, WIC_D_BC_ALL, WIC_U_BC_ALL, SUF_T_BC_ALL, SUF_D_BC_ALL, SUF_U_BC_ALL, getcv_disc, getct, Mmat, Mspars, upwnd, GOT_T2, DT, pipes_aux, DIAG_SCALE_PRES_COUP, DIAG_SCALE_PRES, mean_pore_cv, eles_with_pipe, thermal, CV_BETA, MASS_CV, INV_B, MASS_ELE, bcs_outfluxes, outfluxes, porous_heat_coef, assemble_collapsed_to_one_phase) |
| : This sub modifies either MmatCT or the Advection-diffusion equation for 1D pipe modelling NOTE final_phase has to be define for the reservoir domain, i.e. for two phase flow it can be either 1 or 2, not 3 or 4. We define wells_first_phase as the first phase of the well domain More...
subroutine, public | multi_pipes::mod_1d_force_bal_c (STATE, packed_state, Mdims, Mspars, Mmat, ndgln, eles_with_pipe, GET_PIVIT_MAT, WIC_P_BC_ALL, SUF_P_BC_ALL, SIGMA, NU_ALL, U_SOURCE, U_SOURCE_CV, pipes_aux) |
| : This sub modifies MmatC for 1D pipe modelling. Works on the momentum equation More...
subroutine, public | multi_pipes::retrieve_pipes_coords (state, packed_state, Mdims, ndgln, eles_with_pipe) |
| : In this subroutine the elements that contain pipes are identified The pipes can either be defined using python (DEPRECATED) or a nastran file defining the trajectory of each well by points More...
subroutine, public | multi_pipes::initialize_pipes_package_and_gamma (state, packed_state, pipes_aux, Mdims, Mspars, ndgln) |
| This subroutine reads information from diamond and populates the necessary fields For P0DGP1 gamma is imposed to be zero at the boundary so the strong BCs work fine. More...