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Reference for SWMManywhere/

Metric utilities module for SWMManywhere.

A module for metrics, the metrics registry object and utilities for calculating metrics (such as NSE or timeseries data alignment) used in SWMManywhere.


Bases: dict

Registry object.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
class MetricRegistry(dict):
    """Registry object."""

    def _log_completion(self, func):
        def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
  "{func.__name__} completed")
            return result

        return _wrapper

    def register(self, func: Callable) -> Callable:
        """Register a metric."""
        if func.__name__ in self:
            raise ValueError(f"{func.__name__} already in the metric registry!")

        allowable_params = {
            "synthetic_results": pd.DataFrame,
            "real_results": pd.DataFrame,
            "synthetic_subs": gpd.GeoDataFrame,
            "real_subs": gpd.GeoDataFrame,
            "synthetic_G": nx.Graph,
            "real_G": nx.Graph,
            "metric_evaluation": MetricEvaluation,

        # Use get_type_hints to resolve annotations,
        # considering 'from __future__ import annotations'
        type_hints = get_type_hints(func)

        for param, annotation in type_hints.items():
            if param in ("kwargs", "return"):
            if param not in allowable_params:
                raise ValueError(f"{param} of {func.__name__} not allowed.")
            if annotation != allowable_params[param]:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"""{param} of {func.__name__} should be of
                                 type {allowable_params[param]}, not 
        self[func.__name__] = self._log_completion(func)
        return func

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Get a metric from the graphfcn dict."""
            return self[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(f"{name} NOT in the metric registry!")


Get a metric from the graphfcn dict.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def __getattr__(self, name):
    """Get a metric from the graphfcn dict."""
        return self[name]
    except KeyError:
        raise AttributeError(f"{name} NOT in the metric registry!")


Register a metric.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def register(self, func: Callable) -> Callable:
    """Register a metric."""
    if func.__name__ in self:
        raise ValueError(f"{func.__name__} already in the metric registry!")

    allowable_params = {
        "synthetic_results": pd.DataFrame,
        "real_results": pd.DataFrame,
        "synthetic_subs": gpd.GeoDataFrame,
        "real_subs": gpd.GeoDataFrame,
        "synthetic_G": nx.Graph,
        "real_G": nx.Graph,
        "metric_evaluation": MetricEvaluation,

    # Use get_type_hints to resolve annotations,
    # considering 'from __future__ import annotations'
    type_hints = get_type_hints(func)

    for param, annotation in type_hints.items():
        if param in ("kwargs", "return"):
        if param not in allowable_params:
            raise ValueError(f"{param} of {func.__name__} not allowed.")
        if annotation != allowable_params[param]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"""{param} of {func.__name__} should be of
                             type {allowable_params[param]}, not 
    self[func.__name__] = self._log_completion(func)
    return func

align_by_id(synthetic_results, real_results, variable, syn_ids, real_ids)

Align and interpolate data by id.

Aggregate synthetic and real results by date for specifics ids (i.e., sum up over all ids - so we are only comparing timeseries for one aggregation). Align the synthetic and real dates. In cases where the synthetic data is does not overlap the real data, the value is interpolated.


Name Type Description Default
synthetic_results DataFrame

The synthetic results.

real_results DataFrame

The real results.

variable str

The variable to align and calculate coef_func for.

syn_ids list

The ids of the synthetic data to subselect for.

real_ids list

The ids of the real data to subselect for.

coef_func Callable

The coefficient to calculate. Defaults to nse.



Type Description

pd.DataFrame: The aligned and interpolated data.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def align_by_id(
    synthetic_results: pd.DataFrame,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame,
    variable: str,
    syn_ids: list,
    real_ids: list,
    """Align and interpolate data by id.

    Aggregate synthetic and real results by date for specifics ids (i.e., sum
    up over all ids - so we are only comparing timeseries for one aggregation).
    Align the synthetic and real dates. In cases where the synthetic
    data is does not overlap the real data, the value is interpolated.

        synthetic_results (pd.DataFrame): The synthetic results.
        real_results (pd.DataFrame): The real results.
        variable (str): The variable to align and calculate coef_func for.
        syn_ids (list): The ids of the synthetic data to subselect for.
        real_ids (list): The ids of the real data to subselect for.
        coef_func (Callable, optional): The coefficient to calculate.
            Defaults to nse.

        pd.DataFrame: The aligned and interpolated data.
    synthetic_results = synthetic_results.copy()
    real_results = real_results.copy()

    # Format dates
    synthetic_results["date"] = pd.to_datetime(synthetic_results["date"])
    real_results["date"] = pd.to_datetime(real_results["date"])

    # Help alignment
    synthetic_results["id"] = synthetic_results["id"].astype(str)
    real_results["id"] = real_results["id"].astype(str)
    syn_ids = [str(x) for x in syn_ids]
    real_ids = [str(x) for x in real_ids]

    # Extract data
    syn_data = extract_var(synthetic_results, variable)
    syn_data = syn_data.loc[syn_data["id"].isin(syn_ids)]
    syn_data = syn_data.groupby("date").value.sum()

    real_data = extract_var(real_results, variable)
    real_data = real_data.loc[real_data["id"].isin(real_ids)]
    real_data = real_data.groupby("date").value.sum()

    # Align data
    df = pd.merge(
        suffixes=("_syn", "_real"),

    # Interpolate to time in real data
    df["value_syn"] = df.value_syn.interpolate().to_numpy()
    df = df.dropna(subset=["value_real"])

    return df

align_by_shape(var, synthetic_results, real_results, shapes, synthetic_G, real_G, key='sub_id')

Align by subcatchment.

