

LineGraph #

Main definitions #

Tags #

line graph

def SimpleGraph.lineGraph {V : Type u_2} (G : SimpleGraph V) :
SimpleGraph G.edgeSet

The line graph of a simple graph G has its vertex set as the edges of G, and two vertices of the line graph are adjacent if the corresponding edges share a vertex in G.

  • G.lineGraph = { Adj := fun (e₁ e₂ : G.edgeSet) => e₁ e₂ (e₁ e₂).Nonempty, symm := , loopless := }
Instances For
    theorem SimpleGraph.lineGraph_adj_iff_exists {V : Type u_1} {G : SimpleGraph V} {e₁ : G.edgeSet} {e₂ : G.edgeSet} :
    G.lineGraph.Adj e₁ e₂ e₁ e₂ ve₁, v e₂
    theorem SimpleGraph.lineGraph_bot {V : Type u_1} :
    .lineGraph =