

Akra-Bazzi theorem: The polynomial growth condition #

This file defines and develops an API for the polynomial growth condition that appears in the statement of the Akra-Bazzi theorem: for the Akra-Bazzi theorem to hold, the function g must satisfy the condition that c₁ g(n) ≤ g(u) ≤ c₂ g(n), for u between b*n and n for any constant b ∈ (0,1).

Implementation notes #

Our definition states that the condition must hold for any b ∈ (0,1). This is equivalent to only requiring it for b = 1/2 or any other particular value between 0 and 1. While this could in principle make it harder to prove that a particular function grows polynomially, this issue doesn't seem to arise in practice.

The growth condition that the function g must satisfy for the Akra-Bazzi theorem to apply. It roughly states that c₁ g(n) ≤ g(u) ≤ c₂ g(n), for u between b*n and n for any constant b ∈ (0,1).

Instances For
    theorem AkraBazziRecurrence.GrowsPolynomially.eventually_atTop_le {f : } {b : } (hb : b Set.Ioo 0 1) (hf : AkraBazziRecurrence.GrowsPolynomially f) :
    c > 0, ∀ᶠ (x : ) in Filter.atTop, uSet.Icc (b * x) x, f u c * f x
    theorem AkraBazziRecurrence.GrowsPolynomially.eventually_atTop_le_nat {f : } {b : } (hb : b Set.Ioo 0 1) (hf : AkraBazziRecurrence.GrowsPolynomially f) :
    c > 0, ∀ᶠ (n : ) in Filter.atTop, uSet.Icc (b * n) n, f u c * f n
    theorem AkraBazziRecurrence.GrowsPolynomially.eventually_atTop_ge {f : } {b : } (hb : b Set.Ioo 0 1) (hf : AkraBazziRecurrence.GrowsPolynomially f) :
    c > 0, ∀ᶠ (x : ) in Filter.atTop, uSet.Icc (b * x) x, c * f x f u
    theorem AkraBazziRecurrence.GrowsPolynomially.eventually_atTop_ge_nat {f : } {b : } (hb : b Set.Ioo 0 1) (hf : AkraBazziRecurrence.GrowsPolynomially f) :
    c > 0, ∀ᶠ (n : ) in Filter.atTop, uSet.Icc (b * n) n, c * f n f u