Align synthetic and real results by shape and return the results. If multiple ids exist in the same shape, these are aggregated by sum.


Name Type Description Default
var str

The variable to align.

synthetic_results DataFrame

The synthetic results.

real_results DataFrame

The real results.

shapes GeoDataFrame

The shapes to align by (e.g., grid or real_subs).

synthetic_G Graph

The synthetic graph.

real_G Graph

The real graph.

key str

The column to align by.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def align_by_shape(
    synthetic_results: pd.DataFrame,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame,
    shapes: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    synthetic_G: nx.Graph,
    real_G: nx.Graph,
    key: str = "sub_id",
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Align by subcatchment.

    Align synthetic and real results by shape and return the results. If multiple
    ids exist in the same shape, these are aggregated by sum.

        var (str): The variable to align.
        synthetic_results (pd.DataFrame): The synthetic results.
        real_results (pd.DataFrame): The real results.
        shapes (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The shapes to align by (e.g., grid or real_subs).
        synthetic_G (nx.Graph): The synthetic graph.
        real_G (nx.Graph): The real graph.
        key (str): The column to align by.
    synthetic_joined = nodes_to_subs(synthetic_G, shapes)
    real_joined = nodes_to_subs(real_G, shapes)

    # Extract data
    real_results = extract_var(real_results, var)
    synthetic_results = extract_var(synthetic_results, var)

    # Format to help alignment
    real_results["id"] = real_results["id"].astype(str)
    synthetic_results["id"] = synthetic_results["id"].astype(str)
    real_joined["id"] = real_joined["id"].astype(str)
    synthetic_joined["id"] = synthetic_joined["id"].astype(str)

    # Align data
    synthetic_results = pd.merge(
        synthetic_results, synthetic_joined[["id", key]], on="id"
    synthetic_gb = synthetic_results.groupby(["date", key]).value.sum().reset_index()
    real_results = pd.merge(real_results, real_joined[["id", key]], on="id")
    real_gb = real_results.groupby(["date", key]).value.sum().reset_index()
    results = pd.merge(
        real_gb[["date", key, "value"]],
        synthetic_gb[["date", key, "value"]],
        on=["date", key],
        suffixes=("_real", "_syn"),

    syn_interp = (
        .apply(func=lambda x: x.set_index("date")[["value_syn"]].interpolate())
    results = pd.merge(
        results.drop("value_syn", axis=1), syn_interp, on=["sub_id", "date"]
    results = results.dropna(subset=["value_real"])

    return results

best_outfall_match(synthetic_G, real_subs)

Best outfall match.

Identify the outfall with the most nodes within the real_subs and return the subgraph of the synthetic graph of nodes that drain to that outfall.


Name Type Description Default
synthetic_G Graph

The synthetic graph.

real_subs GeoDataFrame

The real subcatchments.



Name Type Description

nx.Graph: The subgraph of the synthetic graph for the outfall with the most nodes within the real_subs. Empty if no match is made.

int int | None

The id of the outfall. None if no outfall is found.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def best_outfall_match(
    synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame
) -> tuple[nx.Graph, int | None]:
    """Best outfall match.

    Identify the outfall with the most nodes within the real_subs and return the
    subgraph of the synthetic graph of nodes that drain to that outfall.

        synthetic_G (nx.Graph): The synthetic graph.
        real_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The real subcatchments.

        nx.Graph: The subgraph of the synthetic graph for the outfall with the
            most nodes within the real_subs. Empty if no match is made.
        int: The id of the outfall. None if no outfall is found.
    nodes_joined = nodes_to_subs(synthetic_G, real_subs)

    if nodes_joined.shape[0] == 0:
        return (nx.Graph(), None)

    # Select the most common outfall
    outfall = nodes_joined.outfall.value_counts().idxmax()

    # Subselect the matching graph
    outfall_nodes = [
        n for n, d in synthetic_G.nodes(data=True) if d.get("outfall", None) == outfall
    sg = create_subgraph(synthetic_G, outfall_nodes)
    return sg, outfall

bias_flood_depth(synthetic_results, real_results, synthetic_subs, real_subs, **kwargs)

Run the evaluated metric.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def bias_flood_depth(
    synthetic_results: pd.DataFrame,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame,
    synthetic_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    real_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric."""

    def _f(x):
        return np.trapz(x.value, x.duration)

    syn_flooding = extract_var(synthetic_results, "flooding").groupby("id").apply(_f)
    syn_area = synthetic_subs.impervious_area.sum()
    syn_tot = syn_flooding.sum() / syn_area

    real_flooding = extract_var(real_results, "flooding").groupby("id").apply(_f)
    real_area = real_subs.impervious_area.sum()
    real_tot = real_flooding.sum() / real_area

    return (syn_tot - real_tot) / real_tot

create_grid(bbox, scale)

Create a grid of polygons.

Create a grid of polygons based on the bounding box and scale.


Name Type Description Default
bbox tuple

The bounding box coordinates in the format (minx, miny, maxx, maxy).

scale float | tuple

The scale of the grid. If a tuple, the scale is (dx, dy). Otherwise, the scale is dx = dy = scale.



