

The open mapping theorem for holomorphic functions #

This file proves the open mapping theorem for holomorphic functions, namely that an analytic function on a preconnected set of the complex plane is either constant or open. The main step is to show a local version of the theorem that states that if f is analytic at a point z₀, then either it is constant in a neighborhood of z₀ or it maps any neighborhood of z₀ to a neighborhood of its image f z₀. The results extend in higher dimension to g : E → ℂ.

The proof of the local version on goes through two main steps: first, assuming that the function is not constant around z₀, use the isolated zero principle to show that ‖f z‖ is bounded below on a small sphere z₀ r around z₀, and then use the maximum principle applied to the auxiliary function (fun z ↦ ‖f z - v‖) to show that any v close enough to f z₀ is in f '' ball z₀ r. That second step is implemented in DiffContOnCl.ball_subset_image_closedBall.

Main results #

theorem DiffContOnCl.ball_subset_image_closedBall {f : } {z₀ : } {ε : } {r : } (h : DiffContOnCl f (Metric.ball z₀ r)) (hr : 0 < r) (hf : zMetric.sphere z₀ r, ε f z - f z₀) (hz₀ : ∃ᶠ (z : ) in nhds z₀, f z f z₀) :
Metric.ball (f z₀) (ε / 2) f '' Metric.closedBall z₀ r

If the modulus of a holomorphic function f is bounded below by ε on a circle, then its range contains a disk of radius ε / 2.

theorem AnalyticAt.eventually_constant_or_nhds_le_map_nhds_aux {f : } {z₀ : } (hf : AnalyticAt f z₀) :
(∀ᶠ (z : ) in nhds z₀, f z = f z₀) nhds (f z₀) f (nhds z₀)

A function f : ℂ → ℂ which is analytic at a point z₀ is either constant in a neighborhood of z₀, or behaves locally like an open function (in the sense that the image of every neighborhood of z₀ is a neighborhood of f z₀, as in isOpenMap_iff_nhds_le). For a function f : E → ℂ the same result holds, see AnalyticAt.eventually_constant_or_nhds_le_map_nhds.

theorem AnalyticAt.eventually_constant_or_nhds_le_map_nhds {E : Type u_1} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace E] {g : E} {z₀ : E} (hg : AnalyticAt g z₀) :
(∀ᶠ (z : E) in nhds z₀, g z = g z₀) nhds (g z₀) g (nhds z₀)

The open mapping theorem for holomorphic functions, local version: is a function g : E → ℂ is analytic at a point z₀, then either it is constant in a neighborhood of z₀, or it maps every neighborhood of z₀ to a neighborhood of z₀. For the particular case of a holomorphic function on , see AnalyticAt.eventually_constant_or_nhds_le_map_nhds_aux.

theorem AnalyticOnNhd.is_constant_or_isOpen {E : Type u_1} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace E] {U : Set E} {g : E} (hg : AnalyticOnNhd g U) (hU : IsPreconnected U) :
(∃ (w : ), zU, g z = w) sU, IsOpen sIsOpen (g '' s)

The open mapping theorem for holomorphic functions, global version: if a function g : E → ℂ is analytic on a connected set U, then either it is constant on U, or it is open on U (in the sense that it maps any open set contained in U to an open set in ).

@[deprecated AnalyticOnNhd.is_constant_or_isOpen]
theorem AnalyticOn.is_constant_or_isOpen {E : Type u_1} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace E] {U : Set E} {g : E} (hg : AnalyticOnNhd g U) (hU : IsPreconnected U) :
(∃ (w : ), zU, g z = w) sU, IsOpen sIsOpen (g '' s)

Alias of AnalyticOnNhd.is_constant_or_isOpen.

The open mapping theorem for holomorphic functions, global version: if a function g : E → ℂ is analytic on a connected set U, then either it is constant on U, or it is open on U (in the sense that it maps any open set contained in U to an open set in ).