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A graphical user interface for controlling and monitoring an interferometer device.

GitHub tag (with filter) Checked with mypy Code style: black GitHub Codacy Badge status Test and build codecov

For developers¤

Technical documentation is available on FINESSE's GitHub Pages site.

This is a Python application that uses poetry for packaging and dependency management. It also provides pre-commit hooks (for Black and Flake8) and automated tests using pytest and GitHub Actions. Pre-commit hooks are automatically kept updated with a dedicated GitHub Action.

To get started:

  1. Download and install Poetry following the instructions for your OS.
  2. Clone this repository and make it your working directory
  3. Set up the virtual environment:

bash poetry install

  1. Activate the virtual environment (alternatively, ensure any python-related command is preceded by poetry run):

bash poetry shell

  1. Install the git hooks:

bash pre-commit install

  1. Run the main app:

bash python -m finesse

  1. Run the tests:

bash pytest

  1. Build the user guide:

  2. Install pandoc

  3. bash python docs/