Type Description

gpd.GeoDataFrame: A geodataframe of the grid.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def create_grid(bbox: tuple, scale: float | tuple[float, float]) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
    """Create a grid of polygons.

    Create a grid of polygons based on the bounding box and scale.

        bbox (tuple): The bounding box coordinates in the format (minx, miny,
            maxx, maxy).
        scale (float | tuple): The scale of the grid. If a tuple, the scale is
            (dx, dy). Otherwise, the scale is dx = dy = scale.

        gpd.GeoDataFrame: A geodataframe of the grid.
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = bbox

    if isinstance(scale, tuple):
        if len(scale) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"""Scale must be a float or a tuple of length 2., 
                              instead of length: {len(scale)}"""
        dx, dy = scale
    elif isinstance(scale, float) | isinstance(scale, int):
        dx = dy = scale
        raise ValueError(
            f"""Scale must be a float or a tuple of length 2, 
                         instead of type {type(scale)}"""
    xmins = np.arange(minx, maxx, dx)
    ymins = np.arange(miny, maxy, dy)
    grid = [
        {"geometry":, y, x + dx, y + dy), "sub_id": i}
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(product(xmins, ymins))

    return gpd.GeoDataFrame(grid)

create_subgraph(G, nodes)

Create a subgraph.

Create a subgraph of G based on the nodes list. Taken from networkx documentation:


Name Type Description Default
G Graph

The original graph.

nodes list

The list of nodes to include in the subgraph.



Type Description

nx.Graph: The subgraph.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def create_subgraph(G: nx.Graph, nodes: list) -> nx.Graph:
    """Create a subgraph.

    Create a subgraph of G based on the nodes list. Taken from networkx

        G (nx.Graph): The original graph.
        nodes (list): The list of nodes to include in the subgraph.

        nx.Graph: The subgraph.
    # Create a subgraph SG based on a (possibly multigraph) G
    SG = G.__class__()
    SG.add_nodes_from((n, G.nodes[n]) for n in nodes)
    if SG.is_multigraph():
            (n, nbr, key, d)
            for n, nbrs in G.adj.items()
            if n in nodes
            for nbr, keydict in nbrs.items()
            if nbr in nodes
            for key, d in keydict.items()
            (n, nbr, d)
            for n, nbrs in G.adj.items()
            if n in nodes
            for nbr, d in nbrs.items()
            if nbr in nodes
    return SG

dominant_outfall(G, results)

Dominant outfall.

Identify the outfall with highest flow along it and return the subgraph of the graph of nodes that drain to that outfall.


Name Type Description Default
G DiGraph

The graph.

results DataFrame

The results, which include a 'flow' and 'id' column.



Name Type Description

nx.Graph: The subgraph of nodes/arcs that the reach max flow outfall

int int

The id of the outfall.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def dominant_outfall(G: nx.DiGraph, results: pd.DataFrame) -> tuple[nx.DiGraph, int]:
    """Dominant outfall.

    Identify the outfall with highest flow along it and return the
    subgraph of the graph of nodes that drain to that outfall.

        G (nx.DiGraph): The graph.
        results (pd.DataFrame): The results, which include a 'flow' and 'id'

        nx.Graph: The subgraph of nodes/arcs that the reach max flow outfall
        int: The id of the outfall.
    # Identify outfalls of the graph
    outfalls = [n for n, outdegree in G.out_degree() if outdegree == 0]
    outfall_arcs = [d["id"] for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True) if v in outfalls]

    # Identify the outfall with the highest flow
    outfall_flows = results.loc[
        (results.variable == "flow") & (results["id"].isin(outfall_arcs))
    max_outfall_arc = outfall_flows.groupby("id").value.median().idxmax()
    max_outfall = [v for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True) if d["id"] == max_outfall_arc][0]

    # Subselect the matching graph
    sg = create_subgraph(G, nx.ancestors(G, max_outfall) | {max_outfall})
    return sg, max_outfall

edge_betweenness_centrality(G, normalized=True, weight='weight', njobs=-1)

Parallel betweenness centrality function.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def edge_betweenness_centrality(
    G: nx.Graph,
    normalized: bool = True,
    weight: Optional[str] = "weight",
    njobs: int = -1,
    """Parallel betweenness centrality function."""
    njobs = 1  # joblib.cpu_count(True) if njobs == -1 else njobs #TODO hotfix
    node_chunks = tlz.partition_all(G.order() // njobs, G.nodes())
    bt_func = tlz.partial(
        nx.edge_betweenness_centrality_subset, G=G, normalized=normalized, weight=weight
    bt_sc = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=njobs)(
        joblib.delayed(bt_func)(sources=nodes, targets=G.nodes())
        for nodes in node_chunks

    # Merge the betweenness centrality results
    bt_c: dict[int, float] = defaultdict(float)
    for bt in bt_sc:
        for n, v in bt.items():
            bt_c[n] += v
    return bt_c

extract_var(df, var)

Extract var from a dataframe.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def extract_var(df: pd.DataFrame, var: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Extract var from a dataframe."""
    df_ = df.loc[df.variable == var].copy()
    df_.loc[:, "duration"] = ( -
    return df_

grid(synthetic_results, synthetic_subs, synthetic_G, real_results, real_subs, real_G, metric_evaluation, var, coef_func)

Grid scale metric.

Classify synthetic nodes to a grid and calculate the coef_func of a variable over time for each grid cell. The metric produced is the median coef_func across all grid cells.


