

The category of root pairings #

This file defines the category of root pairings, following the definition of category of root data given in SGA III Exp. 21 Section 6.

Main definitions: #


Implementation details #

This is mostly copied from ModuleCat.

structure RootPairingCat (R : Type u) [CommRing R] :
Type (max u (v + 1))

Objects in the category of root pairings.

  • weight : Type v

    The weight space of a root pairing.

  • weightIsAddCommGroup : AddCommGroup self.weight
  • weightIsModule : Module R self.weight
  • coweight : Type v

    The coweight space of a root pairing.

  • coweightIsAddCommGroup : AddCommGroup self.coweight
  • coweightIsModule : Module R self.coweight
  • index : Type v

    The set that indexes roots and coroots.

  • pairing : RootPairing self.index R self.weight self.coweight

    The root pairing structure.

Instances For