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Reference for SWMManywhere/

Preprocessing module for SWMManywhere.

A module to call downloads, preprocess these downloads into formats suitable for graphfcns, and some other utilities (such as creating a project folder structure or create the starting graph from rivers/streets).


Create the starting graph.

Create the starting graph by combining the street and river networks.


Name Type Description Default
addresses FilePaths

Class containing the addresses of the directories.



Type Description

nx.Graph: Combined street and river network.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def create_starting_graph(addresses: FilePaths):
    """Create the starting graph.

    Create the starting graph by combining the street and river networks.

        addresses (FilePaths): Class containing the addresses of the directories.

        nx.Graph: Combined street and river network.
    river = gu.load_graph(addresses.bbox_paths.river)
    nx.set_edge_attributes(river, "river", "edge_type")
    street = gu.load_graph(addresses.bbox_paths.street)
    nx.set_edge_attributes(street, "street", "edge_type")
    return nx.compose(river, street)

prepare_building(bbox, addresses, target_crs)

Download, trim and reproject building data.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def prepare_building(
    bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float], addresses: FilePaths, target_crs: str
    """Download, trim and reproject building data."""
    if addresses.bbox_paths.building.exists():

    if not addresses.project_paths.national_building.exists():
            f"""downloading buildings to 
            addresses.project_paths.national_building, bbox[0], bbox[1]
        )"trimming buildings to {addresses.bbox_paths.building}")
    national_buildings = gpd.read_parquet(addresses.project_paths.national_building)
    buildings =[bbox[0] : bbox[2], bbox[1] : bbox[3]]  # type: ignore

    buildings = buildings.to_crs(target_crs)
    write_df(buildings, addresses.bbox_paths.building)

prepare_elevation(bbox, addresses, target_crs)

Download and reproject elevation data.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def prepare_elevation(
    bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float], addresses: FilePaths, target_crs: str
    """Download and reproject elevation data."""
    if addresses.bbox_paths.elevation.exists():
        return"downloading elevation to {addresses.bbox_paths.elevation}")
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
        fid = Path(temp_dir) / "elevation.tif"
        go.reproject_raster(target_crs, fid, addresses.bbox_paths.elevation)

prepare_precipitation(bbox, addresses, api_keys, target_crs, source_crs='EPSG:4326')

Download and reproject precipitation data.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def prepare_precipitation(
    bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float],
    addresses: FilePaths,
    api_keys: dict[str, str],
    target_crs: str,
    source_crs: str = "EPSG:4326",
    """Download and reproject precipitation data."""
    if addresses.bbox_paths.precipitation.exists():
        return"downloading precipitation to {addresses.bbox_paths.precipitation}")
    precip = prepare_data.download_precipitation(
        bbox, api_keys["cds_username"], api_keys["cds_api_key"]
    precip = precip.reset_index()
    precip = go.reproject_df(precip, source_crs, target_crs)
    write_df(precip, addresses.bbox_paths.precipitation)

prepare_river(bbox, addresses, target_crs, source_crs='EPSG:4326')

Download and reproject river graph.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def prepare_river(
    bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float],
    addresses: FilePaths,
    target_crs: str,
    source_crs: str = "EPSG:4326",
    """Download and reproject river graph."""
    if addresses.bbox_paths.river.exists():
        return"downloading river network to {addresses.bbox_paths.river}")
    river_network = prepare_data.download_river(bbox)
    river_network = go.reproject_graph(river_network, source_crs, target_crs)
    gu.save_graph(river_network, addresses.bbox_paths.river)

prepare_street(bbox, addresses, target_crs, source_crs='EPSG:4326', network_types=['drive'])

Download and reproject street graph.

Download the street graph within the bbox and reproject it to the UTM zone. The street graph is downloaded for all network types in network_types. The street graph is saved to the addresses.bbox_paths.street directory.


