

Analytic part of the Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem #

theorem LindemannWeierstrass.hasDerivAt_cexp_mul_sumIDeriv (p : Polynomial ) (s : ) (x : ) :
HasDerivAt (fun (x : ) => -(Complex.exp (-(x s)) * Polynomial.eval (x s) (Polynomial.sumIDeriv p))) (s * (Complex.exp (-(x s)) * Polynomial.eval (x s) p)) x
theorem LindemannWeierstrass.integral_exp_mul_eval (p : Polynomial ) (s : ) :
s * ∫ (x : ) in 0 ..1, Complex.exp (-(x s)) * Polynomial.eval (x s) p = -(Complex.exp (-s) * Polynomial.eval s (Polynomial.sumIDeriv p)) + Polynomial.eval 0 (Polynomial.sumIDeriv p)
theorem LindemannWeierstrass.exp_polynomial_approx (f : Polynomial ) (hf : Polynomial.eval 0 f 0) :
∃ (c : ), p > (Polynomial.eval 0 f).natAbs, Nat.Prime p∃ (n : ), ¬p n ∃ (gp : Polynomial ), gp.natDegree p * f.natDegree - 1 ∀ {r : }, r f.aroots Complex.abs (n Complex.exp r - p (Polynomial.aeval r) gp) c ^ p / (p - 1).factorial

See equation (68), page 285 of [Jacobson, Basic Algebra I, 4.12][jacobson1974].

Given a polynomial f with integer coefficients, we can find a constant c : ℝ and for each prime p > |f₀|, nₚ : ℤ and gₚ : ℤ[X] such that

  • p does not divide nₚ
  • deg(gₚ) < p * deg(f)
  • all complex roots r of f satisfy |nₚ * e ^ r - p * gₚ(r)| ≤ c ^ p / (p - 1)!

In the proof of Lindemann-Weierstrass, we will take f to be a polynomial whose complex roots are the algebraic numbers whose exponentials we want to prove to be linearly independent.

Note: Jacobson writes Nₚ for our nₚ and M for our c (modulo a constant factor).