

Cofiltered limits of profinite sets. #

This file contains some theorems about cofiltered limits of profinite sets.

Main Results #

theorem Profinite.exists_isClopen_of_cofiltered {J : Type v} [CategoryTheory.SmallCategory J] [CategoryTheory.IsCofiltered J] {F : CategoryTheory.Functor J Profinite} (C : CategoryTheory.Limits.Cone F) {U : Set} (hC : CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit C) (hU : IsClopen U) :
∃ (j : J) (V : Set (F.obj j).toTop), IsClopen V U = ( j) ⁻¹' V

If X is a cofiltered limit of profinite sets, then any clopen subset of X arises from a clopen set in one of the terms in the limit.

theorem Profinite.exists_locallyConstant_finite_aux {J : Type v} [CategoryTheory.SmallCategory J] [CategoryTheory.IsCofiltered J] {F : CategoryTheory.Functor J Profinite} (C : CategoryTheory.Limits.Cone F) {α : Type u_1} [Finite α] (hC : CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit C) (f : LocallyConstant (↑ α) :
∃ (j : J) (g : LocallyConstant (↑(F.obj j).toTop) (αFin 2)), (fun (a b : α) => if a = b then 0 else 1) f = LocallyConstant.comap ( j) g
theorem Profinite.exists_locallyConstant {J : Type v} [CategoryTheory.SmallCategory J] [CategoryTheory.IsCofiltered J] {F : CategoryTheory.Functor J Profinite} (C : CategoryTheory.Limits.Cone F) {α : Type u_1} (hC : CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit C) (f : LocallyConstant (↑ α) :
∃ (j : J) (g : LocallyConstant (↑(F.obj j).toTop) α), f = LocallyConstant.comap ( j) g

Any locally constant function from a cofiltered limit of profinite sets factors through one of the components.