Name Type Description Default
synthetic_results DataFrame

The synthetic results.

synthetic_subs GeoDataFrame

The synthetic subcatchments.

synthetic_G Graph

The synthetic graph.

real_results DataFrame

The real results.

real_subs GeoDataFrame

The real subcatchments.

real_G Graph

The real graph.

metric_evaluation MetricEvaluation

The metric evaluation parameters.

var str

The variable to calculate the coefficient for.

coef_func Callable

The coefficient to calculate.



Name Type Description

The median coef_func value.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def grid(
    synthetic_results: pd.DataFrame,
    synthetic_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    synthetic_G: nx.Graph,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame,
    real_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    real_G: nx.Graph,
    metric_evaluation: MetricEvaluation,
    var: str,
    coef_func: Callable,
    """Grid scale metric.

    Classify synthetic nodes to a grid and calculate the coef_func of a variable over
    time for each grid cell. The metric produced is the median coef_func across all
    grid cells.

        synthetic_results (pd.DataFrame): The synthetic results.
        synthetic_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The synthetic subcatchments.
        synthetic_G (nx.Graph): The synthetic graph.
        real_results (pd.DataFrame): The real results.
        real_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The real subcatchments.
        real_G (nx.Graph): The real graph.
        metric_evaluation (MetricEvaluation): The metric evaluation parameters.
        var (str): The variable to calculate the coefficient for.
        coef_func (Callable): The coefficient to calculate.

        float: The median coef_func value.
    # Create a grid (GeoDataFrame of polygons)
    scale = metric_evaluation.grid_scale
    grid = create_grid(real_subs.total_bounds, scale) =

    # Align results
    results = align_by_shape(
    # Calculate coefficient
    return median_coef_by_group(results, "sub_id", coef_func=coef_func)

iterate_metrics(synthetic_results=None, synthetic_subs=None, synthetic_G=None, real_results=None, real_subs=None, real_G=None, metric_list=None, metric_evaluation=None)

Iterate a list of metrics over a graph.


Name Type Description Default
synthetic_results DataFrame | None

The synthetic results.

synthetic_subs GeoDataFrame | None

The synthetic subcatchments.

synthetic_G Graph | None

The synthetic graph.

real_results DataFrame | None

The real results.

real_subs GeoDataFrame | None

The real subcatchments.

real_G Graph | None

The real graph.

metric_list list[str] | None

A list of metrics to iterate.

metric_evaluation MetricEvaluation | None

The metric evaluation parameters.



Type Description
dict[str, float]

dict[str, float]: The results of the metrics.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def iterate_metrics(
    synthetic_results: pd.DataFrame | None = None,
    synthetic_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame | None = None,
    synthetic_G: nx.Graph | None = None,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame | None = None,
    real_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame | None = None,
    real_G: nx.Graph | None = None,
    metric_list: list[str] | None = None,
    metric_evaluation: MetricEvaluation | None = None,
) -> dict[str, float]:
    """Iterate a list of metrics over a graph.

        synthetic_results (pd.DataFrame | None): The synthetic results.
        synthetic_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame | None): The synthetic subcatchments.
        synthetic_G (nx.Graph | None): The synthetic graph.
        real_results (pd.DataFrame | None): The real results.
        real_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame | None): The real subcatchments.
        real_G (nx.Graph | None): The real graph.
        metric_list (list[str] | None): A list of metrics to iterate.
        metric_evaluation (MetricEvaluation | None): The metric evaluation parameters.

        dict[str, float]: The results of the metrics.
    if metric_list is None:
        return {}


    kwargs = {
        "synthetic_results": synthetic_results,
        "synthetic_subs": synthetic_subs,
        "synthetic_G": synthetic_G,
        "real_results": real_results,
        "real_subs": real_subs,
        "real_G": real_G,
        "metric_evaluation": metric_evaluation,

    return {m: metrics[m](**kwargs) for m in metric_list}

kge(y, yhat)

Calculate the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) between simulated and observed data.

Calculate KGE with the 2009 formulation: $$ KGE = 1 - \sqrt{ (r - 1)^2 + (\frac{\sigma_{sim}}{\sigma_{obs}} - 1)^2 + (\frac{\mu_{sim}}{\mu_{obs}} - 1)^2 } $$


  • \(r\) is the correlation coefficient between observed and simulated value,
  • \(\sigma_{sim}\) and \(\sigma_{obs}\) are the standard deviations of the simulated and observed value, respectively,
  • \(\mu_{sim}\) and \(\mu_{obs}\) are the means of the simulated and observed value, respectively.


Name Type Description Default
y array

Observed data array.

yhat array

Simulated data array.



Name Type Description
float float

The KGE value.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def kge(y: np.ndarray, yhat: np.ndarray) -> float:
    r"""Calculate the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) between simulated and observed data.

