

Graph Orientation #

This module introduces conversion operations between Digraphs and SimpleGraphs, by forgetting the edge orientations of Digraph.

Main Definitions #


Tags #

digraph, simple graph, oriented graphs

Orientation-forgetting maps on digraphs #

Orientation-forgetting map from Digraph to SimpleGraph that gives an unoriented edge if either orientation is present.

Instances For

    Orientation-forgetting map from Digraph to SimpleGraph that gives an unoriented edge if both orientations are present.

    • G.toSimpleGraphStrict = { Adj := fun (v w : V) => v w G.Adj v w G.Adj w v, symm := , loopless := }
    Instances For
      theorem Digraph.toSimpleGraphStrict_subgraph_toSimpleGraphInclusive {V : Type u_1} (G : Digraph V) :
      G.toSimpleGraphStrict G.toSimpleGraphInclusive
      theorem Digraph.toSimpleGraphInclusive_top {V : Type u_1} :
      .toSimpleGraphInclusive =
      theorem Digraph.toSimpleGraphStrict_top {V : Type u_1} :
      .toSimpleGraphStrict =
      theorem Digraph.toSimpleGraphInclusive_bot {V : Type u_1} :
      .toSimpleGraphInclusive =
      theorem Digraph.toSimpleGraphStrict_bot {V : Type u_1} :
      .toSimpleGraphStrict =