subroutine | multi_phreeqc::init_phreeqc (Mdims, packed_state, id, concetration_phreeqc, after_adapt) |
| This subroutine is used to initialise all the necessary parameters that PHREEQCRM requires. Reaction types, concentration units, number of components to transport... More...
subroutine | multi_phreeqc::run_phreeqc (Mdims, packed_state, id, concetration_phreeqc) |
| Call PHREEQCRM and compute the reactions of the fields defined associated with the input ID. More...
subroutine | multi_phreeqc::deallocate_phreeqc (id) |
character(len=option_path_len) function | multi_phreeqc::get_packed_species_name (PHREEQC_name, old_field) |
| : Finds the field name in diamond given a name in PHREEQC. Fields have the convention of being named in ICFERST as SPECIES_component, for example Species_O for oxygen. More...