    Calculate KGE with the 2009 formulation:
    KGE = 1 -
        \sqrt{ (r - 1)^2 +
               (\frac{\sigma_{sim}}{\sigma_{obs}} - 1)^2 +
               (\frac{\mu_{sim}}{\mu_{obs}} - 1)^2


    - $r$ is the correlation coefficient between observed and simulated value,
    - $\sigma_{sim}$ and $\sigma_{obs}$ are the standard deviations of the
        simulated and observed value, respectively,
    - $\mu_{sim}$ and $\mu_{obs}$ are the means of the simulated and observed
        value, respectively.

        y (np.array): Observed data array.
        yhat (np.array): Simulated data array.

        float: The KGE value.
    if (np.std(y) == 0) | (np.mean(y) == 0):
        return np.inf
    if np.std(yhat) == 0:
        r = 0
        r = np.corrcoef(yhat, y)[0, 1]
    alpha = np.std(yhat) / np.std(y)
    beta = np.mean(yhat) / np.mean(y)
    kge = 1 - np.sqrt((r - 1) ** 2 + (alpha - 1) ** 2 + (beta - 1) ** 2)
    return kge

kstest_betweenness(synthetic_G, real_G, **kwargs)

Run the evaluated metric.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def kstest_betweenness(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric."""
    syn_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(synthetic_G, weight=None)
    real_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(real_G, weight=None)

    # TODO does it make more sense to use statistic or pvalue?
    return stats.ks_2samp(
        list(syn_betweenness.values()), list(real_betweenness.values())

kstest_edge_betweenness(synthetic_G, real_G, **kwargs)

Run the evaluated metric.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def kstest_edge_betweenness(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric."""
    syn_betweenness = edge_betweenness_centrality(synthetic_G, weight=None)
    real_betweenness = edge_betweenness_centrality(real_G, weight=None)

    # TODO does it make more sense to use statistic or pvalue?
    return stats.ks_2samp(
        list(syn_betweenness.values()), list(real_betweenness.values())

median_coef_by_group(results, gb_key, coef_func=nse)

Median coef_func value by group.

Calculate the median coef_func value of a variable over time for each group in the results dataframe, and return the median of these values. Assumes that the results dataframe has a 'value_real' and 'value_syn' and that these properly line up.


Name Type Description Default
results DataFrame

The results dataframe.

gb_key str

The column to group by.

coef_func Callable

The coefficient to calculate. Default is nse.



Name Type Description
float float

The median coef_func value.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def median_coef_by_group(
    results: pd.DataFrame, gb_key: str, coef_func: Callable = nse
) -> float:
    """Median coef_func value by group.

    Calculate the median coef_func value of a variable over time
    for each group in the results dataframe, and return the median of these
    values. Assumes that the results dataframe has a 'value_real' and 'value_syn'
    and that these properly line up.

        results (pd.DataFrame): The results dataframe.
        gb_key (str): The column to group by.
        coef_func (Callable): The coefficient to calculate. Default is nse.

        float: The median coef_func value.
    val = results.groupby(gb_key).apply(lambda x: coef_func(x.value_real, x.value_syn))
    val = val[np.isfinite(val)]
    return val.median()


Create a metric function.

A factory function to create a metric function based on the name. The first part of the name is the scale, the second part is the metric, and the third part is the variable. For example, 'grid_nse_flooding' is a metric function that calculates the NSE of flooding at the grid scale.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the metric.



Name Type Description

The metric function.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def metric_factory(name: str):
    """Create a metric function.

    A factory function to create a metric function based on the name. The first
    part of the name is the scale, the second part is the metric, and the third
    part is the variable. For example, 'grid_nse_flooding' is a metric function
    that calculates the NSE of flooding at the grid scale.

        name (str): The name of the metric.

        Callable: The metric function.
    # Split the name
    parts = name.split("_")
    if len(parts) != 3:
        raise ValueError("Invalid metric name. Expected 'scale_metric_variable'")
    scale, metric, variable = parts

    # Get coefficient
    coef_func = coef_registry[metric]

    # Get scale
    func = scale_registry[scale]

    # Validate the metric
    for restriction in restriction_registry.values():
        restriction(scale, metric, variable)

    # Create the metric function
    def new_metric(**kwargs):
        return func(coef_func=coef_func, var=variable, **kwargs)

    new_metric.__name__ = name
    return new_metric

nc_adjacency_dist(synthetic_G, real_G, **kwargs)

Run the evaluated metric.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nc_adjacency_dist(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric."""
    return nc_compare(

nc_compare(G1, G2, funcname, **kw)

Compare two graphs using netcomp.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nc_compare(G1, G2, funcname, **kw):
    """Compare two graphs using netcomp."""
    A1, A2 = [nx.adjacency_matrix(G) for G in (G1, G2)]
    return getattr(netcomp, funcname)(A1, A2, **kw)

nc_deltacon0(synthetic_G, real_G, **kwargs)

Run the evaluated metric.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nc_deltacon0(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric."""
    return nc_compare(synthetic_G, real_G, "deltacon0", eps=1e-10)

nc_laplacian_dist(synthetic_G, real_G, **kwargs)

Run the evaluated metric.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nc_laplacian_dist(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric."""
    return nc_compare(synthetic_G, real_G, "lambda_dist", k=None, kind="laplacian")

nc_laplacian_norm_dist(synthetic_G, real_G, **kwargs)

Run the evaluated metric.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nc_laplacian_norm_dist(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric."""
    return nc_compare(

nc_resistance_distance(synthetic_G, real_G, **kwargs)

Run the evaluated metric.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nc_resistance_distance(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric."""
    return nc_compare(

nc_vertex_edge_distance(synthetic_G, real_G, **kwargs)

Run the evaluated metric.

Do '1 -' because this metric is similarity not distance.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nc_vertex_edge_distance(synthetic_G: nx.Graph, real_G: nx.Graph, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Run the evaluated metric.

