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The Station is the main component of Paricia. Stations own the measurement data, who can view the existing data and add new sets, and captures a lot of metadata on the geographical location of the station, including longitude, latitude and altitude, but also region, basin, ecosystem or area covered.

It also owns two key parameters used during the data ingestion and the validation process: the timezone where the station is located, used to interpret the time of the datasets, and the period of the data (delta_t), which identifies the expected separation between consecutive data points.

Incorrect timezone or delta_t

If these two parameters are not defined correctly, the time of the data associated to the station would be interpreted wrong or the validation process will flagged data as invalid, when they might be correct. Check the parameters before uploading data, specially the first time.

As pointed out in the permissions page, Stations visibility can take a third option, internal, that only allows registered users to visualize the data of the station. Stations also require change permission in order to be able to upload data associated to that station and then validating it.

UML diagram of the Station app models.
Figure 1: UML diagram of the Station app models.

Basic Components¤

Country ¤

The country where a station or region is in.


Name Type Description
id int

Primary key.

name str

Country name.

Region ¤

A region within a country.


Name Type Description
id int

Primary key.

name str

Name of the region.

country Country

Country where the region is located.

Ecosystem ¤

The ecosystem associated with a station.


Name Type Description
id int

Primary key.

name str

Name of the ecosystem, e.g. rain forest.

Institution ¤

Institutional partner responsible for a station.


Name Type Description
id int

Primary key.

name str

Name of the institution.

StationType ¤

Type of the station, indicating what it measures.


Name Type Description
id int

Primary key.

name str

Name of the station type, e.g. pluvometric, hydrological.

Place ¤

Specific place that a station is situated.


Name Type Description
id int

Primary key.

name str

Name of the place, e.g. Huaraz.

image ImageField

Photography/Map of the location.

Basin ¤

River(s) basin where the station is located e.g. El Carmen.


Name Type Description
id int

Primary key.

name str

Name of the basin, e.g. El Carmen.

image ImageField

Photography/Map of the basin.

file FileField

PDF file with details of the basin.

PlaceBasin ¤

Associates a Basin with a Place and an image.


Name Type Description
id int

Primary key.

place Place

Place of the association.

basin Basin

Basin of the association.

image ImageField

Photography/Map of the place within the basin.

DeltaT ¤

Delta T: Interval of data adquisition (In minutes)

Core Components¤

Station ¤

Main representation of a station, including several metadata.


Name Type Description
visibility str

Visibility level of the object, including an "internal" option.

station_id int

Primary key.

station_code str

Unique code for the station.

station_name str

Brief description of the station.

station_type StationType

Type of the station.

country Country

Country where the station is located.

region Region

Region within the Country where the station is located.

ecosystem Ecosystem

Ecosystem associated with the station.

institution Institution

Institutional partner responsible for the station.

place_basin PlaceBasin

Place-Basin association.

station_state bool

Is the station operational?

timezone str

Timezone of the station.

delta_t DeltaT

Interval of data adquisition (in minutes).

station_latitude Decimal

Latitude of the station, in degrees [-90 to 90].

station_longitude Decimal

Longitude of the station, in degrees [-180 to 180].

station_altitude int

Altitude of the station.

influence_km Decimal

Area of influence in km2.

station_file ImageField

Photography of the station.

station_external bool

Is the station external?