The weak operator topology #
This file defines a type copy of E →L[𝕜] F
(where E
and F
are topological vector spaces)
which is endowed with the weak operator topology (WOT) rather than the topology of bounded
convergence (which is the usual one induced by the operator norm in the normed setting).
The WOT is defined as the coarsest topology such that the functional fun A => y (A x)
continuous for any x : E
and y : F →L[𝕜] 𝕜
. Equivalently, a function f
tends to
A : E →WOT[𝕜] F
along filter l
iff y (f a x)
tends to y (A x)
along the same filter.
Basic non-topological properties of E →L[𝕜] F
(such as the module structure) are copied over to
the type copy.
We also prove that the WOT is induced by the family of seminorms ‖y (A x)‖
for x : E
y : F →L[𝕜] 𝕜
Main declarations #
ContinuousLinearMapWOT 𝕜 E F
: The type copy ofE →L[𝕜] F
endowed with the weak operator topology.ContinuousLinearMapWOT.tendsto_iff_forall_dual_apply_tendsto
: a functionf
tends toA : E →WOT[𝕜] F
along filterl
iffy ((f a) x)
tends toy (A x)
along the same filter.ContinuousLinearMap.toWOT
: the inclusion map fromE →L[𝕜] F
to the type copyContinuousLinearMap.continuous_toWOT
: the inclusion map is continuous, i.e. the WOT is coarser than the norm topology.ContinuousLinearMapWOT.withSeminorms
: the WOT is induced by the family of seminorms‖y (A x)‖
forx : E
andy : F →L[𝕜] 𝕜
Notation #
- The type copy of
E →L[𝕜] F
endowed with the weak operator topology is denoted byE →WOT[𝕜] F
. - We locally use the notation
forF →L[𝕜] 𝕜
Implementation notes #
In most of the literature, the WOT is defined on maps between Banach spaces. Here, we only assume that the domain and codomains are topological vector spaces over a normed field.
The type copy of E →L[𝕜] F
endowed with the weak operator topology, denoted as
E →WOT[𝕜] F
Instances For
The type copy of E →L[𝕜] F
endowed with the weak operator topology, denoted as
E →WOT[𝕜] F
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Basic properties common with E →L[𝕜] F
The section copies basic non-topological properties of E →L[𝕜] F
over to E →WOT[𝕜] F
, such as
the module structure, FunLike
, etc.
- ContinuousLinearMapWOT.instModule = inferInstanceAs (Module 𝕜 (E →L[𝕜] F))
The linear equivalence that sends a continuous linear map to the type copy endowed with the weak operator topology.
- ContinuousLinearMap.toWOT 𝕜 E F = LinearEquiv.refl 𝕜 (E →L[𝕜] F)
Instances For
- ContinuousLinearMapWOT.instFunLike = { coe := fun (f : E →WOT[𝕜] F) => ⇑((ContinuousLinearMap.toWOT 𝕜 E F).symm f), coe_injective' := ⋯ }
The topology of E →WOT[𝕜] F
The section endows E →WOT[𝕜] F
with the weak operator topology and shows the basic properties
of this topology. In particular, we show that it is a topological vector space.
The function that induces the topology on E →WOT[𝕜] F
, namely the function that takes
an A
and maps it to fun ⟨x, y⟩ => y (A x)
in E × F⋆ → 𝕜
, bundled as a linear map to make
it easier to prove that it is a TVS.
Instances For
The weak operator topology is the coarsest topology such that fun A => y (A x)
continuous for all x, y
The defining property of the weak operator topology: a function f
tends to
A : E →WOT[𝕜] F
along filter l
iff y (f a x)
tends to y (A x)
along the same filter.
The WOT is induced by a family of seminorms #
The family of seminorms that induce the weak operator topology, namely ‖y (A x)‖
all x
and y
Instances For
The family of seminorms that induce the weak operator topology, namely ‖y (A x)‖
all x
and y
- ContinuousLinearMapWOT.seminormFamily 𝕜 E F (x_1, y) = ContinuousLinearMapWOT.seminorm x_1 y
Instances For
The weak operator topology is coarser than the bounded convergence topology, i.e. the inclusion map is continuous.
The inclusion map from E →[𝕜] F
to E →WOT[𝕜] F
, bundled as a continuous linear map.
- ContinuousLinearMapWOT.ContinuousLinearMap.toWOTCLM = { toLinearMap := ↑(ContinuousLinearMap.toWOT 𝕜 E F), cont := ⋯ }