    Do '1 -' because this metric is similarity not distance.
    return 1 - nc_compare(synthetic_G, real_G, "vertex_edge_distance")

nodes_to_subs(G, subs)

Nodes to subcatchments.

Classify the nodes of the graph to the subcatchments of the subs dataframe.


Name Type Description Default
G Graph

The graph.

subs GeoDataFrame

The subcatchments.



Type Description

gpd.GeoDataFrame: A dataframe from the nodes and data, and the subcatchment information, distinguished by the column 'sub_id'.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nodes_to_subs(G: nx.Graph, subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
    """Nodes to subcatchments.

    Classify the nodes of the graph to the subcatchments of the subs dataframe.

        G (nx.Graph): The graph.
        subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The subcatchments.

        gpd.GeoDataFrame: A dataframe from the nodes and data, and the
            subcatchment information, distinguished by the column 'sub_id'.
    nodes_df = pd.DataFrame([{"id": x, **d} for x, d in G.nodes(data=True)])
    nodes_joined = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
        geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(nodes_df.x, nodes_df.y),
    ).sjoin(subs.rename(columns={"id": "sub_id"}), how="inner", predicate="within")
    return nodes_joined

nse(y, yhat)

Calculate Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE).

Calculate the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE):

\[ NSE = 1 - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (Q_{obs,i} - Q_{sim,i})^2} {\sum_{i=1}^{n} (Q_{obs,i} - \overline{Q}_{obs})^2} \]


  • \(Q_{obs,i}\) is the observed value at time \(i\),
  • \(Q_{sim,i}\) is the simulated value at time \(i\),
  • \(\overline{Q}_{obs}\) is the mean observed value over the simulation period,
  • \(n\) is the number of time steps in the simulation period.


Name Type Description Default
y array

Observed data array.

yhat array

Simulated data array.



Name Type Description
float float

The NSE value.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def nse(y: np.ndarray, yhat: np.ndarray) -> float:
    r"""Calculate Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE).

    Calculate the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE):

    NSE = 1 - \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (Q_{obs,i} - Q_{sim,i})^2}
                   {\sum_{i=1}^{n} (Q_{obs,i} - \overline{Q}_{obs})^2}


    - $Q_{obs,i}$ is the observed value at time $i$,
    - $Q_{sim,i}$ is the simulated value at time $i$,
    - $\overline{Q}_{obs}$ is the mean observed value over the simulation period,
    - $n$ is the number of time steps in the simulation period.

        y (np.array): Observed data array.
        yhat (np.array): Simulated data array.

        float: The NSE value.
    if np.std(y) == 0:
        return np.inf
    return 1 - np.sum(np.square(y - yhat)) / np.sum(np.square(y - np.mean(y)))

outfall(synthetic_results, synthetic_subs, synthetic_G, real_results, real_subs, real_G, metric_evaluation, var, coef_func)

Outfall scale metric.

Calculate the coefficient of a variable for the subgraph that drains to the dominant outfall node. The dominant outfall node of the 'real' network is calculated by dominant_outfall, while the dominant outfall node of the 'synthetic' network is calculated by best_outfall_match.


Name Type Description Default
synthetic_results DataFrame

The synthetic results.

synthetic_subs GeoDataFrame

The synthetic subcatchments.

synthetic_G Graph

The synthetic graph.

real_results DataFrame

The real results.

real_subs GeoDataFrame

The real subcatchments.

real_G Graph

The real graph.

metric_evaluation MetricEvaluation

The metric evaluation parameters.

var str

The variable to calculate the coefficient for.

coef_func Callable

The coefficient to calculate.



Name Type Description

The median coef_func value.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def outfall(
    synthetic_results: pd.DataFrame,
    synthetic_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    synthetic_G: nx.Graph,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame,
    real_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    real_G: nx.Graph,
    metric_evaluation: MetricEvaluation,
    var: str,
    coef_func: Callable,
    """Outfall scale metric.

    Calculate the coefficient of a variable for the subgraph that
    drains to the dominant outfall node. The dominant outfall node of the 'real'
    network is calculated by dominant_outfall, while the dominant outfall node of
    the 'synthetic' network is calculated by best_outfall_match.

        synthetic_results (pd.DataFrame): The synthetic results.
        synthetic_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The synthetic subcatchments.
        synthetic_G (nx.Graph): The synthetic graph.
        real_results (pd.DataFrame): The real results.
        real_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The real subcatchments.
        real_G (nx.Graph): The real graph.
        metric_evaluation (MetricEvaluation): The metric evaluation parameters.
        var (str): The variable to calculate the coefficient for.
        coef_func (Callable): The coefficient to calculate.

