Imperial College Research Software Community Newsletter - March 2019

Welcome to the March edition of the Imperial Research Software Community newsletter

Do you know of an event, activity, project or tool that may be of interest to the community? We’re always on the look out for newsletter items, so please let us know. Likewise, we’re always happy to receive feedback and suggestions. Details of how to get in touch are at the end of the newsletter.

March has been an auspicious month for research software, with confirmed funding for the new national supercomputer Archer 2 and HRM The Queen blogging about Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace. More details below…

In this month’s newsletter:

Upcoming events

Research Software of the Month

Each month we highlight a piece of research software that is being used or developed at Imperial. If you have a software suggestion, please email

This month we feature Devito, which is developed by a team based in the Earth Sciences department at Imperial. Devito is a code generation framework for the design of highly optimised finite difference kernels. It utilises SymPy to allow the definition of operators from high-level symbolic equations and generates optimised and automatically tuned code specific to a given target architecture. API documentation and tutorials are published automatically, and Azure pipelines are used for testing and deployment.



Research software news

RSE Bytes




HelioML is an online, interactive, open source textbook on data-intensive heliophysics. The book includes a collection of interactive Jupyter notebooks, written in Python, that explicitly shows the reader how to use machine learning, statistics, and data minining techniques on various kinds of heliophysics data sets to reproduce published results.

Blogposts / Podcasts / Misc

Get in touch, get involved!

That’s all for this month, and thanks to everyone who suggested links for this edition. If you’d like anything included in the newsletter, have ideas about how it could be improved, or would even like to guest-edit a future edition then just drop us a line at And if you’re reading this on the web and would like to receive the next newsletter directly to your inbox then please subscribe here.

This edition of the Research Software Community Newsletter was edited by Lucy Whalley