Imperial College Research Software Community Newsletter - November 2020

Hello Imperial RSEs, and welcome to the November edition of our newsletter.

One month to go before the much awaited season holidays and, hopefully, we can see some silver lining before the end of the year. Meanwhile, a number of virtual events and compelling readings will keep us interested and busy with research software. In addition to the information provided in this month’s newsletter, you can always find out more about what’s going on in the community and get hints, suggestions and advice on our Slack workspace or by joining the weekly RS Community coffee (Fridays at 3pm). And if you have news or input to share, please contribute via

Stay safe!

Dates for your diary

RSE Bytes


Blog posts, tools & more

Research Software of the Month

There are many many many software tools that are useful for research. Sometimes, the problem is to find the right one for the problem at hand. The Research Software Encyclopedia (rse) is a collection of tools and interfaces to support management, query, and understanding of research software.

The interesting part of it, is that we can all contribute to evaluate each software repository on a set of criteria and organize the database entries into a taxonomy of research software. This way, it will be easier in the future to search for the perfect solution for our research needs.

The code can be found on GitHub and there is also a Python API available. New software tools to consider for software criteria and taxonomy annotation are presented regularly on this blog.

Each month we highlight a piece of research software that is being used or developed at Imperial, or that we think is of particular interest to the Imperial community. If you have a suggestion of some software that you’d like to see us feature, please email

Some reminders…

RS Community coffee continues weekly via Zoom - normally on Friday afternoons at 3pm but check our Slack workspace for exact times and connection details.

If you’re developing open source research software at Imperial then please consider submitting it to the Research Software Directory by either opening a pull request or dropping a line to Christopher Cave-Ayland.

Get in Touch, Get Involved!

That’s all for this month. Thanks to everyone who provided content for this edition.

Drop us a line with anything you’d like included in the newsletter, ideas about how it could be improved… or even offer to guest-edit a future edition!

If you’re reading this on the web and would like to receive the next newsletter directly to your inbox then please subscribe to our RSE Community Mailing List here.

This issue of the Research Software Community Newsletter was edited by Stefano Galvan. All previous newsletters are available in our online archive.