Dense subsites #
We define IsCoverDense
functors into sites as functors such that there exists a covering sieve
that factors through images of the functor for each object in D
Main results #
: IfG : C ⥤ (D, K)
is locally-full and cover-dense, then given any presheafℱ
and sheafℱ'
, and a morphismα : G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'
, we may glue them together to obtain a morphism of presheavesℱ ⟶ ℱ'
: Ifℱ
above is a sheaf andα
is an iso, then the result is also an iso.CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.iso_of_restrict_iso
: IfG : C ⥤ (D, K)
is locally-full and cover-dense, then given any sheavesℱ, ℱ'
, and a morphismα : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'
, thenα
is an iso ifG ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'
is iso.CategoryTheory.Functor.IsDenseSubsite
: The functorG : C ⥤ D
exhibits(C, J)
as a dense subsite of(D, K)
is cover-dense, locally fully-faithful, andS
is a cover ofC
iff the image ofS
is a cover.
References #
- [Elephant]: Sketches of an Elephant, ℱ. T. Johnstone: C2.2.
An auxiliary structure that witnesses the fact that f
factors through an image object of G
- obj : C
Instances For
For a functor G : C ⥤ D
, and an object U : D
, Presieve.coverByImage G U
is the presieve
of U
consisting of those arrows that factor through images of G
Instances For
For a functor G : C ⥤ D
, and an object U : D
, Sieve.coverByImage G U
is the sieve of U
consisting of those arrows that factor through images of G
- CategoryTheory.Sieve.coverByImage G U = { arrows := CategoryTheory.Presieve.coverByImage G U, downward_closed := ⋯ }
Instances For
A functor G : (C, J) ⥤ (D, K)
is cover dense if for each object in D
there exists a covering sieve in D
that factors through images of G
This definition can be found in Definition 2.2.
(Implementation). Given a hom between the pullbacks of two sheaves, we can whisker it with
to obtain a hom between the pullbacks of the sheaves of maps from X
Instances For
(Implementation). Given an iso between the pullbacks of two sheaves, we can whisker it with
to obtain an iso between the pullbacks of the sheaves of maps from X
Instances For
(Implementation). Given a section of ℱ
on X
, we can obtain a family of elements valued in ℱ'
that is defined on a cover generated by the images of G
- CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.Types.pushforwardFamily α x x✝ hf = ℱ' (Nonempty.some hf).lift.op (α.app (Opposite.op (Nonempty.some hf).1) (ℱ.map (Nonempty.some hf).map.op x))
Instances For
(Implementation). The pushforwardFamily
defined is compatible.
(Implementation). The morphism ℱ(X) ⟶ ℱ'(X)
given by gluing the pushforwardFamily
Instances For
(Implementation). The maps given in appIso
is inverse to each other and gives a ℱ(X) ≅ ℱ'(X)
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Instances For
Given a natural transformation G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'
between presheaves of types,
where G
is locally-full and cover-dense, and ℱ'
is a sheaf,
we may obtain a natural transformation between sheaves.
- CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.Types.presheafHom α = { app := fun (X : Dᵒᵖ) => CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.Types.appHom α (Opposite.unop X), naturality := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a natural isomorphism G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'
between presheaves of types,
where G
is locally-full and cover-dense, and ℱ, ℱ'
are sheaves,
we may obtain a natural isomorphism between presheaves.
Instances For
Given a natural isomorphism G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'
between presheaves of types,
where G
is locally-full and cover-dense, and ℱ, ℱ'
are sheaves,
we may obtain a natural isomorphism between sheaves.
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Instances For
(Implementation). The sheaf map given in types.sheaf_hom
is natural in terms of X
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Instances For
(Implementation). sheafCoyonedaHom
but the order of the arguments of the functor are swapped.
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Instances For
Given a natural transformation G ⋙ ℱ ⟶ G ⋙ ℱ'
between presheaves of arbitrary category,
where G
is locally-full and cover-dense, and ℱ'
is a sheaf, we may obtain a natural
transformation between presheaves.
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Instances For
Given a natural isomorphism G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'
between presheaves of arbitrary category,
where G
is locally-full and cover-dense, and ℱ', ℱ
are sheaves,
we may obtain a natural isomorphism between presheaves.
Instances For
Given a natural isomorphism G ⋙ ℱ ≅ G ⋙ ℱ'
between presheaves of arbitrary category,
where G
is locally-full and cover-dense, and ℱ', ℱ
are sheaves,
we may obtain a natural isomorphism between presheaves.
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Instances For
The constructed sheafHom α
is equal to α
when restricted onto C
If the pullback map is obtained via whiskering,
then the result sheaf_hom (whisker_left G.op α)
is equal to α
A locally-full and cover-dense functor G
induces an equivalence between morphisms into a sheaf and
morphisms over the restrictions via G
- CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.restrictHomEquivHom = { toFun := CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCoverDense.sheafHom, invFun := CategoryTheory.whiskerLeft G.op, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a locally-full and cover-dense functor G
and a natural transformation of sheaves
α : ℱ ⟶ ℱ'
, if the pullback of α
along G
is iso, then α
is also iso.
A locally-fully-faithful and cover-dense functor preserves compatible families.
If G : C ⥤ D
is cover dense and full, then the
map (P ⟶ Q) → (G.op ⋙ P ⟶ G.op ⋙ Q)
is bijective when Q
is a sheaf`.
The functor G : C ⥤ D
exhibits (C, J)
as a dense subsite of (D, K)
if G
is cover-dense, locally fully-faithful,
and S
is a cover of C
if and only if the image of S
in D
is a cover.
- isCoverDense' : G.IsCoverDense K
- isLocallyFull' : G.IsLocallyFull K
- isLocallyFaithful' : G.IsLocallyFaithful K