

Free bicategories #

We define the free bicategory over a quiver. In this bicategory, the 1-morphisms are freely generated by the arrows in the quiver, and the 2-morphisms are freely generated by the formal identities, the formal unitors, and the formal associators modulo the relation derived from the axioms of a bicategory.

Main definitions #

Free bicategory over a quiver. Its objects are the same as those in the underlying quiver.

Instances For
    inductive CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.Hom {B : Type u} [Quiver B] :
    BBType (max u v)

    1-morphisms in the free bicategory.

    Instances For
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      inductive CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.Hom₂ {B : Type u} [Quiver B] {a b : CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory B} :
      (a b)(a b)Type (max u v)

      Representatives of 2-morphisms in the free bicategory.

      Instances For

        Relations between 2-morphisms in the free bicategory.

        Instances For

          Bicategory structure on the free bicategory.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          @[reducible, inline]
          Instances For

            Canonical prefunctor from B to free_bicategory B.

            Instances For

              A prefunctor from a quiver B to a bicategory C can be lifted to a pseudofunctor from free_bicategory B to C.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                theorem CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.lift_mapComp {B : Type u₁} [Quiver B] {C : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Bicategory C] (F : B ⥤q C) {a✝ b✝ c✝ : CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory B} (x✝ : a✝ b✝) (x✝¹ : b✝ c✝) :
                (CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.lift F).mapComp x✝ x✝¹ = CategoryTheory.Iso.refl ({ obj := F.obj, map := fun {X Y : CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory B} => CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.liftHom F, map₂ := fun {a b : CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory B} {f g : a b} => Quot.lift (CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.liftHom₂ F) , map₂_id := , map₂_comp := }.map (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp x✝ x✝¹))
                theorem CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.lift_mapId {B : Type u₁} [Quiver B] {C : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Bicategory C] (F : B ⥤q C) (x✝ : CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory B) :
                (CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.lift F).mapId x✝ = CategoryTheory.Iso.refl ({ obj := F.obj, map := fun {X Y : CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory B} => CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.liftHom F, map₂ := fun {a b : CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory B} {f g : a b} => Quot.lift (CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.liftHom₂ F) , map₂_id := , map₂_comp := }.map ( x✝))