Name Type Description Default
bbox tuple[float, float, float, float]

Bounding box coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in EPSG:4326.

addresses FilePaths

Class containing the addresses of the directories.

target_crs str

Target CRS to reproject the graph to.

source_crs str

Source CRS of the graph.

network_types list

List of network types to download. For duplicate edges, nx.compose_all selects the attributes in priority of last to first. In likelihood, you want to ensure that the last network in the list is drive, so as to retain information about lanes, which is needed to calculate impervious area.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def prepare_street(
    bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float],
    addresses: FilePaths,
    target_crs: str,
    source_crs: str = "EPSG:4326",
    """Download and reproject street graph.

    Download the street graph within the bbox and reproject it to the UTM zone.
    The street graph is downloaded for all network types in network_types. The
    street graph is saved to the addresses.bbox_paths.street directory.

        bbox (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Bounding box coordinates in
            the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in EPSG:4326.
        addresses (FilePaths): Class containing the addresses of the directories.
        target_crs (str): Target CRS to reproject the graph to.
        source_crs (str): Source CRS of the graph.
        network_types (list): List of network types to download. For duplicate
            edges, nx.compose_all selects the attributes in priority of last to
            first. In likelihood, you want to ensure that the last network in
            the list is `drive`, so as to retain information about `lanes`,
            which is needed to calculate impervious area.
    if addresses.bbox_paths.street.exists():
        return"downloading network to {addresses.bbox_paths.street}")
    if "drive" in network_types and network_types[-1] != "drive":
            """The last network type should be `drive` to retain 
                        `lanes` attribute, needed to calculate impervious area.
                        Moving it to the last position."""
    networks = []
    for network_type in network_types:
        network = prepare_data.download_street(bbox, network_type=network_type)
        nx.set_edge_attributes(network, network_type, "network_type")
    street_network = nx.compose_all(networks)

    # Reproject graph
    street_network = go.reproject_graph(street_network, source_crs, target_crs)

    gu.save_graph(street_network, addresses.bbox_paths.street)

run_downloads(bbox, addresses, network_types=['drive'])

Run the data downloads.

Run the precipitation, elevation, building, street and river network downloads. If the data already exists, do not download it again. Reprojects data to the UTM zone.


Name Type Description Default
bbox tuple[float, float, float, float]

Bounding box coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in EPSG:4326.

addresses FilePaths

Class containing the addresses of the directories.

network_types list

List of network types to download.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def run_downloads(
    bbox: tuple[float, float, float, float],
    addresses: FilePaths,
    """Run the data downloads.

    Run the precipitation, elevation, building, street and river network
    downloads. If the data already exists, do not download it again. Reprojects
    data to the UTM zone.

        bbox (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Bounding box coordinates in
            the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) in EPSG:4326.
        addresses (FilePaths): Class containing the addresses of the directories.
        network_types (list): List of network types to download.
    target_crs = go.get_utm_epsg(bbox[0], bbox[1])

    # Download precipitation data
    # Currently commented because it doesn't work
    # prepare_precipitation(bbox, addresses, api_keys, target_crs)

    # Download elevation data
    prepare_elevation(bbox, addresses, target_crs)

    # Download building data
    prepare_building(bbox, addresses, target_crs)

    # Download street network data
    prepare_street(bbox, addresses, target_crs, network_types=network_types)

    # Download river network data
    prepare_river(bbox, addresses, target_crs)

write_df(df, fid)

Write a DataFrame to a file.

Write a DataFrame to a file. The file type is determined by the file extension.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

DataFrame to write to a file.

fid Path

Path to the file.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def write_df(df: pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame, fid: Path):
    """Write a DataFrame to a file.

    Write a DataFrame to a file. The file type is determined by the file

        df (DataFrame): DataFrame to write to a file.
        fid (Path): Path to the file.
    if fid.suffix in (".geoparquet", ".parquet"):
    elif fid.suffix in (".geojson", ".json"):
        if isinstance(df, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
            df.to_file(fid, driver="GeoJSON")