

Boolean algebra structure on idempotents in a commutative (semi)ring #

We show that the idempotent in a commutative ring form a Boolean algebra, with complement given by a ↦ 1 - a and infimum given by multiplication. In a commutative semiring where subtraction is not available, it is still true that pairs of elements (a, b) satisfying a * b = 0 and a + b = 1 form a Boolean algebra (such elements are automatically idempotents, and such a pair is uniquely determined by either a or b).

instance instHasComplSubtypeProdAndEqHMulFstSndOfNatHAdd {α : Type u_1} [CommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid α] :
HasCompl { a : α × α // a.1 * a.2 = 0 a.1 + a.2 = 1 }
theorem eq_of_mul_eq_add_eq_one {α : Type u_1} [Semiring α] (a : α) {b c : α} (mul : a * b = c * a) (add_ab : a + b = 1) (add_ac : a + c = 1) :
b = c
theorem mul_eq_zero_add_eq_one_ext_left {α : Type u_1} [CommSemiring α] {a b : { a : α × α // a.1 * a.2 = 0 a.1 + a.2 = 1 }} (eq : (↑a).1 = (↑b).1) :
a = b
theorem mul_eq_zero_add_eq_one_ext_right {α : Type u_1} [CommSemiring α] {a b : { a : α × α // a.1 * a.2 = 0 a.1 + a.2 = 1 }} (eq : (↑a).2 = (↑b).2) :
a = b
instance instSemilatticeSupSubtypeProdAndEqHMulFstSndOfNatHAdd {α : Type u_1} [CommSemiring α] :
SemilatticeSup { a : α × α // a.1 * a.2 = 0 a.1 + a.2 = 1 }
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def OrderIso.isIdempotentElemMulZeroAddOne {α : Type u_1} [CommRing α] :
{ a : α // IsIdempotentElem a } ≃o { a : α × α // a.1 * a.2 = 0 a.1 + a.2 = 1 }

In a commutative ring, the idempotents are in 1-1 correspondence with pairs of elements whose product is 0 and whose sum is 1. The correspondence is given by a ↔ (a, 1 - a).

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Instances For