        float: The median coef_func value.
    # Identify synthetic and real arcs that flow into the best outfall node
    sg_syn, syn_outfall = best_outfall_match(synthetic_G, real_subs)
    if len(sg_syn.nodes) == 0:
        # No overlap exists
        return np.inf

    sg_real, real_outfall = dominant_outfall(real_G, real_results)

    allowable_var = ["nmanholes", "diameter", "npipes", "length", "flow", "flooding"]
    if var not in allowable_var:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid variable {var}. Can be {allowable_var}")

    if var == "nmanholes":
        # Calculate the coefficient based on the number of manholes
        return coef_func(
    if var == "npipes":
        # Calculate the coefficient based on the number of pipes
        return coef_func(
    if var == "length":
        # Calculate the coefficient based on the total length of the pipes
        return coef_func(
            np.array(sum(nx.get_edge_attributes(sg_real, var).values())),
            np.array(sum(nx.get_edge_attributes(sg_syn, var).values())),
    if var == "diameter":
        # Calculate the coefficient based on the average diameter of the pipes
        return coef_func(
            np.array(list(nx.get_edge_attributes(sg_real, var).values())),
            np.array(list(nx.get_edge_attributes(sg_syn, var).values())),
    if var == "flow":
        # Identify synthetic and real arcs that flow into the best outfall node
        syn_arc = [
            d["id"] for u, v, d in synthetic_G.edges(data=True) if v == syn_outfall
        real_arc = [d["id"] for u, v, d in real_G.edges(data=True) if v == real_outfall]
    elif var == "flooding":
        # Use all nodes in the subgraphs
        syn_arc = list(sg_syn.nodes)
        real_arc = list(sg_real.nodes)

    # Calculate the coefficient
    df = align_by_id(synthetic_results, real_results, var, syn_arc, real_arc)
    return coef_func(df.value_real, df.value_syn)

outfall_kstest_diameters(real_G, synthetic_G, real_results, real_subs, **kwargs)

Outfall KStest diameters.

Calculate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic of the diameters in the subgraph that drains to the dominant outfall node. The dominant outfall node of the 'real' network is calculated by dominant_outfall, while the dominant outfall node of the 'synthetic' network is calculated by best_outfall_match.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def outfall_kstest_diameters(
    real_G: nx.Graph,
    synthetic_G: nx.Graph,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame,
    real_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
) -> float:
    """Outfall KStest diameters.

    Calculate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic of the diameters in the subgraph
    that drains to the dominant outfall node. The dominant outfall node of the
    'real' network is calculated by dominant_outfall, while the dominant outfall
    node of the 'synthetic' network is calculated by best_outfall_match.
    # Identify synthetic and real outfall arcs
    sg_syn, _ = best_outfall_match(synthetic_G, real_subs)

    if len(sg_syn.nodes) == 0:
        # No overlap exists
        return np.inf

    sg_real, _ = dominant_outfall(real_G, real_results)

    # Extract the diameters
    syn_diameters = nx.get_edge_attributes(sg_syn, "diameter")
    real_diameters = nx.get_edge_attributes(sg_real, "diameter")
    return stats.ks_2samp(
        list(syn_diameters.values()), list(real_diameters.values())


Register a coefficient function.

Register a coefficient function to the coef_registry. The function should take two arguments, 'y' and 'yhat', and return a float. The function should be registered with the '@register_coef' decorator.


Name Type Description Default
coef_func Callable

The coefficient function to register.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def register_coef(coef_func: Callable):
    """Register a coefficient function.

    Register a coefficient function to the coef_registry. The function should
    take two arguments, 'y' and 'yhat', and return a float. The function should
    be registered with the '@register_coef' decorator.

        coef_func (Callable): The coefficient function to register.
    name = coef_func.__name__

    # Check if the function is already registered
    if name in coef_registry:
        raise ValueError(f"Coefficient function '{name}' already registered.")

    # Validate the function
    args = list(get_type_hints(coef_func).keys())
    if "y" != args[0] or "yhat" != args[1]:
        raise ValueError(f"Coef {coef_func.__name__} requires args ('y', 'yhat').")

    # Add the function to the registry
    coef_registry[name] = coef_func
    return coef_func


Register a restriction function.

Register a restriction function to the restriction_registry. A restriction allows for the restriction of certain combinations of variables within the metric_factory. The function should take three arguments, 'scale', 'metric', and 'variable', and should raise a ValueError if the combination is not allowed. The function should be registered with the '@register_restriction'.


Name Type Description Default
restriction_func Callable

The restriction function to register.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def register_restriction(restriction_func: Callable):
    """Register a restriction function.

    Register a restriction function to the restriction_registry. A restriction
    allows for the restriction of certain combinations of variables within the
    metric_factory. The function should take three arguments, 'scale', 'metric',
    and 'variable', and should raise a ValueError if the combination is not
    allowed. The function should be registered with the '@register_restriction'.

        restriction_func (Callable): The restriction function to register.
    name = restriction_func.__name__

    # Check if the function is already registered
    if name in restriction_registry:
        raise ValueError(f"Restriction function '{name}' already registered.")

    # Validate the restriction
    args = list(get_type_hints(restriction_func).keys())
    if args != ["scale", "metric", "variable"]:
        raise ValueError(
            f"""Restriction {restriction_func.__name__} requires 
                         args ('scale', 'metric', 'variable')."""

    # Add the function to the registry
    restriction_registry[name] = restriction_func
    return restriction_func


Register a scale function.

Register a scale function to the scale_registry. The function should take the same arguments as the scale functions and return a float. The function should be registered with the '@register_scale' decorator. A scale function is called as a metric, but with some additional arguments provided (i.e., the variable name and the coefficient function to use). The function should return a float.


Name Type Description Default
scale_func Callable

The scale function to register.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def register_scale(scale_func: Callable):
    """Register a scale function.

    Register a scale function to the scale_registry. The function should
    take the same arguments as the scale functions and return a float. The
    function should be registered with the '@register_scale' decorator. A scale
    function is called as a metric, but with some additional arguments provided
    (i.e., the variable name and the coefficient function to use). The function
    should return a float.

        scale_func (Callable): The scale function to register.
    name = scale_func.__name__

    # Check if the function is already registered
    if name in scale_registry:
        raise ValueError(f"Scale function '{name}' already registered.")

