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Importing data into the database is the fundamental action that many users will want to carry. While the model that drives the process is simple, as shown below, it depends on many others described in other sections and therefore inconsistencies in the choices - eg. a data format that is not compatible with the data file - will cause the process to fail.

A how-to guide on how to submit data to Paricia can be found in the Importing Data section.


DataImport ¤

Model to store the data imports.

This model stores the data imports, which are files with data that are uploaded to the system. The data is then processed asynchronously and stored in the database.


Name Type Description
station ForeignKey

Station to which the data belongs.

format ForeignKey

Format of the data.

rawfile FileField

File with the data to be imported.

date DateTimeField

Date of submission of the data.

start_date DateTimeField

Start date of the data.

end_date DateTimeField

End date of the data.

records IntegerField

Number of records in the data.

observations TextField

Notes or observations about the data.

status TextField

Status of the import.

log TextField

Log of the data ingestion, indicating any errors.

reprocess BooleanField

If checked, the data will be reprocessed.