Imperial College Research Software Community Newsletter - February 2021

Hello all! Much as the immune systems of the nation are filling up with anti-covid-19 antibodies so too is the RSE community filling up with exciting events and opportunities. Like me I’m sure you see the newly revealed roadmap out of lockdown more truly as a roadmap to in-person RSE!

I can’t think of anymore tenuous, topical analogies so without further ado…

Dates for your diary

RSE Bytes


Blog posts, tools & more

Research Software of the Month

This month we’re highlighting Anvil, a brand new framework for developing web applications using nothing but Python. Whilst many Python libraries for web development exist these still require some knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In comparison, Anvil makes this possible with nothing but Python. Anvil uses the Plotly library to produce fancy web native plots and even features an online drag-and-drop interface for designing the layout for your app.

To learn more see or the recent SORSE talk.

Some reminders…

RS Community coffee continues weekly - normally on Friday afternoons at 3pm but check our Slack workspace for exact times and connection details.

The Slack workspace also features an #OpenFOAM channel where regular code review sessions are announced (amongst other CFD-related discussions…)

Get in Touch, Get Involved!

Drop us a line with anything you’d like included in the newsletter, ideas about how it could be improved… or even offer to guest-edit a future edition!

If you’re reading this on the web and would like to receive the next newsletter directly to your inbox then please subscribe to our RSE Community Mailing List here.

This issue of the Research Software Community Newsletter was edited by Christopher Cave-Ayland. All previous newsletters are available in our online archive.