

Equivalences on embeddings #

This file shows some advanced equivalences on embeddings, useful for constructing larger embeddings from smaller ones.

def Equiv.sumEmbeddingEquivProdEmbeddingDisjoint {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {γ : Type u_3} :
(α β γ) { f : (α γ) × (β γ) // Disjoint (Set.range f.1) (Set.range f.2) }

Embeddings from a sum type are equivalent to two separate embeddings with disjoint ranges.

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Instances For
    def Equiv.codRestrict (α : Type u_1) {β : Type u_2} (bs : Set β) :
    { f : α β // ∀ (a : α), f a bs } (α bs)

    Embeddings whose range lies within a set are equivalent to embeddings to that set. This is Function.Embedding.codRestrict as an equiv.

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    Instances For
      def Equiv.prodEmbeddingDisjointEquivSigmaEmbeddingRestricted {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {γ : Type u_3} :
      { f : (α γ) × (β γ) // Disjoint (Set.range f.1) (Set.range f.2) } (f : α γ) × (β (Set.range f))

      Pairs of embeddings with disjoint ranges are equivalent to a dependent sum of embeddings, in which the second embedding cannot take values in the range of the first.

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      Instances For
        def Equiv.sumEmbeddingEquivSigmaEmbeddingRestricted {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {γ : Type u_3} :
        (α β γ) (f : α γ) × (β (Set.range f))

        A combination of the above results, allowing us to turn one embedding over a sum type into two dependent embeddings, the second of which avoids any members of the range of the first. This is helpful for constructing larger embeddings out of smaller ones.

        • Equiv.sumEmbeddingEquivSigmaEmbeddingRestricted = Equiv.sumEmbeddingEquivProdEmbeddingDisjoint.trans Equiv.prodEmbeddingDisjointEquivSigmaEmbeddingRestricted
        Instances For
          def Equiv.uniqueEmbeddingEquivResult {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [Unique α] :
          (α β) β

          Embeddings from a single-member type are equivalent to members of the target type.

          • Equiv.uniqueEmbeddingEquivResult = { toFun := fun (f : α β) => f default, invFun := fun (x : β) => { toFun := fun (x_1 : α) => x, inj' := }, left_inv := , right_inv := }
          Instances For