    # Validate the function
    args = list(get_type_hints(scale_func).keys())
    if args != [
        raise ValueError(
            f"""Scale {scale_func.__name__} requires args 
                         ('synthetic_results', 'synthetic_subs', 'synthetic_G', 
                         'real_results', 'real_subs', 'real_G', 
                         'metric_evaluation', 'var', 'coef_func')."""

    # Add the function to the registry
    scale_registry[name] = scale_func
    return scale_func

relerror(y, yhat)

Relative error, relerror.

Calculate the relative error:

\[ relerror = \frac{mean(synthetic) - mean(real)} {mean(real)} \]


  • \(synthetic\) is the synthetic data,
  • \(real\) is the real data,


Name Type Description Default
y ndarray

The real data.

yhat ndarray

The synthetic data.



Name Type Description
float float

The relerror value.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def relerror(y: np.ndarray, yhat: np.ndarray) -> float:
    r"""Relative error, relerror.

    Calculate the relative error:

    relerror = \frac{mean(synthetic) - mean(real)}


    - \(synthetic\) is the synthetic data,
    - \(real\) is the real data,

        y (np.ndarray): The real data.
        yhat (np.ndarray): The synthetic data.

        float: The relerror value.
    total_observed = y.mean()
    if total_observed == 0:
        return np.inf
    return (yhat.mean() - total_observed) / total_observed

restriction_on_metric(scale, metric, variable)

Restriction on metric.

Restrict the design variables to use 'relerror' only.


Name Type Description Default
scale str

The scale of the metric.

metric str

The metric.

variable str

The variable.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def restriction_on_metric(scale: str, metric: str, variable: str):
    """Restriction on metric.

    Restrict the design variables to use 'relerror' only.

        scale (str): The scale of the metric.
        metric (str): The metric.
        variable (str): The variable.
    if variable in ("length", "nmanholes", "npipes") and metric != "relerror":
        raise ValueError(f"Variable {variable} only valid with relerror metric")

restriction_on_scale(scale, metric, variable)

Restriction on scale.

Restrict the design variables to the outfall scale if the metric is 'relerror'.


Name Type Description Default
scale str

The scale of the metric.

metric str

The metric.

variable str

The variable.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def restriction_on_scale(scale: str, metric: str, variable: str):
    """Restriction on scale.

    Restrict the design variables to the outfall scale if the metric is 'relerror'.

        scale (str): The scale of the metric.
        metric (str): The metric.
        variable (str): The variable.
    if variable in ("length", "nmanholes", "npipes") and scale != "outfall":
        raise ValueError(f"Variable {variable} only supported at the outfall scale")

subcatchment(synthetic_results, synthetic_subs, synthetic_G, real_results, real_subs, real_G, metric_evaluation, var, coef_func)

Subcatchment scale metric.

Calculate the coefficient (coef_func) of a variable over time for aggregated to real subcatchment scale. The metric produced is the median coef_func across all subcatchments.


Name Type Description Default
synthetic_results DataFrame

The synthetic results.

synthetic_subs GeoDataFrame

The synthetic subcatchments.

synthetic_G Graph

The synthetic graph.

real_results DataFrame

The real results.

real_subs GeoDataFrame

The real subcatchments.

real_G Graph

The real graph.

metric_evaluation MetricEvaluation

The metric evaluation parameters.

var str

The variable to calculate the coefficient for.

coef_func Callable

The coefficient to calculate.



Name Type Description

The median coef_func value.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def subcatchment(
    synthetic_results: pd.DataFrame,
    synthetic_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    synthetic_G: nx.Graph,
    real_results: pd.DataFrame,
    real_subs: gpd.GeoDataFrame,
    real_G: nx.Graph,
    metric_evaluation: MetricEvaluation,
    var: str,
    coef_func: Callable,
    """Subcatchment scale metric.

    Calculate the coefficient (coef_func) of a variable over time for aggregated
    to real subcatchment scale. The metric produced is the median coef_func
    across all subcatchments.

        synthetic_results (pd.DataFrame): The synthetic results.
        synthetic_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The synthetic subcatchments.
        synthetic_G (nx.Graph): The synthetic graph.
        real_results (pd.DataFrame): The real results.
        real_subs (gpd.GeoDataFrame): The real subcatchments.
        real_G (nx.Graph): The real graph.
        metric_evaluation (MetricEvaluation): The metric evaluation parameters.
        var (str): The variable to calculate the coefficient for.
        coef_func (Callable): The coefficient to calculate.

        float: The median coef_func value.
    results = align_by_shape(

    return median_coef_by_group(results, "sub_id", coef_func=coef_func)


Validate a list of metrics.

Validate that all metrics in the metric list are registered.


Name Type Description Default
metric_list list[str]

A list of metrics to validate.



Type Description

If a metric is not registered.

Source code in swmmanywhere/
def validate_metric_list(metric_list: list[str]) -> None:
    """Validate a list of metrics.

    Validate that all metrics in the metric list are registered.

        metric_list (list[str]): A list of metrics to validate.

        ValueError: If a metric is not registered.
    not_exists = [m for m in metric_list if m not in metrics]
    if not_exists:
        raise ValueError(f"Metrics are not registered:\n{', '.join(not_exists)}")