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WSIMOD is available to run in DAFNI, the Data & Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure to advance UK infrastructure research. This let you run WSIMOD simulations, and combining them with other tools, without the need of installing any of them.

Assuming you have a DAFNI account, the steps to run a WSIMOD simulation will be the following:

  • In the Data tab:
  • Upload the input YAML file as a dataset.
  • Upload any other required input files as another dataset. This can contain multiple files.
  • In the Workflow tab select the WSIMOD workflow.
  • In the Parameter sets section, click Create.
  • In the page that opens, select the model in the workflow (typically model-1), and complete the sections at the bottom with the appropriate information:
  • In the Parameters, choose the name of the settings file (normally settings.yaml or config.yaml)
  • In the Datasets, click in the pen icon and select the datasets you just uploaded for the input YAML and the other data files. These all will be put together in the same directory when runnind the simulation.
  • Unselect model-1, click Continue and complete the required metadata in the next screen, like the name of the parameter set.
  • Finally, click in Execute workflow with parameter set.

If all goes well, you should then see in the Workflow page, Instances section, that there is a new Instance of WSIMOD running. After some time (dending on the complexity of the model and the load of the system), the run will finish and there will be a new WISMOD output dataset available in the Data tab.

You can create new workflows to customise this process, name of the outputs, and even chain multiple models, one after the other.