

Ternary Cantor Set #

This file defines the Cantor ternary set and proves a few properties.

Main Definitions #

The order n pre-Cantor set, defined starting from [0, 1] and successively removing the middle third of each interval. Formally, the order n + 1 pre-Cantor set is the union of the images under the functions (· / 3) and ((2 + ·) / 3) of preCantorSet n.

Instances For
    theorem preCantorSet_succ (n : ) :
    preCantorSet (n + 1) = (fun (x : ) => x / 3) '' preCantorSet n (fun (x : ) => (2 + x) / 3) '' preCantorSet n

    The Cantor set is the subset of the unit interval obtained as the intersection of all pre-Cantor sets. This means that the Cantor set is obtained by iteratively removing the open middle third of each subinterval, starting from the unit interval [0, 1].

    Instances For

      Simple Properties #

      The ternary Cantor set is a subset of [0,1].

      The preCantor sets are closed.

      The ternary Cantor set is closed.

      The ternary Cantor set is compact.