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The variable application deals with the variables that can be ingested by Paricia, from what they are and what units they use to resources to help in the validation process. Specially important in this validation process will be:

  • the maximum and minimum values that the variable can realistically take (these are mandatory fields)
  • the maximum variability between consecutive data points
  • the maximum statistical difference with respect the series allowed for a data point before it is considered an outlier
  • the fraction of missing values that are allowed when calculating reports

UML diagram of the Variable app models.
Figure 1: UML diagram of the Variable app models.


Unit ¤

Unit of measurement with a name and a symbol.


Name Type Description
unit_id AutoField

Primary key.

name CharField

Name of the unit, eg. meters per second.

initials CharField

Symbol for the unit, eg. m/s.

Variable ¤

A variable with a physical meaning.

Such as precipitation, wind speed, wind direction, soil moisture, including the associated unit. It also includes metadata to help identify what is a reasonable value for the data, to flag outliers and to help with the validation process.

The nature of the variable can be one of the following:

  • sum: Cumulative value over a period of time.
  • average: Average value over a period of time.
  • value: One-off value.


Name Type Description
variable_id AutoField

Primary key.

variable_code CharField

Code of the variable, eg. airtemperature.

name CharField

Human-readable name of the variable, eg. Air temperature.

unit ForeignKey

Unit of the variable.

maximum DecimalField

Maximum value allowed for the variable.

minimum DecimalField

Minimum value allowed for the variable.

diff_error DecimalField

If two sequential values in the time-series data of this variable differ by more than this value, the validation process can mark this with an error flag.

outlier_limit DecimalField

The statistical deviation for defining outliers, in times the standard deviation (sigma).

null_limit DecimalField

The max % of null values (missing, caused by e.g. equipment malfunction) allowed for hourly, daily, monthly data. Cumulative values are not deemed trustworthy if the number of missing values in a given period is greater than the null_limit.

nature CharField

Nature of the variable, eg. if it represents a one-off value, the average over a period of time or the cumulative value over a period

SensorInstallation ¤

Represents an installation of a Sensor at a Station, which measures a Variable.

It includes metadata for installation and finishing date, as well as state (active or not).


Name Type Description
sensorinstallation_id AutoField

Primary key.

variable ForeignKey

Variable measured by the sensor.

station ForeignKey

Station where the sensor is installed.

sensor ForeignKey

Sensor used for the measurement.

start_date DateField

Start date of the installation.

end_date DateField

End date of the installation.

state BooleanField

Is the sensor active?