

Inequalities for binomial coefficients #

This file proves exponential bounds on binomial coefficients. We might want to add here the bounds n^r/r^r ≤ n.choose r ≤ e^r n^r/r^r in the future.

Main declarations #

theorem Nat.choose_le_pow_div {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedSemifield α] (r : ) (n : ) :
(n.choose r) n ^ r / r.factorial
theorem Nat.choose_le_descFactorial (n : ) (k : ) :
n.choose k n.descFactorial k
theorem Nat.choose_le_pow (n : ) (k : ) :
n.choose k n ^ k

This lemma was changed on 2024/08/29, the old statement is available in Nat.choose_le_pow_div.

theorem Nat.pow_le_choose {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedSemifield α] (r : ) (n : ) :
(n + 1 - r) ^ r / r.factorial (n.choose r)