

Typeclasses for S-objects and S-morphisms #

Warning: This is not usually how typeclasses should be used. This is only a sensible approach when the morphism is considered as a structure on X, typically in algebraic geometry.

This is analogous to to how we view ringhoms as structures via the Algebra typeclass.

For other applications use unbundled arrows or CategoryTheory.Over.

Main definition #

OverClass X S is the typeclass containing the data of a structure morphism X ↘ S : X ⟶ S.

  • ofHom :: (
    • hom : X S

      The structure morphism. Use X ↘ S instead.

  • )

    The structure morphism X ↘ S : X ⟶ S given OverClass X S. The instance argument is an optParam instead so that it appears in the discrimination tree.

    Instances For

      The structure morphism X ↘ S : X ⟶ S given OverClass X S.

      Instances For

        See Note [custom simps projection]

        Instances For

          X.CanonicallyOverClass S is the typeclass containing the data of a structure morphism X ↘ S : X ⟶ S, and that S is (uniquely) inferable from the structure of X.


            Given OverClass X S and OverClass Y S and f : X ⟶ Y, HomIsOver f S is the typeclass asserting f commutes with the structure morphisms.

              @[reducible, inline]

              Scheme.IsOverTower X Y S is the typeclass asserting that the structure morphisms X ↘ Y, Y ↘ S, and X ↘ S commute.

              Instances For