Setup |
Download files required for the lesson |
00:00 |
1. Course overview
What will this course cover?
In what lesson-style is this course delivered?
00:05 |
2. Collaborating with Git and GitHub
How does collaborative working differ from individual working?
What are the challenges of working collaboratively with Git?
00:10 |
3. Branching and merging
How can I or my team work on multiple features in parallel?
How can changes from parallel tracks of work be combined?
00:45 |
4. Merge conflicts
What is a merge conflict?
How do I resolve a merge conflict?
01:05 |
5. Rewriting history with Git
How can multiple collaborators work efficiently on the same code?
When should I use rebasing, merging and stashing?
How can I reset or revert changes without upsetting my collaborators?
01:45 |
6. Pulling and Pushing
How do I keep my local branches in sync with the remote branches?
02:00 |
7. End of first session
02:00 |
8. Managing contributions to code
How do I keep my local branches in sync with the remote branches?
What is the difference between forking and branching?
How can my group use GitHub pull requests to manage changes to a code?
How can I suggest changes to other people’s code?
What makes a good pull request review?
02:25 |
9. Using GitHub actions for continuous integration
What is meant by continuous integration (CI) and what are the benefits?
What tasks can be automated in CI?
How do I set up CI using GitHub Actions?
How do I know if CI runs are passing and what should I do if they are failing?
What should I do if I can’t replicate failing runs locally?
03:05 |
10. Code versions, releases and tags
What is a Git tag and how does it differ from a branch?
How can I tag commits?
How and when should I release a new version of my code?
What is the difference between major and minor version changes?
How can I effectively communicate what has changed between versions?
How can I publish a release on Github?
03:25 |
11. Collaborative development
How do I put into practice all the previous knowledge at once?
What caveats might I find in a real collaborative scenario?
04:00 |
12. End of second session
04:05 |
Finish |
The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.